Attachment Reply


REPLY submitted by MSV



This document pretains to SES-STA-20070924-01310 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                         1
Deere & Company                          )   SES-STA-20070924-01310


       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (“MSV”) hereby files this Reply to the

Oppositions of Deere & Company (“Deere”) and Inmarsat Ventures Limited (“Inmarsat”)

submitted in the above-referenced proceeding. In its Petition to Deny the application for STA,

MSV demonstrated that the International Bureau (“Bureau”) should deny the request because (i)

Deere’s proposed operation of 10,000 METs using Inmarsat’s uncoordinated 3F4 satellite will

likely result in harmful interference to MSV’s customers, including critical public safety users;

and (ii) because Deere has demonstrated no “extraordinary circumstances” justifying grant of its

STA request. MSV also stated that should the Bureau nevertheless grant the Deere STA

application, it should (i) apply the same non-interference conditions it imposed on other entities

using Inmarsat satellites, along with the clarifications requested by MSV, and (ii) establish a firm

expiration date for these STAs and provide that no further extensions will be granted without

Inmarsat first having completed coordination of its satellites with the North American L band


 See Opposition of Deere & Company, File No. SES-STA-20070924-013 10 (October 17,2007) (“Deere
Opposition”);Opposition of Inmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SES-STA-20070924-0 1310 (October
17, 2007) (“lnnzarsat Opposition”),
‘See Petition to Deny of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, File No. SES-STA-20070924-01310
(October 2, 2007).

       In its Opposition, Inmarsat claims that the Bureau should grant the STA because

completion of coordination is not a condition precedent to issuance of an authorization to provide

service. Inmarsat Opposition at 3. However, this is only the case when there is a reasonable

basis to conclude that harmful interference will not occur in the absence of international

coordination. The Bureau will not authorize uncoordinated satellites or services when there is

evidence that harmful interference might occur, as in the case of Inmarsat 3F4 at 142°W.3

Inmarsat notes that the Bureau did not require completion of coordination as a condition

precedent to the grant of MSVs application to operate a new L-Band MSS satellite at 63.5"W.

Inmarsat Opposition at 3. In that case, however, no entity claimed that the satellites would cause

harmful interference. It was thus entirely reasonable for the Bureau to license the satellites in

advance of coordination.

        Moreover, as MSV explained in its Petition, the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite is materially

different than the Inmarsat-2 satellite it replaced, and is more likely both to cause interference to

and to suffer interference from other L band systems relative to the Inmarsat-2 ~ a t e l l i t e .In

addition, unlike the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite, MSV's next-generation satellite, which was to be

located at 63.5"W, was years away from launch when the Bureau's Order was issued, making it

reasonable for the Bureau to conclude that any interference issues would be resolved through

coordination prior to actual operation. Also, in granting MSV licenses for its next-generation

 satellites, the Bureau specifically stated that an authorization for which coordination has not been

  See Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, FCC, to Joseph A. Godles, Counsel for PanAniSat, File No. SAT-
 STA-19980902-00057 (September 15, 1998); Lor-a1 Orion Services, Inc., Order and Authorization, DA
 99-2222, 14 FCC Rcd 17665,B 10 (October 18, 1999); BTNorth America Inc., Order, DA 00-162, 15
 FCC Rcd 15602 (February 1,2000).
  See MSV Petition at 2. Among other things, MSV pointed out that the Inmarsat 2 satellite at 142"WL
 has a global beam and has a higher aggregate EIRP than the Inmarsat 2 satellite, greatly increasing the
 possibility of creating harmful interference.

 400658736~1                                         2

completed may be subject to additional terms and conditions as required to effect coordination

with other     administration^.^
          In addition, the Deere Opposition fails to demonstrate any “extraordinary circumstances”

to justify a grant of the STA request. Deere discusses the alleged benefits of its “Greenstar

system” and summarily concludes that the “STA is necessary [at this time] to immediately begin

a commercial deployment of the enhanced service.” Deere Opposition at 4. However, Deere

fails to point out that its initial experimental STA expired more than a year ago6 and Deere

provides no explanation for why it has waited more than a year to file the instant STA request.

Because Deere does not claim that the delay in filing its current request was due to

“circumstances beyond [its] control,”’ the STA request should be denied.

          Deere concedes in its Opposition that the conditions included as part of its prior STA

grant are appropriate in the event the instant STA request is granted.8 However, while Deere and

Inmarsat deny that any additional condition or clarifications are necessary, they fail to refute

MSV’s argument that the conditions and requested clarifications are essential to mitigate the

harmful interference that will otherwise result to MSV’s customers. In fact, as MSV has

demonstrated previously, a grant of the STA application must include the requested conditions to

ensure that such interference does not     OCCU~.~

 See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiaiy LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05-1492 (May 23,2005)
(“MSV-I Order”), at T[ 79; Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05-50
(January 10, 2005), at T[ 58. MSV has since surrendered its license for the MSV-SA satellite.
  See Deere & Company, File No. SES-STA-20060605-00922(granted August 7,2006; expired
 September 13,2006).
     See 47 C.F.R. fj25.120(b)(l); see also Public Notice, DA 87-131 1 (September 25, 1987).
     See Deere Opposition at 4.
   See, e.g., Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Reply, File No. SES-STA-20060310-00419 et al.
 (June 29,2006); Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Petition for Clarification, File No. SES-STA-



       In light of the foregoing, MSV urges the Bureau to act consistently with the views

expressed herein.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

 Bruce D. Jac
 Tony Lin                                                          t, Regulatory Affair
 Paul A. Cicelski                                             E SATELLITE VENTURES
 PILLSBURY WINTHROP                                          SUBSIDIARY LLC
        SHAW PITTMAN LLP                              10802 Parkridge Boulevard
 2300 N Street, NW                                    Reston, Virginia 20 191
 Washington, DC 20037-1 128                           (703) 390-2700
 (202) 663-8000

Dated: October 29,2007

200603 10-00419 et af. (June 12,2006); Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Reply, File No. SES-
STA-200603 10-00419 et al. (June 29, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, Mobile Satellite Ventures
Subsidiary LLC, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES-LFS-20050826-01175 et af. (November
22, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, to Ms. Marlene H.
Dortch, FCC, File No. SES-LFS-20050826-01175 et al. (December 18,2006); Letter from Jennifer A.
Manner, MSV, to Mr. John Giusti and h4r.Julius Knapp, FCC (June 20,2006); Letter from Jennifer A.
Manner, MSV, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES-MFS-2005 1122-01614 et al. (June 20,
2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to Mr. John Giusti and Mr. Julius Knapp, FCC (July 18,
2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES-MFS-
20051122-01614 et af. (July 18,2006).

 400658736~1                                      4

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Julia Colish, a secretary with the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP,
hereby certify that on October 2gth,2007, a true copy of the foregoing "REPLY" was served by
first-class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Helen Domenici"                                   Stephen Duall*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12'h Street, S.W., Room 6-C750                445 12thStreet, S.W. , Room 6-A404
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

James Ball *                                       Kathyrn Medley*
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12'" Street, S.W. , Room 6-A760                445 12'h Street, S.W. ,Room 6-A520
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Gardner Foster*                                    Howard GribofP
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12thStreet, S.W. ,Room 6-C477                  445 12'h Street, S.W. , Room 7-A662
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Fern Jarmulnek *                                   Andrea Kelly*
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12'h Street, S.W., ,Room 6-A760                445 12'h Street, S.W. , Room 6-B521
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Karl Kensinger*                                    Scott Kotler*
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12'h Street, S.W. , Room 6-A663                445 12'h Street, S.W. , Room 6-C411
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Roderick Porter*                                   Robert Nelson*
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12'h Street, S.W. , Room 6-C752                445 12thStreet, S.W., Room 6-A665
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Eliot J. Greenwald          Cassandra Thomas"
Timothy L. Bransford        International Bureau
Bingham McCutchen LLP       Federal Communications Commission
2020 K Street, NW           445 12'h Street, S.W. , Room 6-A666
Washington, DC 20006        Washington, DC 20554

John P. Janka               Diane J. Cornel1
Jeffrey A. Marks            Vice President, Government Affairs
Latham & Watkins LLP        Inmarsat, Inc.
555 Eleventh Street, N.W.   1101 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Suite 1000                  Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20004        Washington, DC 20036

*By hand-delivery


Document Created: 2007-11-01 15:33:13
Document Modified: 2007-11-01 15:33:13

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