Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20070820-01110 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         E050206       SES—STA—20070820—01110   18200700199
                                         CapRock Communications, Inc.

                                                                                                            Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
STA Request to increase EIRP (Constitution)
 1. Applicant

           Name:        CapRock Communications, Inc.       Phone Number:                  832—668—2751
           DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:                    §32—668—2780

           Street:      4400 S. Sam Houston Parkway Ea      E—Mail:             

           City:        Houston                            State:                             TX

           Country:     USA                                Zipcode:                       77048      —
           Attention:   Ms. EllenAnn Sands

2. Contact

             Name:          Raul Magallanes                     Phone Number:                      281 317 1397
             Company:      The Law Office of Raul               Fax Number:                        281 271—8085
                           Magallanes, PLLC
             Street:        PO Box 1213                         E—Mail:                  

             City:         Houston                              State:                              TX
             Country:      USA                                  Zipcode:                           77549      —
             Attention:    Raul Magatlanes                      Relationship:                       Legal Counsel

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter eitherthe file number or the IB Submission ID ofthe related
application, Please enter only one.)
3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.ER.Section 1.1114).
C Governmental Entity        0 Noncommercial educational licensee
C Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

@ Use Priorto Grant                               C Change Station Location                       O Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date

7. CityGulfof Mexico                                                      8. Latitude
                                                                          (dd     27   17      240    N

9. State   LA                                                             10. Longitude
                                                                         (dd mm ss.s h)    90   58      12.0   W

11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Cover Letter                       Auachment 2: Data Sheet                          Aitachment 3: Prelim. Int. Analysi

12. Description.   (Ifthe complete description does not appearin this box, please goto the end ofthe form to viewit in its entirety.)
    STA Request to increase EIRP                 (Constitution)

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is       @ Yos         & No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because ofa conviction for possession ordistribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name ofPerson Signing                                                 15. Title of Person Signing
  Alan Aronowitz                                                            VP & General Counsel
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection ofinformation is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burdenit causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember —— You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control numberorif we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

      ))) Te             ommunicarions Law

                   The Law Office of
                    Rad! Magallanes

August 20, 2007

Scott Kotler, Chief
System Analysis Branch
Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:       Request for Special Temporary Authority

Dear Mr. Kotler:

Pursuant to Section 25.120(a) of the Rules and Regulations ("Regulations") of the Federal
Communications Commission ("Commission"), CapRock Communications, Inc. ("CapRock"), by
way of the underlying application submitted by the undersigned, seeks Commission consideration for
a Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to increase the EIRP of an earth station located the Gulf of
Mexico, The earth station at issue has an FCC file designation of SES—L1C20050712—00889 and call
sign of EO50206.

The proposed C—band earth, as modified, station will exhibit a maximum power density at the flange
of ~22.14 dBW/A4KHz which is 19.44 dB below the maximum allowed of —2.7dBW/4KHz. In
addition, there has been a preliminary interference study performed on this site with no anticipated
harmful interference cases.

Pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(3) of the Regulations, the Commission may grant temporary authority
for a period not to exceed 60 days, if the STA request has not been placed on public notice, and the
applicant plans to file a request for regular authority for the service. In the instant case, the STA
request has not been placed on public notice and CapRock plans to file an application for
madification. Therefore, CapRock respectfully requests an STA for a period not to exceed 60 days.

The circuit at issue is the customer‘s only means of communication. In order to insure uninterrupted
service, the requested date for prior use is August 27. 2007. In accordance to Section 25.120(a) of the
Regulations, this STA is being filed at least 3 working days prior to the date of proposed operation.


                                          /s/ Raul Magallanes


              P.G. Box 1213, Houston, Texas 77549 e (281) 317—1397 TeL e (284) 217—8085 rax

             )} Terecommunicanons Law                                    A Leoau Enamecsine Firm *

                    The Law Office of
                L      Rad! Magallanes

                                                  September 19, 2007
.. Jeannette Spriggs
  System Analysis Branch
  Satellite Division
  International Bureau
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 12" Street SW
  Washington, DC 20554

          Re:       Request for Special Temporary Authority, EO50206, SES—STA—20070820—01110

  Dear Ms. Spriggs:

  CapRock Communications, Inc. ("CapRock") would like to supplement the above—captioned
  filing for Special Temporary Authority Request (STA) with the public notice information added

  According to Section 25.120 (b)(1) of the Commission‘s rules, "The Commission may grant a
  temporary authorization only upon a finding that there are extraordinary circumstances requiring
  temporary operations in the public interest and that delay in the institution of these temporary
  operations would seriously prejudice the public interest".

  In the instant case, CapRock requests an STA to increase the power and power density of an
  existing earth station installed at an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico ("The Earth Station").
  This Earth Station is the primary means of communication for the platform. Due to increased
  personnel and increased demand for the platform operations, the Earth Station capacity has
  become insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary that the Earth Station power and power density be
  increased to accommodate the platform communications growth.

  The Earth Station, with the upgraded power, will exhibit a maximum power density at the flange
  of —22.14 dBW/AKHz which is 19.44 dB below the maximum allowed of —2.7dBW/4KHz. In
  addition, this location will complete frequency coordination next week and an application for
  permanent modification will be filed in due course. Therefore, no harmful interference to fixed
  systems or adjacent satellites is expected.

  Because of the nature of operations in this platform and the critical role of the existing Earth
  Station communications link, it is in the public interest that the Earth Station be upgraded with
  sufficient capacity to accommodate the critical calls that are placed by platform personnel. In
  addition, should there be an emergency in this platform, this Earth Station would be used to
  placed calls to communicate with the appropriate agencies.            It is imperative that the
  communications link not be overloaded or has the potential for blocked calls in these


                                                  /s/ Raul Magallanes

                          Micronet Communications,    Inc.
                              720 F Avenue, Suite 100
                                Plano, Texas  75074

File: MOT22112


Company:                             ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORPORATION
Site Name,    State:                 Constitution, GM
Call Sign:
Latitude                               (NAD83)          27      17   .0 N
Longitude                              (NAD83)          90      58   .0 w
Elevation AMSL                         (Et/m)           0.00            0.00
Receive Frequency Range                (MHz)          3700—4200
Transmit Frequency Range               (MHz)          5925—6425
Range of Satellite Orbital Long.       (deg W)         74.00          139.00
Range of Azimuths from North           (deg)          146.35          247.59
Antenna Centerline                     (£t/m)         200 .00          60 .96
Antenna Elevation Angles               (deg)           53.00           28 .87

Equipment    Parameters                               Receive        Transmit

Antenna Gain, Main Beam                (dbI)           38 .50          41.70
15 DB Half Beanwidth                   (deg)            1.00            1.20

Antennas           Receive:   SEATEL 9797
                  Transmit:   SEATEL 9797

Max Transmitter Power                  (dbW/4KHz)                     —22.14
Max EIRP Main Beam                     (dbW/4KHz)                      19.56
Modulation / Emission Designator        DIGITAL     4MATGIW

Coordination Parameters                               Receive        Transmit

Max Greater Circle Distances           (km)           278 .01         123.31
Max Rain Scatter Distances             (km)           506.45          100 .00
Max Interference Power Long Term       (db#W)        —140 .60        —151.80
Max Interference Power Short Term (db#)              —118.40         —130 .80
Rain Zone / Radio Zone                                 1               A

                               MICRONET COMMUNICATIONS,           INC.

File: M0722112                                                                                    page 1

    mmemes                                 es          es
  Horizon Angle          Horizon Gain               Final   Contour      ~

Company :                                       ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORPORATION

Site Name,    State:                            Constitution,    GM

Call Sign:

Latitude (NAD83)        27     17      24.0 N           Longitude (NADS3)       90      58     12.0 W

  North      Horizon         Horizon      Final                  North       Horizon         Horizon     Final
 Azimuth      Angle           Gain       Contour                Azimuth       Angle            Gain     Contour
   (deg)      (deg)            (db)        (km)                  (deg)         {deg)           (db)       (km)

     0          0.00         —14.47        111.6                  180           ©.00          —13.00       111.6
     5          0.00         —17.94        111.6                  185           0.00          —13.00       111.6
    10          0.00         ~19. 60       111.6                  190           0.00          ~13.00       111.6
    15          0.00         ~17.66        111.6                  195           0.00          ~12.82       111.6
    20          0.00         —15.61        111.6                  200           0.00          —11.59       111.6
    25          0.00         ~13.45        111.6                  205           0.00          —10.13       111.6
    30          0.00         —11.22        111.6                  210           0.00          —10,.00      111. 6
    35          0.00         —10.00        111.6                  215           0.00          —10,.00      111.6
    40          0.00         ~10.00        111.6                  220           0 .00         ~10.00       111.6
    45          0.00         —10.00        111.6                  225           0.00          —10.00       111.6
    50          0.00         —10.00        111.6                  230           0.00           —8. 40      111.6
    55          0.00         —10.00        111.6                  235           0.00           =6.27       111.6
    60          0.00         —10.00        111.6                  240           0 .00          ~4 .94      111.6
    65          0.00         —10.51        111.6                  245           0.00           =4.72       111.6
    70          0.00         —11.78        112.5                  250           0.00           ~4.72       111.6
    75          0.00         —13.00        114.2                  255           0.00           ~4, 92      111.6
    80          0.00         —13.00        115. 9                 260           0.00           ~6.2        111.6
    85          0.00         —13.00        117.7                  265           0.00           —8. 31      111.6
    90          0.00         —13.00        119.3                  270           0.00          —10.00       111.6
    95          0.00         —13.00        121 .1                 275           0.00          —10.00       111.6
   100          0,.00        —13.00        122.5                  280           0.00          —10.00       111.6
   105          0.00         —13.00        123.3                  285           0.00          —10.00       111.6
   110          0.00         —13.00        123.3                  290           0.00          —10.36       111. 6
   115          0.00         —13.00        122.5                  295           0.00          —12.33       111.6
   120          0.00         ~13.00        121.0                  300           0.00          —13.00       111.6
   125          0.00         —13.00        119.2                  305           0.00          —13.00       111.6
   130          0.00         —12.86        117.6                  310           0.00          —13.00       111.6
   135          0.00         —12.42        115.9                  315           0.00          —13.00       111.6
   140          0.00         —12.13        114.1                  320           0.00          —13,.00      111.6
   145          0.00         —12.00        112.4                  325           0.00          —13.00       111. 6
   150          0.00         —12.04        111.6                  330           0.00          —11.13       111.6
   155          0.00         —12.24        111.6                  335           0.00          —10.00       111.6
   160          0.00         —12.60        111.6                  340           0.00          —10.00       111.6
   165          0.00         —13.00        111.6                  345           0.00          —10.00       111.6
   170          0.00         —13.00        111.6                  350           0.00          ~10.00       111.6
   175          0.00         —13.00        111.6                  355           0.00          ~10.97       111.6

File: M0722112                                                                              page 2

         zon Angle      Horizon Gain               Final Contour

Company:                                       ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORPORATION

Site Name, State:                              Constitution, GM

Call Sign:

Latitude (NAD83)       27     17      24.0 N         Longitude (NAD83)    90      58     12.0 #

 North       Horizon        Horizon      Final                North    Horizon         Horizon     Final
Azimuth       Angle          Gain       Contour              Azimuth    Angle            Gain     Contour
  (deg)       (deg)           (db)        (km)                {deg)     {deg)            (db)       (km)

     0          0.00         ~9.67        247.3                180        0.00          ~10.00       247.3
     5          0.00        =11.89        247.3                185        0.00          —10.00       247.3
    10          0.00        —12.91        247.3                190        0.00          —10.00       247.3
    15          0.00        —11.72        247.3                195        0.00          ~10.00       247.3
    20          0.00        ~10.45        247.3                200        0 .00         —10.00       247.3
    25          0.00         ~8.83        247.3                205        0.00          —10.00       247.3
    30          0.00         —7.00        247.3                210        0.00           ~9,73       247.3
    35          0.00         ~6.00        247.3                215        0.00           —8.79       247.3
    40          0.00         ~6.00        247.3                220        0.00           =7.90       247.3
    45          0.00         =6.00        247.3                225        0.00           —7,10       247.3
    50          0.00         ~6.94        247.3                230        0.00           =6. 40      247.3
    55          0.00         ~9.35        247.3                235        0.00           =5.84       247.3
    60          0.00        —10.00        247.3                240        0.00           —5.41       247.3
    65          0.00        —10.00        247.3                245        0.00           ~5.12       247.3
    70          0.00        ~10.00        249.8                250        0.00           —5.12       247.3
    75          0.00        ~10.00        254 .7               255        0.00           —5.40       247.3
    80          0.00        —10.00        259.6                260        0 .00          =5,82       247.3
    85          0.00        —10.00        264.5                265        0 .00          ~6.38       247.3
    90          0.00        —10.00        269.0                270        0.00           —7.07       247.3
    95          0.00        —10,.00       272.9                275        0.00           =7.87       247.3
   100          0.00        —10.00        276.0                280        0.00           ~8.76       247.3
   105          0.00        ~10.00        278 .0               285        0.00           ~9.71       247.3
   110          0.00        —10.00        278.0                290        0.00          —10.00       247.3
   115          0.00        —10.00        275 .9               295        0.00          ~10.00       247.3
   120          0.00        —10.00        272.8                300        0.00          —10.00       247.3
   125          0.00        —10.00        268 .8               305        0.00          ~10.00       247.3
   130          0.00        —10.00        264.3                310        0.00          —10.00       247.3
   135          0.00        —10.00        259.5                315        0.00          —10.00       247.3
   140          0.00        —10.00        254.5                320        0.00          ~10.00       247.3
   145          0.00        —10.00        249.8                325        0.00          —10,.00      247.3
   150          0.00        —10.00        247.3                330        0.00          —10.00       247.3
   155          0.00        —10.00        247.3                335        0.00          —10.00       247.3
   160          0.00        —10.00        247.3                340        0.00           ~8.31       247.3
   165          0.00        ~10,00        247.3                345        0.00           ~6.00       247.3
   170          0.00        —10.00        247.3                350        0.00           —6.00       247.3
   175          0.00        —10.00        247.3                355        0.00           ~6.79       247.3

Document Created: 2007-10-02 17:20:49
Document Modified: 2007-10-02 17:20:49

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