Attachment NewCom Supplement

NewCom Supplement

LETTER submitted by NewCom Int'l, Inc.

NewCom International, Inc., Request for Special Temporary Authority


This document pretains to SES-STA-20080620-00833 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Troy F. Tanner
                         Direct Phone: 202.373.6560
                         Direct Fax:   202.373.6001

                         September 18, 2008
                                                                                         SEP 18 2008
                                                                                  Federal Communications Commission
                         VIA HAND DELIVERY                                               Office of the Secretary

                         Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                         Federal Communications Commission
                         445 12th Street, S.W.
                         Washington, DC 20554

                                  Re:      NewCom International, Inc., Request for Special Temporary
                                           SES—STA—20080620—00833 — Supplemental Exhibit

                         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                 On June 20, 2008, NewCom filed a modification application ("Application") to
                         add the Express 3A satellite positioned at 11.0 degrees west longitude as a point of
                         communication to Call Sign EO50018.‘ A concurrent request for special temporary
                         authority ("STA") was filed seeking permission for NewCom to communicate with the
                         Express 3A during the pendency of the Application.‘         Subsequent events have
                         dramatically degraded the performance of the Express 3A and made grant of the
                         aforementioned STA urgent. Specifically, on August 28, 2008, the Russian Satellite
                         Communications Company ("RSCC") informed NewCom that north—south station
                         keeping maneuvers had ceased, and the Express 3A would operate from inclined orbit
                         until a replacement space station arrives" The abrupt transition into inclined orbit
                         immediately impaired NewCom‘s ability to provide uninterrupted lifeline services to
            Hong Kong
                         remote end users in West Africa already communicating with ground station facilities
          Los Angeles    licensed under Call Sign E040267.‘
             New York
       Orange County     I        See File No. SES—MOD—20080620—00832.
        San Francisco
         Santa Monica
                         *        See File No. SES—STA—20080620—00833.
        Silicon Valley            A replacement space station is expected to arrive at 11.0 degrees west longitude in Q1
         Walnut Creek
          Washington              NewCom was granted STA to communicate with the Express 3A using an antenna
                         licensed under Call Sign EO40267 on January 19, 2005 (FCC File No. SES—STA—20050112—
                         00038), and this STA has been extended nine times (FCC File Nos. SES—STA—20050209—00164,
                         SES—STA—20050812—01098, SES—STA—20060222—00288, SES—STA—20060324—00506, SES—STA—
Bingham McCutchen LLP    20061006—01821, SES—STA—20061206—02102, SES—STA—20070516—00665, SES—STA—20071121—
      2020 K Street NW   01609 and SES—STA—20080605—00709), with the current STA set to expire on December 10,
       Washington, DC    2008.

       T 202.373.6000
       F 202.373.6001     A/72655216.2

                        September 18, 2008
                        Page 1

                                 NewCom‘s existing customers in West Africa were not prepared to track an
                        inclined satellite. Many customers operate antennas that require manual adjustment of
                        azimuth and elevation, and have been unable to retrofit their terminals with motorized
                        tracking systems. When the now inclined Express 3A drifts outside its optimal station
                        kept orbital position, these customers experience a significant drop in signal strength that
                        degrades or altogether disrupts their space—to—earth communications.         Establishing a
                        second uplink to the Express 3A using the 4.5 meter antenna and extended C—band
                        frequencies proposed in the request for STA will permit NewCom to spread its West
                        African satellite carriers over an additional two transponders. The use of additional
                        transponder capacity will enable NewCom to operate with higher output levels that will
                        increase the downlink signal strength for our West African customers and dramatically
                        improve service during periods of maximum degradation when the Express 3A drifts
                        significantly outside its optimal orbital position.

                                In light of the RSCC decision to cease station keeping maneuvers, NewCom
                        urges the Commission to conclude its review and grant the requested STA. Grant of STA
                        serves the public interest by enabling NewCom to restore lifeline communications,
                        including telemedicine applications, to existing customers that are experiencing
                        intermittent degradation or complete disruption of service.        Pursuant to Section
                        25.120(b)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, a 60 day STA is requested.

                                                                 Very truly yours,

                                                                  A.\ <j::’,3i/1/NaALX
                                                                 TroyF Tanner
                                                                 Danielle C. Burt

                        co:             Jaime Dickinson (NewCom)

Bingham McCutchen LLP    A/72655216.2

Document Created: 2008-09-24 09:14:02
Document Modified: 2008-09-24 09:14:02

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