Attachment Row Ex Parte

This document pretains to SES-STA-20080711-00928 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                           LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLLC

                                        September 24, 2008

 DaAviD S. Ker                                                                                   E—MAIL
(202) 416—6742                                                                             DKEIR@LSL—LAW.COM


 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12"" Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C. 20554

                 Re:     Application of Row 44, Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
                         (File No. SES—STA—20080711—00928; Call Sign EQ080100)

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

        This letter provides notice pursuant to Section 1.1206(b)(2) of the FCC‘s Rules (47 C.F.R.
 § 1.1206(b)(2)) that on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, representatives of Row 44, Inc. ("Row 44")
 met with the FCC staff members identified as receiving courtesy copies of this letter concerning the
 above—referenced request for limited special temporary authority ("STA"), filed July 11, 2008.
 Row 44 was represented at the meeting by John Guidon, its CEO, Jim Costello, its Vice President
 of Engineering and the undersigned counsel, David Keir of Leventhal Senter & Lerman PLLC.

       The referenced proceeding has been designated a permit—but—disclose proceeding for ex
parte purposes. See Change in Ex Parte Status, Row 44 Applications Related to Call Sign
 EO80100, adopted September 19, 2008. Nonetheless, ViaSat, Inc. ("ViaSat"), which has opposed
 the STA request, was represented at the meeting by counsel, John Janka and Jarrett Taubman of
 Latham & Watkins, and Daryl Hunter, ViaSat‘s Director of Regulatory Affairs, who participated by

        The purpose of the meeting to was to provide FCC staff with additional information
 concerning Row 44‘s need to begin limited testing of aeronautical mobile Earth stations
 ("AESs") pursuant to the requested STA no later than October 1, 2008. Mr. Guidon presented
 background information concerning the company, its strategic partners, and its two major airline
 customers, Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines, as well as its proposed testing program. This
 discussion is reflected in the attached presentation materials.

                           2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                         TELEPHONE 202.429—8970   FAX 202.293.7783   WWWLSL—LAW.COM

Ms. Marlene Dortch
September 24, 2008
Page —2—

         In addition, Row 44 emphasized the substantive and procedural distinctions between the
STA request and the separate application for a permanent blanket license (File No. SES—LIC—
20080508—00570). Row 44 noted that, via the STA, it seeks authority to phase in operation of no
more than twelve (12) AESs, a quantity of deployed equipment equivalent to an experimental
authorization, over a sixty—day period commencing during the week of September 29, 2008.
(The permanent license application, in contrast, seeks authority to operate up to 1,000 AESs for a
full fifteen year license period.) From a procedural standpoint, the STA request is covered by
Section 309(c)(2)(G) of the Communications Act, which exempts it from public notice and
comment procedures that apply to applications for long—term authority. Row 44 noted that the
FCC may grant the STA application immediately based on the extensive information before it in
the related application proceeding without soliciting or considering any further comment.

        Row 44 also explained that its underlying application was complete under the FCC‘s
rules when filed, and was quickly accepted for filing and placed on Public Notice in late May. In
the intervening months, Row 44 has promptly responded to two staff requests for a modest
amount of additional information, which were based to some degree on matters raised by ViaSat,
Inc. in a Petition to Deny, and in a subsequent Reply. The only substantive change in the
application has been a modest reduction in power. Row 44 noted that, in processing the STA,
the FCC has the benefit of the entire record established in the licensing proceeding.

         Finally, Row 44 pointed out that a key point in ViaSat‘s initial Petition was its assertion
that, prior to authorization, Row 44 should conduct "extensive transmit/receive flight testing of
its proposed antenna to establish that its AMSS system can operate on a moving platform ..."
ViaSat Petition at 4 (filed June 27, 2008). Row 44 explained that it also believes that such
testing, which the STA would make possible, would benefit the FCC in its processing of the
underlying application. Row 44 noted that ViaSat‘s current opposition to grant of the limited
STA request is fundamentally inconsistent with its prior endorsement of the value and
importance of pre—grant in—flight testing.

        Should there be any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned

                                                         lly submitted,

                                               David S.
                                                 Counsel to    Row 44, Inc.

cc: Helen Domenici, FCC
    Roderick Porter, FCC

Ms. Marlene Dortch
September 24, 2008
Page —3—

    Karl Kensinger, FCC
    Andrea Kelly, FCC
    Scott Kotler, FCC
    Stephen Duall, FCC
    Kal Krautkramer, FCC
    FrankPeace, FCC
    Steven Spaeth, FCC
    Trang Nguyen, FCC
    John Janka, Counsel to ViaSat*

Served via electronic mail, except where noted
(*) by both electronic mail & U.S. mail


                                                               T24 _
                 Row 44‘s Mission
— Provide affordable Internet access to air travelers in flight
     Provide new revenue stream to Airlines
     Provide a product for wide, general use, not for the "Elite" few

« Small, Efficient Company Structure —
     Less than $30 million total investment so far — zero revenues

     Approximately twenty employees

— Growth: Row 44 is projected to generate hundreds of millions
  of dollars in a global market, and to provide many high—value
  employment opportunities here in America through both Row
  44 and its technology partners.


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               Row 44‘s Innovation

—« Row 44 has pushed the state of the art in antenna design ——

          Antenna technology has improved greatly over the last 4

            Row 44 has found economical solutions where expensive
      solutions have been the norm, without compromising service

« Row 44‘s product will promote the efficient use of limited Ku—
  Band resources


The Antenna


                        Major Components

                                  *« Radome/Ring
                                  e Ku Antenna

*« HPT: High Power Transceiver
*« MDU: Modem Data Unit
* SMU: Server Management Unit
*« ACU: Antenna Control Unit
* CWLU: Cabin Wireless LAN Unit

                                                           T24 _
      Row 44‘s Customer Success

— Working with Alaska Airlines toward a 1—aircraft trial

« Working with Southwest Airlines toward a 4—aircraft trial

— Both Airlines are anticipating full—scale deployment beginning
  early in the First Quarter of 2009.


                 Row 44‘s Test Plane

Row 44 has equipped a 1950s era Grumman flying boat as a test vehicle,
and has conducted successful tests in Canada, validating all performance
parameters under actual flight conditions.

                                                        T24 _
       Row 44‘s STA Application
Row 44 filed its application for an FCC blanket license on May
8, 2008.

As of mid—June, Row 44 has obtained the required coordination
letters from the satellite operators and has reached
coordination agreements with NASA and NSF.

The System is approved in Canada and additional approvals
from other administrations are expected soon.

Row 44 is asking in its request filed July 11, 2008 for an STA to
allow flight trials and tests to go ahead in the US.

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Document Created: 2008-09-30 09:27:22
Document Modified: 2008-09-30 09:27:22

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