Attachment Supplement Request

This document pretains to SES-STA-20090209-00159 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                           Petrocom License Corporation
                                                                          Grand Isle 43
                                                                              Exhibit A

                                Non—Compliant Statement

According to Section 25.212(c)(2) of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission ("Regulations"), in the 5925—6425 MHz band, earth
stations with an equivalent diameter of equal to or greater than 4.5m may be routinely
licensed if the maximum power density into the antenna does not exceed —2.7dBW/A4KHz
for digital SCPC carriers. Furthermore, antennas with an equivalent diameter of less than
4.5m are subject to the provisions of Section 25.220 of the Regulations.

The antenna at issue is a C—band Prodelin 1251(2.4m) ("Antenna"). This Antenna is less
than 4.5m in diameter. The Antenna does not strictly comply with Section 25.209 of the
Regulations. However, pursuant to Section 25.220 (b—c) of the Regulations, an applicant
may request the Commission to consider a non—compliant antenna if it can be shown that
the operational power density will be below the requirement of Section 25.212(c)(2).
Specifically, the earth station operator must provide the power and power density levels
that result by reducing the values stated in Section 25.212(c)(2) by the number of
decibels that the non—compliant antenna fails to meet the standards of Section 25.209 of
the Regulations.

In this case, the proposed Antenna exceeds the patterns of Section 25.209 by
approximately 12dB in the +(140° to 180°) region along the azimuth axis. The Antenna
is designed to operate with a maximum EIRP density into the antenna flange of —21
dBW/4KHz.      This is 18.3 dB below the —2.70BW/4KHz limit. Applying the
methodology in Section 25.220 (b—c), the maximum EIRP density at Antenna flange is
increased by 12dB to yield,

                         —21 dBW/AKHz + 12 dB =—9 dBW/AKHz.

As calculated, this figure is still below the allowed maximum EIRP density at the
Antenna flange of —2.7 dBW/4KHz by 6.3 dB.

The applicant agrees to accept any adjacent satellite interference in the 3700—4200 MHz
receive band as a result of the performance of the Antenna. Should the use of this
Antenna cause interference to other systems; the applicant agrees to terminate
transmission upon notice from the Commission.

Appendix A shows a spectral density showing for this Antenna at low, mid, and high
band. The antenna gain varies slightly with frequency and so does the spectral density.

                       Appendix A — Spectral Density Showing

                                               Prodelin     1251
                                               2.4          m
                                              5.845         GHz
                                              41.31         dBi
                                              —20.30        dBW/4KHz
                                              —2.70         dBW/4KHz

                         f       31215e                 f                  R              f
 Angle      §25.209‘Gam        Density      Actual _Gam     EIRP Density       EIRP Margin
(Degrees)      ((J3)         (dBW/4KHz)        (dBi)           (dBW/AKHz)      (dBW/A4KHz)

   1.50       24.60             21.90          16.31               —3.99         —25.89
   1.75       22.92             20.22           6.31              —13.99         —34.22
  2.00        21.47             18.77           17.31              —2.99         —21.77
  2.25        20.20             17.50           18.31              —1.99         —19.49
  2.50        19.05             16.35          16.81               —3.49         —19.84
  2.75        18.02             15.32          13.31               —6.99         —22.31
   3.00       17.07             14.37            9.81             —10.49         —24.86
  3.25        16.20             13.50           6.81              —13.49         —27.00
   3.50       15.40             12.70           7.31              —12.99         —25.69
   3.75       14.65             11.95            9.31             —10.99         —22.94
  4.00        13.95             11.25          11.31               —8.99         —20.24
  4.25        13.29             10.59          11.31               —8.99         ~19.58
  4.50        12.67              9.97            9.31             —10.99         —20.96
  4.75        12.08              9.38           4.81              —15.49         —24.87
   5.00       11.53              8.83           —3.69             —23.99         —32.82
   5.25       11.00              8.30          —18.69             —38.99         —47.29
   5.50       10.49              7.79           —8.69             —28.99         —36.78
   5.75       10.01              7.31          ~16.69             —36.99         —44.30
  6.00         9.55              6.85           —8.69             —28.99         ~35.84
  6.25         9.10              6.40           —1.69             —21.99         —28.40
  6.50         8.68              5.98           ~0.44             —20.74         —26.72
  6.75         8.27              5.57           —1.69             —21.99         —27.56
   7.00        7.87              5.17           —7.44             ~27.74         —32.91
  7.50         8.00              5.30           —8.69             —28.99         —34.29
  10.00        7.00              4.30          —13.69             —33.99         —38.29
  15.00        2.60              —0.10          —6.19             —26.49         —26.39
 20.00         —0.53             —3.23         —14.69             ~34.99         —31.77
 25.00         —2.95             —5.65         ~18.69             —38.99         —33.34
 30.00         —4.93             —7.63         —13.69             —33.99         —26.36
 35.00         —6.60             —9.30         —18.69             —38.99         —29.69
 40.00         —8.05            —10.75         —21.19             —41.49         —30.74
 60.00        —10.00            —12.70         —28.69             —48.99         —36.29
  80.00       —10.00            —12.70         —33.69             —53.99         —41.29
 100.00       —10.00            —12.70         —15.69             —35.99         —23.29
 120.00       —10.00            —12.70         —38.69             —58.99         —46.29
 140.00       —10.00            —12.70         ~18.69             —38.99         —26.29
 160.00       —10.00            —12.70         —18.69             —38.99         —26.29
 180.00       —10.00            ~12.70          1.310            —18.992         —6.292

                                         Prodelin    1251
                                         2.4         m
                                         5.425       GHz
                                         42.35       dBi
                                         =21.34      dBW/AKHz
                                         —2.70       dBW/AKHz

 Angle      §25.209_ Gain   DgLil;y    Actual Gain   EIRP Density      EIRP Margin
(Degrees)       (dBi)       feaporil      (dBi)          (dBW/A4KHz)    (dBW/4KHz)

  1.25         26.58         23.88       217.35                6.01       ~17.87
  1.50         24.60         21.90        17.35               —3.99       —25.89
  1.75         22.92         20.22        11.35               —9.99       —30.22
 2.00          21.47         18.77        18.85               —2.49       —21.27
 2.25          20.20         17.50        18.85               —2.49       ~19.99
 2.50          19.05         16.35        16.35               ~4.99       —21.34
 2.75          18.02         15.32        12.85               —8.49       —23.81
 3.00          17.07         14.37        9.35               —11.99       —26.36
 3.25          16.20         13.50        8.35               —12.99       ~26.50
 3.50          15.40         12.70        10.35              —10.99       —23.69
 3.75          14.65         11.95        12.35               —8.99       —20.94
 4.00          13.95         11.25        12.35               —8.99       —20.24
 4.25          13.29         10.59        11.35               —9.99       —20.58
 4.50          12.67          9.97        7.35               —13.99       —23.96
 4.75          12.08          9.38         0.35              —20.99       ~30.37
 5.00          11.53          8.83       —12.65              —33.99       —42.82
 5.25          11.00          8.30        —6.65              —217.99      —36.29
 5.50          10.49          7.79       ~12.65              —33.99       —41.78
 5.75          10.01          7.31       —12.65              —33.99       —41.30
 6.00           9.55          6.85        ~2.65              —23.99       —30.84
 6.25           9.10          6.40        —0.65              —21.99       —28.40
 6.50           8.68          5.98        —1.65              —22.99       —28.97
 6.75           8.27          5.57        —7.65              —28.99       —34.56
 7.00           7.87          5.17       —12.65              —33.99       —39.16
 7.50           8.00          5.30        —4.65              —25.99       —31.29
 10.00          7.00          4.30        —2.65              —23.99       —28.29
 15.00          2.60          ~0.10       —7.65              —28.99       —28.89
20.00           —0.53         —3.23      1015                —31.49       —~28.27
25.00           —2.95         —5.65      1515                —36.49       —30.84
30.00           —4.93         —7.63      ~17.65              —38.99       —31.36
35.00           —6.60         —9.30      —20. 15             ~41.49       ~32.19
40.00           —8.05        —10.75      ~17.65              —38.99       ~28.24
45.00          —10.00        ~12.70      —20.15              —41.49       —28.79
60.00          —10.00        —12.70      —30.15              —51.49       —38.79
80.00          —10.00        —12.70      —37.65              —58.99       ~46.29
100.00         —10.00        —12.70      —12.65              —33.99       —21.29
120.00         —10.00        —12.70      —27.65              —48.99       —36.29
140.00         ~10.00        ~12.70      —12.65              —33.99       —21.29
160.00         —10.00        —12.70      —17.65              —38.99       —26.29
180.00         —10.00        —12.70      —5.150             —26.492      —13.792

                                            Prodelin     1251
                                            2.4          m
                                            6.725        GHz
                                            42.70        dBi
                                            —21.69       dBW/AKHz
                                            —2.170       dBW/4KHz

 Angle      §25.209_ Gain   Dilnzli:ty   Actual _Ga'in   EIRP Density   EIRP Margin
(Degrees)       (dBi)       es               (dBi)         {dBW/AKHz)    (dBW/AKHz)

  1.50         24.60        21.90            12.70            —8.99       —30.89
  1.75         22.92        20.22            12.70            —8.99       —29.22
  2.00         21.47         18.77           18.70            —2.99       —21.77
  2.25         20.20         17.50           18.20            —3.49       —20.99
  2.50         19.05        16.35            15.70            —5.99       —22.34
 2.75           18.02       15.32            12.70            —8.99       —24.31
  3.00          17.07        14.37           9.45            ~12.24       —26.81
  3.25          16.20        13.50           9.70            —11.99       —25.50
  3.50          15.40        12.70           11.70            —9.99       —22.69
  3.75          14.65       11.95            13.20            —8.49       —20.44
 4.00           13.95        11.25           12.70            —8.99       —20.24
 4.25           13.29        10.59           10.20           —11.49       ~22.08
 4.50           12.67         9.97           2.70            —18.99       —28.96
 4.75           12.08         9.38          —12.30           —33.99       ~43.37
  5.00         11.53          8.83           —3.30           —24.99       —33.82
  5.25          11.00         8.30           ~1.30           —22.99       —31.29
  5.50          10.49         7.79           —4.30           —25.99       —33.78
  5.75          10.01         7.31           —4.55           —26.24       —33.55
  6.00           9.55        6.85            —0.55           —22.24       —29.09
 6.25           9.10         6.40            ~1.30           —22.99       —29.40
 6.50           8.68          5.98           ~5.80           —27 .49      ~33.47
 6.75            8.27         5.57          —19.30           —40.99       —46.56
  7.00           7.87         5.17          —11.30           —32.99       —38.16
 7.50            8.00         5.30           —8.80           —30.49       —35.79
 10.00          7.00         4.30            —2.30           —23.99       —28.29
 15.00          2.60         —0. 10          —7.30           —28.99       —28.89
20.00           —0.53        —3.23           —9.80           —31.49       —28.27
25.00           —2.95        —5.65          ~34.80           —56.49       ~50.84
 30.00          ~4.93        —7.63          —19.80           —41.49       —33.86
35.00           —6.60        —9.30          —14.80           —36.49       —27.19
40.00           —8.05       —10.75          —19.80           —41.49       —30.74
45.00          —10.00       ~12.70          —22.30           —43.99       —31.29
60.00          —10.00       —12.70          —27.30           —48.99       —36.29
 80.00         ~10.00       ~12.70          —27.30           —48.99       —36.29
100.00         —10.00       —12.70          —12.30           —33.99       —21.29
120.00         —10.00       —12.70          —27.30           —48.99       —36.29
140.00         —10.00       —12.70          —17.30           —38.99       —26.29
1860.00        —10.00       —12.70          —10.30           —31.99       —19.29
180.00         —10.00       —12.70           —4.30           —25.99       —13.29

Document Created: 2019-04-27 15:41:03
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 15:41:03

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