Letter reply to ESV

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Telesat Network Services, Inc.

Supplemental Letter


This document pretains to SES-STA-20090213-00182 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


135 Routes 202/206                                                     February 18, 2009
Bedminster, NJ 07921

George F. Wazeter
Director, Regulatory Affairs

                                        Via Electronic Delivery

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th St. S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

    Subject:          Supplemental Information Regarding Applications of Telesat Network
                      Services, Inc. for a Modified License Authorizing Operation of an Earth
                      Stations on Vessels (ESV) Network and for Special Temporary
                      Authority to Commence Operations While the Modification Application is
                      Pending 1

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Telesat Network Services hereby answers the following questions posed by the FCC’s
staff in connection with the above-referenced applications:

      1. Does the EIRP density limit in the 13.77-13.78 GHz sub-band exceed the
         71dBW/6MHz limit, contained in footnote US 357, of the U.S. Table of
         Frequency Allocations?

       Answer: The target Satellite, Telstar 11N, is not equipped to operate in this sub-
       band. The transmit frequency range in the extended Ku uplink band for the LMA4
       T11N hub antenna will be limited to the 13.81 – 14.00 GHz portion of the 13.75-
       14.00 GHz band.

      2. In Block E50, there are Null entries. Provide the Modulation Information.

       Answer: The carriers identified as Receive carriers correspond to the Transmitted
       carriers contained in the instant application for the “transmit side” of the Hub earth
       Station and the Remote ESVs. Attached is a table for each antenna contained in this

    File Nos.: SES MOD-20090206-00154 and SES-STA 20090213-00182, Call Sign KA399.

                    Tel: 908-698-4883 • Fax: 908-719-0226 • e-mail gwazeter@telesat.com

    application. It shows the receive carrier and modulation information for each
    emission type and receive frequency band.

   3. For purposes of the Application for Special Temporary Authority (STA), during
      the requested STA period, will the ITU Region 1 downlink frequency band 12500
      – 12750 MHz be used?

   Answer: The initial frequency assignment for this particular service, in ITU region 1,
   will use transponders, on the Telstar 11N satellite (Call Sign S2357), with the
   frequency range 11452 – 11506 MHz in both the Europe Beam and the Africa Beam.
   Accordingly, we are not requesting an STA to operate in the 12500 – 12750 MHz

Should the Commission require additional information, I can be reached at 908-698-

Very truly yours,

George F. Wazeter

cc: Scot t Kotler, FCC


A: Receive Carriers for LMA4 T11N
B: Receive Carriers for 4003A ESV
C: Receive Carriers for 4006 ESV

This table contains Receive carriers for the antenna LMA4 T11N
All Receive carriers in this table correspond to the carrier types transmitted from the remote ESVs
    E28.           E43/44.      E45.    E46.              E47              E48.          Max EIRP
 Antenna ID      Freq Bands     T/R   Antenna          Emission        Max.EIRP/       Density/Carrier
                   (MHz)        Mode Polarization      Designator     Carrier (dBW)     (dBw/4kHz)
LMA4 T11N       10950-11200       R        V&H         1M60G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1750 Kbps, .66FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N       10950-11200       R        V&H         400KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 350 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N       10950-11200       R        V&H         470KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 410 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N       10950-11200       R        V&H         500KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 540 Kbps, .66FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11450 – 11700           R        V&H         1M60G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1750 Kbps, .66FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11450 – 11700           R        V&H         400KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 350 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11450 – 11700           R        V&H         470KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 410 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11450 – 11700           R        V&H         500KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 540 Kbps, .66FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11700 - 12200           R        V&H         1M60G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1750 Kbps, .66FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11700 - 12200           R        V&H         400KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 350 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11700 - 12200           R        V&H         470KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 410 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
LMA4 T11N 11700 - 12200           R        V&H         500KG7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 540 Kbps, .66FEC, QPSK

This table contains Receive carriers for the antenna 4003A ESV
All Receive carriers in this table correspond to the carrier types transmitted from the Hub Earth Station
    E28.         E43/44.        E45.        E46.           E47             E48.           Max EIRP
 Antenna ID     Freq Bands      T/R       Antenna       Emission       Max.EIRP/        Density/Carrier
                  (MHz)         Mode     Polarization   Designator    Carrier (dBW)      (dBw/4kHz)
 4003A ESV 10950 - 11200          R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
 4003A ESV 10950 - 11200          R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
 4003A ESV 10950 - 11200          R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK
 4003A ESV 11450 - 11700          R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
 4003A ESV 11450 - 11700          R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
 4003A ESV 11450 - 11700          R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK
 4003A ESV 11700 - 12200          R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
 4003A ESV 11700 - 12200          R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
 4003A ESV 11700 - 12200          R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK
 4003A ESV 12500 - 12750          R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
 4003A ESV 12500 - 12750          R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
 4003A ESV 12500 - 12750          R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK

This table contains Receive carriers for the antenna 4006 ESV
All Receive carriers in this table correspond to the carrier types transmitted from the Hub Earth Station
    E28.         E43/44.        E45.        E46.           E47             E48.           Max EIRP
 Antenna ID     Freq Bands      T/R       Antenna       Emission       Max.EIRP/        Density/Carrier
                  (MHz)         Mode     Polarization   Designator    Carrier (dBW)      (dBw/4kHz)
  4006 ESV     10950 - 11200      R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
  4006 ESV     10950 - 11200      R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
  4006 ESV     10950 - 11200      R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK
  4006 ESV     11450 - 11700      R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
  4006 ESV     11450 - 11700      R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
  4006 ESV     11450 - 11700      R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK
  4006 ESV     11700 - 12200      R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
  4006 ESV     11700 - 12200      R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
  4006 ESV     11700 - 12200      R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK
  4006 ESV     12500 - 12750      R         V&H         1M76G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC, QPSK
  4006 ESV     12500 - 12750      R         V&H         3M52G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 1560 Kbps, .533FEC. BPSK
  4006 ESV     12500 - 12750      R         V&H         5M77G7W             0.0               0.0
E50 Modulation and Services 2560 Kbps, .533FEC, BPSK

Document Created: 2009-02-18 13:06:23
Document Modified: 2009-02-18 13:06:23

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