Attachment SuppInfo


LETTER submitted by On behalf of Applicant

Supplementary Information regarding earth station operation.


This document pretains to SES-STA-20080313-00298 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                      "€TRMP & RETURN

    Davis Wright Tremaine LLr


  CHRISTOPHER A. FEDELI                   SsUITE 200                               TEL (202) 973—4200
  DIRECT (202) 973—4274                   1919 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW                 FAX (202) 973—4499                     WASHINGTON, DC        20006              www m

                                                     |                           FILED/ACCEPTED
                                                 April 15, 2008                         APR 1 5 2008
  Via Hand Delivery                                                              Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                         Office of the Secretary

  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 12"" Street, SW
  Washington, DC 20554

          Re: Supplemental Statement in Support of STA Request (File No.        '
                SES—STA—20080313—00298) and New License Request (File No. SES—LIC—

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Discovery World Television, Inc. ("Discovery"), through undersigned counsel, hereby
  provides the following supplemental information in support of the above—referenced pending
  applications for Special Temporary Authority ("STA") and for new licensing of a transmit—
  receive satellite earth station link ("Earth Station").

          Although the Earth Station in question had been frequency—coordinated and properly
  licensed with the Commission, through an apparent administrative oversight Discovery did not
  timely file a request for renewal of the license in October 2007. Due to this oversight Discovery
  had no knowledge that Commission authorization for this Earth Station was no longer in effect
  until very recently. As a result, Discovery, in good faith and under the belief that it was entitled
_ to operational authority under the Commission‘s rules, continued operations over this Earth

         Following an internal license review, Discovery learned that this Earth Station
  authorization had expired and that no renewal application had been filed. At this time,
  Discovery immediately analyzed alternative means to send the video programming signals of
  Discovery‘s television networks for ultimate distribution to certain affected viewers and

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch >                                                                 fi.i.
April 15, 2008
Page 2

determined that continued use of the previously—licensed Earth Station link as proposed in the
instant STA and new license request was the only way to achieve this task without subjecting
viewers to potential extended blackouts of Discovery‘s programming. Specifically, Discovery
determined that construction of new facilities or re—routing of this communications traffic to a
different link would require an extended period of time during which there would be a significant
risk that certain of Discovery‘s viewers would lose the ability to watch its programming, and so
continued operations over the previously—licensed Earth Station link.

         Discovery then immediately sought to recoordinate the Earth Station transmit—receive
link and filed an STA request with the Commission on March 13, 2008, followed by a new
license application on April 11, 2008. Discovery has received no complaints of interference due
to its operation of the link during this time, and the frequency coordinator has now reconfirmed
that no such harmful interference exists. Discovery wishes to operate the Earth Station in full
compliance with the Commission‘s rules, and believes that a prompt grant of the STA and new
license requests is consistent with the public interest in light of the imminent loss of signal to
Discovery‘s viewers which would occur without continued operation.

         Discovery has taken immediate steps to ensure that such an inadvertent failure to renew a
license on file with the Commission does not occur in the future. Specifically, Discovery has
now designated multiple responsible persons each with specific procedures to monitor all of
Discovery‘s FCC authorization expirations and renewal dates to ensure redundancy in
Discovery‘s future FCC licensing compliance. Indeed, it was as a result of Discovery‘s internal
review that this issue and the need for improved compliance procedures was uncovered.
Discovery wishes to confirm its commitment to ensure compliance with the Commission‘s rules
and to work closely with Commission staff as it processes these appllcatlons as well in future
applications and other pending matters.

         Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

                                                     Respgctfull yours,

                                                     Christopher A. Fedeli

co:      Mr. Scott Kotler

Document Created: 2019-04-19 19:40:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 19:40:05

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