Attachment Grant


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20090625-00794 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                                               E070098      SES—STA—20090625—00794          182009001746
                                               TerreStar License Inc.

                                                                                                                                  Approved by OMB


    APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
    Gateway station, Phase I IOT, initial 30 days (June 2009 refile)
        1. Applicant

                  Name:        TerreStar License Inc.              Phone Number:                           703—483—7800
                  DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:
                  Street:      12010 Sunset Hills Road             E—Mail:                       

                  City:        Reston                              State:        _                         VA
                  Country:     USA                                 Zipcode:                                20190       —
                  Attention:   Mr Douglas I Brandon

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                                                                                   SES—STh 9003500244
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All operations shall be on an unprotected and non—harmful interference basis, i.e.,
TerreStar License Inc. shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim
protection from, interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it
shall cease transmission(s) immediately upon notice of such interference.

                                                                               W it Ogvdifin
                                                                      Fie #SESStA 24A P loaSaMf

                                                                      Call Sign6O200L Grant Date jZZ/QéQ
                                                                      (or other identifier)
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                                                                                              Slerih   ) aqu
                                                                                              d\,%’o I,(j Branch

2. Contact

             Name:         Joseph A. Godles, Esq.               Phone Number:                         202—429—4900
             Company:       Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                               202—429—4912
             Street:        1229 19th Street, NW                E—Mail:                     

             City:         Washington                           State:                                 DC
             Country:      USA                                  Zipcode:                              20036       —2413
             Attention:                                         Relationship:                          Legal Counsel

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter eitherthe file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
 3. Reference File Number SESLIC2007053000732 or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.          If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
(e Governmental Entity       C Noncommercial educational licensee
(e Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

gty Use Prior to Grant                              (e] Change Station Location                       ) Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date
7. CityNorth Las Vegas                                                     8. Latitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)   36   14    9.9    N

9. State   NV                                                                10. Longitude
                                                                             (dd mmss.s h)      115   7    1.3   W
11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: STA                                   Attachment 2:                                      Attachment 3:

12. Description.     (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please.go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
    Applicant hereby requests Special Temporary Authority for 30 days,                                           commencing July 1,
     2009,      in accordance with the details of the attached exhibit,                                   in order to conduct in—orbit
     testing       (I0OT)   of the TerreStar—1 satellite using its gateway earth station facility
     licensed under Call Sign E0O70098.                      (The instant request is being submitted to replace an

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is                 Yes        4 No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                   15. Title of Person Signing
  Douglas I Brandon                                                             General Counsel and Senior Vice President
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

12. Description

Applicant hereby requests Special Temporary Authority for 30 days,     commencing July 1,   2009%,   in
accordance with the details of the attached exhibit,     in order to conduct in—orbit testing    (I0T)    of
the TerreStar—1 satellite using its gateway earth station facility licenged under Call Sign
EO70098.      (The instant request is being submitted to replace an original request submitted as SES—
STA—20090522—00647,    which has been withdrawn.)

                                                                                       Exhibit 1


       TerreStar License Inc. ("TerreStar"), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s rules, hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to
conduct in—orbit testing ("IOT") of the TerreStar—1 satellite in the manner
described below. This STA request covers IOT operations during the first of two
IOT phases. During Phase I, IOT will be conducted in the United States via the
following three facilities: (1) TerreStar—1, a Canadian—licensed satellite as to
which TerreStar holds a letter of intent ("LOI") authorization (Call Sign $2633) to
serve the United States; (2) the 6.3—m and 9.3—m antennas associated with
TerreStar‘s licensed gateway earth station located in North Las Vegas, Nevada
(Call Sign E070098) (all gateway IOT transmission and reception will be via the
9.3—m antenna with the exception of the telecommand transmissions on 13.7505
and 13.7525GHz, which will be via the 6.3—m antenna); and (3) an unlicensed 1.8—
m mobile earth terminal ("MET")" that will be co—located with TerreStar‘s North
Las Vegas gateway earth station. Phase I IOT also will be conducted via
TerreStar‘s other gateway earth station, which has been licensed by Industry
Canada and is located at Allan Park, Ontario, Canada.

        This exhibit describes the operational parameters during Phase I IOT for
all three facilities that will be used to conduct IOT in the United States. A copy of
this exhibit accompanies each of the STA requests TerreStar is filing in
connection with Phase I IOT. The STA request form this exhibit is attached to
identifies, for each Phase I IOT STA request: (1) the time period for which an
STA is sought; and (2) the facility for which an STA is sought.

       Based on discussions with the FCC‘s staff, and in light of the fact that no
ECC radio license has been issued for TerreStar—1, TerreStar is not filing any
request for special temporary authority for the satellite in connection with IOT.
Rather, TerreStar is identifying in the IOT STA requests relating to TerreStar‘s
gateway earth station in North Las Vegas the parameters for TerreStar—1‘s
operations during IOT that deviate from the parameters on which the LOI
authorization for TerreStar—1 are based.

* The instant requests for Special Temporary Authority are being filed as replacements for
original requests submitted as SES—STA—20090522—00643 and SES—STA—20090522—00647, in order to
correct a technical detail as it relates to the proposed operation of TerreStar‘s gateway antennas.
(Those referenced applications have been withdrawn.) The instant requests do not contemplate
any changes to the proposed operation of the other, non—gateway antenna facilities.
1 The 1.8—m MET, which will operate in a temporary fixed mode, uses a custom antenna that is
designed for the express purpose of testing service link performance on TerreStar—1. The 1.8—m
MET is entirely different from the MET handsets that will be used by TerreStar‘s customers.

                                                                         Exhibit 1

       STA is required because the technical operations required for IOT go
beyond the operations authorized by TerreStar‘s FCC licenses and
authorizations. In particular, TerreStar requires authority for the following
operations that are not already authorized:

             Q TerreStar—1: Use of unmodulated (CW) carriers not covered by
               the LOI authorization and use of power levels higher than are
               authorized by the LOI authorization

             Q NLV gateway: Use of 13.7505 GHz and 13.7525 GHz
                 contingency telecommand carriers via the 6.3—m gateway
                 antenna (the gateway license limits use of these frequencies to
                 periods during which on—station telecommand operations
                 cannot be conducted in the 12.75—13.0 GHz frequency band and
                 requires an STA if the contingency on—station telecommand
                 carriers will be used for more than five consecutive days)

             O NLV gateway: Use of unmodulated (CW) carriers in the 12.75—
               13.25 GHz band that are not covered by the license and use of
               power levels higher than are authorized by the license (this STA
               request includes a Comsearch report reflecting temporary
               coordination of the unmodulated carriers)

             O NLV gateway: Use of higher power and wider bandwidth for
               12.751 and 12.999 GHz command carriers than is authorized by
               the license and corresponding changes to the emission
                 designators for the carriers. The EIRP, EIRP density, and
                 bandwidth of these command carriers have been increased to 72
                 dBW, 48.8 dBW, and 832 kHz, respectively, from what is
                 currently licensed. (this STA request includes a Comsearch
                 report reflecting temporary coordination of the higher power
                 and wider bandwidth)

             D NLV gateway: Feeder link transmissions on discrete
               frequencies in the upper half of the 12.75—13.25 GHz band (the
               gateway license authorizes transmissions only in the lower half
               of the band; this STA request includes a Comsearch report
               reflecting temporary coordination of the additional frequencies)

              Q NLV gateway: Use of a different polarization and higher power
                for the 12.992 GHz CW pilot signal than is authorized by the
                license (the license shows right hand polarization; left hand
                polarization will be used). The EIRP and EIRP density of the

                                                                          Exhibit 1

                 pilot signal has been increased to 80 dBW from what is
                 currently licensed (this STA request includes a Comsearch
                 report reflecting temporary coordination of the CW carriers).

             C NLV gateway: Use of wider bandwidth for11.2005 GHz and
              ©114495 GHz telemetry carriers than is authorized by the license
                and corresponding changes to the emission designators for the
                carriers. The bandwidth of these telemetry carriers have been
                increased to 400 kHz from what is currently licensed.

             Q NLV gateway: Use of 5 MHz carriers in the12.75—13.00 GHz
                 band that are not covered by the license (this STA request
                 includes a Comsearch report reflecting temporary coordination
                 of the 5 MHz carriers).2

             O   1.8—m MET: Operation of this earth station, which has not been

L.    Introduction

      TerreStar is scheduled to launch its TerreStar—1 satellite on June 24, 2009.
Once the satellite has reached its assigned orbital position of 111.0° W.L.,
TerreStar will need to perform IOT of its communication payload to ensure that
no components were damaged during the launch procedures. The IOT will be
performed by employees of TerreStar‘s satellite contractor, Space Systems Loral
("Loral"), under TerreStar‘s direction and supervision.

        The IOT will consist of two sequential phases. During Phase I, the
satellite‘s primary components and communication payload will be tested, and
engineers will obtain critical in—orbit performance measurements for the first
time following the launch. During Phase II, the components related to its
Satellite Beam—forming Network ("SBN") will be tested as engineers check the
combined payload performance with the Ground—Based Beam Forming ("GBBF")
network to determine how well various S—band beams are formed.

       TerreStar is herein seeking STA to conduct Phase I testing. TerreStar will
be submitting separate requests for STA to cover the Phase II testing in the near
future, since Phase II testing cannot be performed until the Phase I IOT is
completed and since Phase II testing will involve a different set of procedures
and parameters from those used in Phase I.

       The communication payload of the TerreStar—1 satellite consists of two
repeater subsystems: one associated with the Forward channel and another one

                                                                           Exhibit 1

associated with the Return channel. The Forward channel refers to the Ku—to—5
band signal path that originates from a Ku—band gateway facility to the satellite,
and then traverses to an S—band device on the ground: in this instance the 1.8—m
IOT antenna. The Return channel refers to the reverse link, t.e., from an S—band
device such as the 1.8—m IOT antenna to the satellite and then back to the Ku—
band gateway on the ground.

       Table 1 below summarizes the types of signals along with their
characteristics that will be employed in each of the Forward payload and Return
payload Phase I tests.

IL     Forward Payload Tests

       The following key Forward payload tests are planned to be conducted:

       e    S—band EIRP test: The saturated EIRP for each of the 64 active S—band
           TWTAs will be measured against the expected performance and
           specification, one at a time, using a steady CW signal. As can be seen
           in Table 1, the required Ku—band EIRP can be as high as 80 dBW
           because the uplink signal will be received by a relatively low—gain Ku—
           band IOT horn instead of the normal high—gain Ku—band
           communication antenna due to the need for an off—nominal satellite

       e   Frequency response test A relatively low—power CW signal will be
           swept across the 10 MHz S—band (i.e. 2190—2200 MHz) to determine the
           in—band frequency response of all element paths.

       e   Fixed frequency/backed—off tests: A steady CW signal will be used to
           determine the path gain and transfer characteristics of all feed/element
           paths. Saturation flux density for the paths will also be determined.
           For gain transfer testing, the uplink EIRP will be swept from a low
           value to 80 dBW.

       e   Satellite feed path equalization test. A special signal, which consists of
           a large number of evenly spaced tones across the 5 MHz signal
           bandwidth, will be radiated to rapidly obtain the complex (i.e.,
           magnitude and phase) frequency response of each of the element
           paths. Additionally, it will obtain the differential path—to—path delays.
           Both the complex frequency response and the differential path—to—path
           delay are critical in the GBBF network.

                                                                           Exhibit 1

       Other relatively minor tests, such as determination of transponder gain
steps, uplink/downlink translation frequency, and characterization of any
spurious signals, also will be conducted.

        Regarding the S—band downlink, TerreStar is conscious of its interference—
related responsibilities with respect to Fixed Service (FS) stations that are
operating co—channel with TerreStar in the 2190—2200 MHz band in some
locations. TerreStar has selected frequencies for S—band IOT that are optimal for
interference avoidance?; all IOT test signals will be short in duration; and the
number of transmissions during the test period will be limited. TerreStar has
conducted a study and determined that these transmissions all satisfy the
interference—avoidance standards specified in TIA‘s Telecommunication System
Bulletin (TSB) 86.

IIL.    Return Payload Tests

The types of Return payload test signals along with their characteristics are
described in Table 1 below. The following key Return payload tests are planned
to be conducted:

        e   Receive antenna pattern test: Each pattern of the elementary beams in
            the satellite receive direction at S—band will be characterized by
            radiating a CW signal from the 1.8—m IOT antenna and by skewing the
            satellite attitude to move the beams across the Ku—band gateway
            facility at North Las Vegas.

        e   Transmit antenna pattern test: Each Ku—band gateway beam in the transmit
            direction will be characterized by radiating a CW beacon signal from the
            satellite while the satellite attitude is skewed to move the beams, one at a
            time, across the Ku—band gateway facility at North Las Vegas.

        e   Gain Transfer test: Saturation flux density for each elementary beam will be

        e   Receive S—band G/T test: The G/T (Gain—to—Noise Temperature ratio) of
            each return channel will be determined via measurement of (C/ N) in a
            narrow—band signal with the Ku—band TWTA operating in a linear region.
            The satellite will be in off—normal attitude.

2 The frequencies are identified in Tables 1 and 2 below.

                                                                                     Exhibit 1

       e   Frequency response test: A relatively low—power CW signal will be
           swept across the 10 MHz S—band (¢.e., 2000—2010 MHz) to determine the
           in—band frequency response of all element paths.

       e   Satellite feed path equalization test: A special signal, which consists of
           a large number of evenly spaced tones across the 5 MHz signal
           bandwidth, will be radiated to rapidly obtain the complex (i.e.,
           magnitude and phase) frequency response of each of the element
           paths. Additionally, it will obtain the differential path—to—path delays.
           Both the complex frequency response and the differential path—to—path
           delay are critical in the GBBF network.

       Other relatively minor tests, such as determination of transponder gain
steps, uplink/downlink translation frequency, and characterization of any
spurious signals, also will be conducted.

       Regarding the IOT test signal transmissions at 2 GHz, TerreStar
understands from Sprint‘s submissions to the Commission that BAS stations in
both Las Vegas and the near—by Phoenix DMA clusters have been relocated from
BAS channels 1 and 2 in the 1990—2025 MHz band.} TerreStar has selected
2004.90 MHz and 2007.75 MHz for S—band IOT transmissions to eliminate the
possibility of interference to any BAS receiver. The frequencies selected provide
18 MHz or more of separation between the TerreStar CW test signal and BAS
users in the Las Vegas or Phoenix DMAs who have migrated to the new BAS
channel plan above 2025 MHz.

IV.     Contingency Telecommand Frequency Tests

        Throughout Phase I testing, both on—station command carriers
(transmitted at 12.751 GHz and 12.999 GHz) as well as contingency command
carriers (transmitted at 13.7505 GHz and 13.7525 GHz) will be used to command
and range the satellite. The contingency command carriers are necessary to
command and range the satellite for those Phase I tests that require off—nominal
attitude positioning of the satellite, which will position each of the elementary

3 Sprint‘s filings also show that the Los Angeles and Palm Spring DMA clusters, which are
further removed from Las Vegas, are to be cleared by June 2009. Even if the Los Angeles and
Palm Springs DMAs failed to transition on schedule to the new BAS channel plan in June, the
elevation and azimuth angles of the 1.8 meter antenna would only cover the far eastern edge of
the Mohave Desert. Moreover, the 1.8m antenna has excellent sidelobe suppression and off—axis
discrimination characteristics. Finally, the 2007.75 MHz test frequency was selected because it
resides at the upper edge of BAS channel A1 which will be immune to interference from the
narrowband CW emission. Similarly, the 2004.9 MHz test frequency was selected because it
resides at the upper edge of a BAS channel A1 emission that is narrowed in place which will be
immune to interference from a narrowband CW emission.

                                                                           Exhibit 1

beams under test over the main test site in North Las Vegas. The 13.7505 GHz
and 13.7525 GHz signals will be transmitted in bursts lasting approximately two
minutes. During the first few days of IOT, ranging signals will be transmitted
once every half hour. After that, the signals will be transmitted once every hour.

V.     Conclusion

        TerreStar‘s request for STA is supported by good cause. Grant of the
instant STA request is in the public interest, as it will enable TerreStar to perform
in—orbit testing on its TerreStar—1 satellite and ensure the proper functioning of
the satellite‘s communications payload in anticipation of providing service to the
public over the satellite and the network‘s gateway antennas.

                                                                                                             Exhibit 1

                      Table 1. TerreStar Satellite IOT Test Signal Characteristics

                      S—band        Bandwidth     S—band          Estimated          Estimated        Ku—band        Ku—band
                      EIRP (in      Used          Frequency       Duration for       Number of        EIRP           Frequency (in
                      dBw)                        (in MHz)        each Test Signal   Instances of     from/at        MHz)
                                                                  Transmission (in   Test Signal      NLV (in
                                                                  minutes; see       Transmission     dBW)
                                                                  Notes 1 & 2)       (see Note 1)

Forward Payload
S—band EIRP Test         57.6          CW         2199.900                                150              80          {see Table 2)

Frequency                45.6         10 MHz      2190—2200                               140              62          12750—13250
Response Test                        swept CW

Fixed—                  45.6           CW         2199.900                                200              62          (see Table 2)
Frequency/backed—                                 2193.609
off Tests
Satellite Feed Path      51.6         5 MHz       2190—2200               60               50                62        12750—13250
Equalization Test                                                                                                      (see Note 3)

Return Payload
Receive Antenna          37            CW         2007.75               N/A               N/A                15        10700—10950
Pattern Test                                                                                                           11200—11450

Transmit Antenna        N/A            N/A            N/A               N/A               N/A                21           11448
Pattern Test

Gain Transfer Test       37            CW         2007.75               N/A               N/A                33        10700—10950
                                                  (NLV)                                                                11200—11450
Receive S—band           20            CW         2007.75               N/A               N/A                33        10700—10950
G/T Test                                          (NLV)                                                                11200—11450
Frequency                 20          10 MHz      2000—2010             N/A               N/A                33        10700—10950
Response Test                        swept CW                                                                          11200—11450

Satellite Feed Path      35.5         5 MHz       2000—2010             N/A               N/A              13.5        10700—10950
Equalization Test                                                                                                      11200—11450

Note 1: Each 10 MHz sweep or each forward path testing using a steady CW is considered as one Test Signal Transmission.
Note 2: Duration is the duration of the actual signal transmission (and therefore interference) and does not include the time
it takes to maneuver the satellite or position the beams.
Note 3: Ku—band transmission from NLV will be in 12750—13000 MHz; that from AP will be in 13000—13250 MHz.
Note 4: All entries are estimates

                                                                                                                             Exhibit 1

Table 2. Ku—band Element Frequencies that correspond to Two S—band Test Signal Frequencies in
Forward Payload Tests

                   S—band 2199.9 MHz                                                                          S—band 2193.609 MHz
Element No.                                                                  Element No.
                   Frequency                                                                                  Frequency
1                  12764.9              MHz                                                                   13008.609             MHz

                                                  D N ND bJ oR o4 B ofA ks jA pa pa i \D C0 N G Of h Q h oA
2                  12771.9                                                                                    13015.609             MHz
3                  12778.9              MHz                                                                   13022.609             MHz
4                  12785.9              MHz                                                                   13029.609             MHz
5                  12792.9              MHz                                                                   13036.609             MHz
6                  12799.9              MHz                                                                   13043.609             MHz
7                  12806.9              MHz                                                                   13050.609
8                  12813.9              MHz                                                                   13057.609             MHz
9                  12820.9              MHz                                                                   13064.609
10                 12827.9              MHz                                         ND oo                     13071.609
11                 12834.9              MHz                                                                   13078.609             MHz
12                 12841.9              MHz                                                                   13085.609             MHz
13                 12848.9              MHz                                                                   13092.609             MHz
14                 12855.9              MHz                                                                   13099.609             MHz
15                 12862.9              MHz                                                                   13106.609             MHz
16                 12869.9                                                                                    13113.609
17                 12876.9              MHz                                                                   13120.609
18                 12883.9              MHz                                                                   13127.609
19                 12890.9              MHz                                                                   13134.609
20                 12897.9              MHz                                                                   13141.609
21                 12904.9              MHz                                                                   13148.609
22                 12911.9              MHz                                                                   13155.609
23                 12918.9              MHz                                                                   13162.609
24                 12925.9              MHz                                                                   13169.609
25                 12932.9              MHz                                                                   13176.609
26                 12939.9              MHz                                                                   13183.609
27                 12946.9              MHz                                                                   13190.609
28                 12953.9              MHz                                                                   13197.609 _

29                 12960.9                                                                                    13204.609             MHz
30                 12967.9              MHz                                                                   13211.609             MHz
31                 12974.9              MHz                                                                   13218.609             MHz
32                 12981.9              MHz                                                                   13225.609             MHz

Document Created: 2019-06-21 23:21:41
Document Modified: 2019-06-21 23:21:41

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