Attachment Motion


MOTION submitted by Inmarsat Ventures Limited

Motion to Permit-but-Disclose


This document pretains to SES-STA-20070907-01249 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                            Otfim of 3 c Secretzry

In the matter of                                       )

Amtech Systems LLC
BT Americas Inc.                                       )
iPass, Inc.                                            )
MVS USA, Inc.                                          ) See Attachment A for List of File Numbers
Stratos Communications, Inc.
SkyWave Mobile Satellite Communications, Inc.          )
Thane & Thane Airtime Ltd.
Vizada Satellite, Inc.
VIZADA Services, LLC


                   Inmarsat Ventures Limited (“Inmarsat”) requests that the Commission designate

 the proceedings listed on Attachment A as “permit-but-disclose” under the Commission’s rules

 governing ex parte communications. Each of these proceedings involves earth station

 applications to offer Inmarsat services in the United States.

                   The ex parte rules provide that “[wlhere the public interest so requires in a

 particular proceeding, the Commission and its staff retain the discretion to modify the applicable

 exparte rules by order, letter or public notice.”2 A change in the status to permit-but-disclose in

 these proceedings clearly is warranted in light of the issues raised, and in order to harmonize the

 status of these proceedings with that of numerous pending proceedings that also involve

 applications to provide Inmarsat services, and which the Commission already has designated


   47 C.F.R. 5 1.1200 et seq.
   47 C.F.R. 5 1.1200(a).

               Virtually all pending applications seeking authority to provide Inmarsat services

have been opposed by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC. The Commission routinely

has granted permit-but-disclose status in considering similar applications to provide Inmarsat

services, finding the change in exparte status, “will facilitate resolution of the complex policy

issues raised in the appli~ation.”~
                                  As in the other currently pending proceedings to provide

Inmarsat services, permit-but-disclose status in the proceedings referenced in Attachment A

would serve the public interest by facilitating discussion with Commission staff to address the

issues raised in these proceedings.

               For the foregoing reasons, Inmarsat respectfully requests that the Commission

designate the ex parte status of this proceeding as “permit-but-disclose.”

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

Diane J. Cornel1
Vice President, Government Affairs                   Jeffrey A. Marks
INMARSAT,INC.                                        LATHAM   & WATKINS    LLP
1 10 1 Connecticut Avenue, NW                        555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
Suite 1200                                           Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036                                 Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: (202) 248-5 155                           Telephone: (202) 637-2200

October 1, 2007

  See, e.g., Public Notice, Rep. No. SES-00955 (rel. Aug. 15,2007) (granting motion seeking
  permit-but-disclose status for application to provide Inmarsat services); Public Notice, Rep.
  No. SES-00894 (rel. Jan. 24,2007) (same); Public Notice, Rep. No. SES-00825 (rel. May 3 1,
  2006) (same, with regard to 18 separate applications); Public Notice, Rep. No. SES-00807
  (rel. Mar. 29,2006) (same, with regard to three separate applications).


                                      ATTACHMENT A

                                       FILE NUMBERS

Stratos                                         Vizada Satellite, Inc. (ika Telenor Satellite Inc.)

BGAN                                            BGAN
SES-STA-20070904-0 1221 (Call Sign E050249)     SES-STA-20070905-01240 (Call Sign E050276)

Non-BGAN                                        Non-BGAN
SES-STA-20070907-0 1245 (Call Sign EO001SO)     SES-STA-20070905-01233 (Call Sign E000282)
SES-STA-20070907-0 1246 (Call Sign EO 10047)    SES-STA-20070905-01234 (Call Sign E000283)
SES-STA-20070907-0 1247 (Call Sign E01 0048)    SES-STA-20070905-01235 (Call Sign E000284)
SES-STA-20070907-0 1248 (Call Sign E01 0049)    SES-STA-20070905-01236 (Call Sign E000280)
SES-STA-20070907-0 1249 (Call Sign E01 0050)    SES-STA-20070905-01237 (Call Sign KA3 13)
                                                SES-STA-20070905-01238 (Call Sign WB36)
                                                SES-STA-20070905-0 1239 (Call Sign E000285)
                                                SES-LIC-200704 16-00479 (Call Sign E000284)
                                                SES-STA-200603 14-00435 (Call Sign E000284)

SkyWave Mobile Satellite Communications, Inc.   MVS USA, Inc.

Non-BGAN                                        BGAN
SES-STA-20070907-01250 (Call Sign E030055)      SES-STA-20070904-01216 (Call Sign E050348)

VIZADA Services, LLC                            BT Americas Inc.

BGAN                                            BGAN
SES-STA-200708 14-01092 (Call Sign E050284)     SES-STA-20070910-0 1260 (Call Sign E060076)

Thrane & Thrane Airtime Ltd.                    iPass, Inc.

BGAN                                            BGAN
SES-STA-200708 17-01 10 1 (Call Sign E060179)   SES-LIC-200707 12-00933 (E070 144)
                                                SES-STA-200707 16-00944 (E070 144)

Amtech Systems LLC

SES-MFS-200705 1 1-00637 (Call Sign E9903 16)
SES-MFS-200705 11-00638 (Call Sign E030120)
SES-STA-2006 1221-02206 (Call Sign E030 120)
SES-STA-20061221-02207 (Call Sign E9903 16)

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Jeffrey A. Marks, hereby certify that on this 1'' day of October, 2007, I caused to be

served a true copy of the foregoing by first class mail, postage prepaid, (or as otherwise

indicated) upon the following:

Stephen Duall*                                     Jennifer Hindin
International Bureau                               Chin Yo0
Federal Communications Commission                  Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
445 lzth Street, S.W.                              1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20006
                                                   Counselfor Amtech Systems LLC

Linda J. Cicco                                     Bruce Posey
BT AMERICAS    INC.                                Brad Jones
1140 Commerce Park Drive                           iPass, Inc.
Reston, VA 2019 1                                  3800 Bridge Parkway
                                                   Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Lawrence J. Movshin                                Alfred M. Mamlet
Robert G. Morse                                    Marc A. Paul
WILKINSON,  BARKER  KNAUER, LLP                    Brendan Kasper
2300 N Street NW, Suite 700                        STEPTOE  & JOHNSON  LLP
Washington, D.C. 20037                             1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Counsel to MVS USA, Inc.                           Washington, DC 20036
                                                   Counsel to Sky Wave Mobile Communications
                                                   Corp. and Stratos Communications, Inc.

Eric Fishman                                       Keith H. Fagan
Holland & Knight LLP                               Senior Counsel
2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                       VIZADASATELLITE,  INC.
Washington, DC 20006                               1101 Wootton Parkway
Counsel for Thrane & Thrane Airtime Ltd.           10th Floor
                                                   Rockville, MD 20852

Peter Rohrbach                            Jennifer A. Manner
Karis Hastings                            Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.                    Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
555 13thStreet, NW                        1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20004                      Reston, Virginia 20 191
Telephone: (202) 637-5600
Counsel to VIZADA Services, LLC

Bruce D. Jacobs
Tony Lin
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037-1 128
Counsel for MSV

* Via Electronic Mail


Document Created: 2007-10-04 13:35:27
Document Modified: 2007-10-04 13:35:27

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