Attachment 1.65 letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20070418-00484 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                 MAY 2 8 2007
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May 17, 2007                                                               Kariey tstnes
ay nano perivery                                     MAY 17 2007
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                           *mieays
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Re: FTMSC US, LLC, Amendments to Applicationsfor Section 214 Authority andfor Earth
    Station Licenses, Requestsfor Special Temporary Authority, and Petitionfor Declaratory
    Ruling, File Nos, TTC—AMD—20060804—00288, SES—AMD—20060804—01315,
    TTC—STA—20070418—001 52, SES—3TA—20070418—00484, & ISP—PDR—20060804—00010
    Notification Pursuant to Section 1.65
Dear Ms. Dortch:

         MobSat S.A 5. (‘MobSat"), by its attomeys and pursuant to Section 1.65 ofthe
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. § 1.65, hereby supplements the record in the above—referenced
proceedings. Specifically, MobSat advises the Commission that the proforma restructuring of
MobSat‘s ownership discussed in MobSat‘s March 14 letter to the Commission‘ has been
consummated. In addition, MobSat incorporates byreference the March 30, 2007, lettr filed by
Inceptum 1 A.S. ("Inceptum") in IB DiNo. 06—225° because the information provided in the
fetter rlates to MobSat‘s ownership as well.
       As a result of the restructuring, three intermediate holding companies have become part
ofthe MobSat ownership chain.. Prior to the restructuring, Apax France VI FCPR ("Apax France
VI), Amboise Investissement SCA (*Amboise"),and Altamir & Cie SCA ("Altamir®) directly

’     See Letter of Karis A. Hastings to Marlene H. Dortch, IB Dit No. 06—225, FCC File Nos.
ISP—PDR—20061129—00017, ITC—AMD—20060804—00288, SES—AMD—20060804—01315, ITC—
$TA—20070301—00092, SES—STA—20070216—00243, & ISP—PDR—20060804—00010, dated
March 14, 2007, Appendix at 12 & Annex 5.
*     See Leter of Peter A. Rohrbach to Marlene H. Dortch, IB Dit No. 06—225, FCC File Nos.
ISP—PDR—20061 129—00017 eal, dated March 30, 2007 & Appendix (*March 30 Letter®).

Ms. MarleneH. Dorch
May 17, 2007

owned interests in MobSat of72%, 20%, and $%, respectively. Post—restructuring, MobSat is
now 100% directly owned by a Netherlands holding company, MobSat Holding 1 BV, which in
turn is 100% owned by a second Netherlands holding company, MobSat Holding 2 BV. A
Luxembourg holding company, MobSat Group Holding Sarl, owns 100% of MobSat Holding 2
BV. Apax France V, Amboise, and Altamir own MobSat Group Holding Sarl in the same
proportions as their previous ownership of MobSat. Thus, ultimate ownership and control of
MobSat is unchanged. A chart showing the updated ownership structure is attached as Annex 1.
       MobSat is attaching a copyof the March 30 Letter filed byInceptum. Because Inceptum
and MobSat are commonly owned, the information provided therein regarding Inceptum‘s
ultimate ownership is also relevant to MobSat. Accordingly, MobSat requeststhat the
Commission consider the March 30 Letter as part of the record in the above—referenced
       Please refer any questions regarding these materials to the undersigned.
                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                /A 4 {*—
                                             Peter A. Rohrbach
                                             Karis A. Hastings
                                             Counselfor MobSat $A.S


       Susan O‘Connell
       Counsel for Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary LLC

5      In letter submitted on April 16, and supplemental materials submitted on April 17,
April 30 and May 2, MobSat and Inceptum advised the Commission that a U.S. entity with
majority U.S. ownership, GEAM International Private Equity Fund, L.P.has agreed to co—invest
in MobSat Group Holding Sarl at a level of 15—18%. See Letters of Karis A. Hastings to Marlene
H. Dortch, IB Dit No. 06—225, FCC File Nos. ISP—PDR—20061 129—00017, ITC—AMD—20060804—
00288, SES—AMD—20060804—01315, ITC—$TA—20070301—00092, SES—STA—20070216—00243 &
ISP—PDR—20060804—00010, dated Apr. 16, 2007, Apr. 17, 2007, Apr. 30, 2007 & May 2, 2007,
As described in those documents, this co—investment, which is scheduled to close concurrently
with consummation of the proposed acquisition of Telenor Satellte Services AS and its
subsidiaries by Inceptum, will ditute the interestsof Apax: France VI, Amboise and Altamir.
Charts depicting the ownership of MobSat upon consummation of the co—investment are attached
as Annex 2.

                                                                    Annex 1

                        Current FTMSC Ownership

                       Awsome mvesnsseent
apax rrance vi ropn                                   Aurami a ore sca
     (rrance)                                            (rrance)
                                  l   20%

        L*              wossat croue nouoNe

                                  ‘ 100%
                          wossat notomc 2 ay
                                  l   100%
                        wossat HoLOING 1 BV
                                  ‘     100%
                            wossat sas.

                                  _ 10%
                         reance reuecon moaike
                      sareture commmunications, sa.
                               rrusc us
                              wouome, mc.
                                  y 10%
                             rruso us, ui

                                                                          Annex 2
                                                                        Page 1 of 3
          FTMSC Ownership After Co—Investment (Simplified)

            Amsoise investissement           ceam wrernaonat
                     sca                   privare Eoutry ruMo, Lo.
                   (rrance)                          ws)
arax rrance viecrn                                       acrame a cie sca
     (rrance)                                               (rrance)
           ssostan       wossat orour nocome                          ' se8#%
        bnccmmmmaye!             siau
                           wossat Hotome 2 ay
                                     l   1o0%
                         wossat Hocome 1 ay
                                     ‘    1o0%
                             wossat sas.

                                   l 1oo%
                          rrance reuecom moaie
                       sateture comuNications, s
                                  1 100%
                              woupme, me.
                                     J   10x
                              rmuscus, ic

                                                                                     Amnex 3
                                                                                  Page 2o3
                                   FTMSC Ownership After Co—Investment
                                                Figure 1
                                                                              Haurice Tchénio
                                             Maurice and Romain

aeax parmitns sa             Sn                    mio sas
     esn                                            (mmo)


        4             an                     n               /           fimse

              Seciété Européenne

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                       Summer Street Satalite
(Deimare o)             Molding Company, t.

                      (Gayman sands Comoons)
                  Apax Paralll                   MobSat Group Holding Sirt
                Hnvestment V, 9.       ———    z (oomisiy in inaty amsan)
            (etanare imted partrersti)
                                        w srowt                                   Continued on
                                                                                  Next Page

                                      Annex 2
                                    Page 3 of 3
             Figure 1 (continued)

    MobSat GrouHolaingSirt
  (wranieeyis ncconsing

        mobsat Holging2 BV
(taverants svaie mt asty consan)

       MobSat Holaing 1 BV
(neserant inns taviy concon)

             wonsat sas.
    France Telecom Mobie Satetite
        Communications, 4.

      Friisc Us Holding,mc.

             rmiscus, ue

  HOGAN &                                                                    reen
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March 30, 2007                                  H'ESTMAP                     g:flwfl; Rulsbach
                                                                             puotibechtm con
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                        MAR 3 0 2007
Federal Communications Commission                           eey memines
445 12th Street, S.W.                                           fera Basccuay
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re: Telenor AS4, Transferor, and Inceptum 1 AS, Transferee, Consolidated Applicationfor
    Consent to Transfer ofControl and Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling,
      1B Dkt No. 06—225, FCC File Nos. ISP—PDR—20061 129—00017, eral

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Inceptum 1 AS (¢Inceptum"), by ts attomeys, hereby supplements the record in the
above—referenced proceeding by responding to the questions regarding foreign ownership of
Inceptum that the Commission staff sent on March 26 and March 29. The questions and their
answers are presented in an appendix attached to this etter. Please refer any questions regarding
these materials tothe undersigned.
                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             RA          fa
                                             Peter A. Rohrbach
                                                               a t ___
                                             Karis A. Hastings
                                             Counselfor Inceptum 1 AS
ce:    David Krech
       Susan O‘Connell
       Cara Grayer
       Counsel for Inmarsat, Inc
       Counsel for Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC



Question 1:
1.      In order to confirm the principal place of business for each ofthe Apax France
"institutional" investors, please provide the following additional information:
(s) The aggregate percentage oftotal commitments for banks, insurance companies, and
    foundations/endowments organized in the United States;
(b) The aggregate percentage oftotal commitments for banks, insurance companies, and
    foundations/endowments organized in foreign countries; and
(¢) A listof the countries included in category (b) above. If any of these countries are non—
    WTO countries, please note the aggregate percentage commitment attributable to the non—
    WTO investment.
(4) The aggregate percentage oftotal commitments for private equity funds and investment
    managers investing in Apax France that are organized in the United States andthat have
    their principal places of business in the United States. In making a principal place of
    business determination, Apax France should include in it determination for each investing
    entityits world headquarters; tax jurisdiction; and the citizenship or principal place of
    business ofits controlling principals, directors and/or investment managers.
(e) The aggregate percentage of total commitments for private equity funds and investment
    managers investing in Apax France that are organized in a foreign country or that have their
    principal places of business in a foreign country; and
(1) For the investors in Category (e) above, a list ofthe countries where the investors are
    organized and where they have their principal places of business. Ifany of these countries
    are non—WTO countries, please note the ageregate percentage commitment attributable to the
    non—WTO investment. In making a principal place of business determination, Apax France
    should include in its determination for each investorits world headquarters; tax jurisdiction;
    and the citizenship or principal place of business of its controlling principals, directors
     and/or investment managers.
(2) In making the principal place of business determination for the private equity funds and
    investment managers, please confitm that Apax France relied upon the factors lited above
    in making its determination (%.e., world headquarters; tax jurisdiction; and the citizenship or
    principal place of business of ts controlling principals, directors and/or investment
    managers). If Apax France used different criteria,please listthe factors it considered in
    making its principalplace of business determinations.
Brief answers to the parts of question 1 are provided below, and a summary ofthe information
requested is also supplied in the form of an updated table of Apax France equity investors. This
table supersedes the information provided in the table on pages 3—4 of Attachment 2 tothe
Consolidated Application. The table is based on information regarding all ofthe limited
partnership interests in Apax France. The de minimis equity interest in Apax France held by its
general partner, Apax Partners S.A. (*APSA"), is not reflected in the table.

In order to obtain the additional information requested by the Commission concering the
principal places ofbusiness of its investors, Apax France sent questionnaires to ts investors.
"The questionnaires asked each investor to provide information conceming itsjurisdiction of
incorporation, world headquarters, principal place of business, and the itizenship ofits
controlling individuals. The results below reflect the answers provided by the investors. All the
countriesidentified by the investors in their responses to the questionnaires are WTO member
countries. In a few cases the questionnaires were not returned, but for those investors Apar
France was able to make a determination ofthe entities‘ principalplaces of business based on its
own knowledge concerning the investors.
1(@)   255%
1(b)   17.54%
1(¢)   Finland, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland (all WTO member countries)
1(d)     £19%
1(e)   1926%
1(_    France, Luxembourg, Netherlands Antiles, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom (all
WTO member countries)
1( As noted above, the determinations made by Apax France were based on answers to
questionnaires that sought information conceming each investor‘s jurisdiction of incorporation,
world headquarters, principal place of business, and citizenship of its controlling individuals
Apax France did not request information regarding its investors‘ tax jurisdiction.

        Type of Investor                % of Total Commitments                            Countrics
U.S. Banks, Insurance                 255%                                  us
Companies, and
Non—U.5. Banks, Insurance             1750%                                 Fintand: 1.05%
Companies, and                                                              France: 9.14%
Foundations/Endowments                                                      Norway: 1.50%
                                                                            Sweden: 3.00%
                                                                            Switzerland: 2.85%
US. Private Equty Funds and           $19%                                  us.
Investment Managers
Non—U.S. Private Equny Funds          19.20%                                France:3248%
and Investment Managers                                                     Luxemboure:     0.04%!
                                                                            Singspore: 7.49%
                                                                            Switzerland: 0.75%
                                                                            United Kingdom: 7.50%
US: Pension Funds                     1eome                                 us
Non—U.S. Pension Funds                25.50%                                Canade: 7.03%
                                                                            Netherlands: 3.74%
                                                                            UK:    14.79%
U.S. Private Investment               0.79%                                 us
Non:U.S. Private Investment           Tam                                   Cinade: 1.05%"
Companies                                                                   France: 2.06%
                                                                            Luxembourg: 1.93%‘
                                                                            Switzerland: 1.57%°
US: Individuals and Family            None
Non—US; Individuals and Family 1.90%                                        France: 1.88%
Trusts                                                                      UK.:0.01%

 !\—The imvestment atribited to Luxembouryincludes equiy held by an entiy that advised Apax France thait is
incorporated and headquartered in Luxembourg but is conrall by French enites orindivduals
5. The investmentttribated to Switzerlanincludes equity held by an entty that advised Apax Prance that is
     orporated in the Nethelands Antilesbut has ts headquater and principl place ofbusiness in Swtzerland and
 is contrlled by Swissand German entties and ndividuals
* This interest ncludes a 0.66% mterest in Apox Prance hld by a privat investment company ouned by
 individuals who ae involved in the managementof Apax France.
       "The investment atribted to Canadaincludesequty hld by an entity that advised Apax France that t is
organized in Canada but has ts headquarters and princial place ofbusiness in the U . and is owned and contolled
by U.S. indivduals
5. The investmentatibuted to Lunembours includes equity heldby an entiy that advised Apax France thait is
 incorporated and has is principal place of busiress in Luxembourg but is benefcialy owned and contolled by
Saudi Aribianindividuals
* The investmentatvibuted t Siitzeriand includesequity heldby an entity that advsed Apas France thait is
 incorporated and headquartred in Panama but is controlled by Swiss enties or ndividual and has ts principal
place ofbusiness in Swtzerind.
 . Thisinteretincludes the 0.89% interest n Aparc Prance hld by individuals who are nvolved in ts
management. The torlfothis category is greaterthan the apparent um of h individual components dueto

Question 2:
(2) If the broad category of "institutional investors" used in the Consolidated Application
(Attachment 2, pgs. 3—4) includes investors other than those covered by the questions above (ie.,
banks, insurance companies, foundations/endowments, private equity funds and investment
managers), please explain the nature ofthese investing entities and:
(a) The aggregate percentage of total commitments for such investors that are organized in the
    United States andthat have their principal places of business in the United States. For
      purposes of determining the investors‘ principal places of business, you should use the five
      factor test specified in the Foreign Carrier Entry Order, 11 ECC Red 3873, 3951, 9 207
      (1995). See also Foreign Ownership Guidelines, 19 FCC Red 22612, 22623 (2004)
(b) The aggregate percentage oftotal commitments for such investors that are organized in a
      foreign country or that have their principal places of business in a foreign country.
(e) For the investors in Category (b) above, a list of the countries where the investors are
      organized and where they have their principal places of business. Ifany of these countries
      are non—WTO countries, please note the aggregate percentage commitment attributable to the
      non—WTO investment

The updated table provided above supersedes the table included in the Consolidated Application
at pages 3—4 of Attachment 2. In the table, the institutionalinvestors have been subdivided into
two eategories: one for banks, insurance companies and foundations/endowments and the other
for private equity funds (including funds of funds) and investment managers. No other types of
entities are included in these two categories.
Question 3:
(3)      Please explain the nature of the business entities included in the category "Other
companies" as used in the Consolidated Application (Attachment 2, pg. 4). Unless these
companies are banks, insurance companies, foundations/endowments, private equity funds or
investment managers, you should provide for these entities the information requested in
Question (2) above.
The business entitiesthat were included in the category "Other companies" as used in the
Consolidated Application (Attachment 2, pe. 4) are private investment companies. These
entities make investments on behalfof small investor groups, such as members of a family, but
do not solicit investment more broadly from members of the public. The table above provides
information regarding the percentage of total commitments made by private investment
companies that are organized in the U.S. and have their principal place of business in the U.3.
(0.79%) and those private investment companies that are organized in or have their principal
places of business in a foreign country (7.27%6). For the foreign private equity companies,
information regarding the countries oftheir principal places of business is also provided. All the
countricsare WTO members.

Question 4:
(4)     Please confirm for Altamir that none of its investors has any control or right to control the
management or voting of shares owned by Altamirin Inceptum (through MobSat Group

None of the investors in Altamir has any control or right to control the management or voting of
shares owned by Altamir in Inceptum (through MobSat Group Holding).
Question 5:
(5) With respect to Amboise and Altamir,in which countries are their shares publicly traded?
Also, please use your best efforts to determine the principal place of business for the
shareholders that you listed in your March 12, 2007 supplement, based on the sharcholder‘s
world headquarters; tax jurisdiction; and the citizenship or principal place of business of its
controlling principals,directors and/or investment managers.. Please explain the basis for your
principal place of business determination(s). For example, if you use different criteria, please list
the factors you considered in making the principal place of business determination(s).
Shares of Amboise and Altamir are publicly traded in France on the Euronext exchange. As we
explained in the March 12 supplement, Amboise and Altamir have limited information regarding
the sharcholders that have identified themselves as owning an interest in excess of the applicable
threshold that triggers the notifieation process. As publicly traded companies, Amboise and
Altamir are not in a position to require that their sharchoders provide additional information
about themselves. The information below has been collected from various public sources, and
Amboise and Altamir are not in a position to verify its accuracy.
Ambaise Investors:
4:             : As disclosed in the March 12, 2007 supplement, a joint declaration was made
by FMR Corp., 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, United States, and Fidelity
International Limited, P.0. Box HM 670, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda, indicating that both
companies were acting on behalf of funds managed by their subsidiaries. FMR Corp. is the
parent company of Fidelity International Limited. FMR Corp. (better known as Fidelity
Investments) has ts headgquarters in the U.S., and according to public information, members of
the founding Johnson family, who are identified as U.S. citizens, retain control of a substantial
portion ofthe company‘s stock.
2.  MMG SAS: The March 12, 2007 supplement included at Annex 3 a full showing for
MMG SAS demonstrating that its principal place of business is France.

3      Schroders Intenational Management, Ltd.: We believe the principal place of business of
this entity is the United Kingdom based on the following information drawn from public sources.
The entityis incorporated in the U.K., has its headquarters in London, and is authorized and
regulated by the U.K. Financial Services Authority. Purthermore, the company has a U.K, VAT
registration number, suggesting thatitstax jurisdiction is the U.K. Its parent company is

Schroders ple, which also has its headquarters in London and is traded on the London stock
exchange. According to public reports, the founding Schroder family maintains nearly 50% of
the stock in the parent company., Although the family originally was from Germany, the last few
generations of family members involved in the company were apparently bor in the U.K.
According to public reports, Schroders ple generates more than halfofits revenue in the U.K.
4.      Adslphi European Small Cap Fund: We believe the principal place of business of this
entity is the United Kingdom based on the following information drawn from public sources.
Adelphi European Small Cap Fundis listed on the Irsh Stock Exchange and is incorporated in
the Cayman Islands, a British overseas territory. Its investment manager is Adelphi Capital LLP,
which has its headquarters in London. We were unable to find any public information regarding
the tax jurisdiction or citizenship of the entity‘s directors or investment managers.

5.     AGF Asset Management: AGF Asset Management SA is organized and has its
headquarters in France. It is a subsidiary of Alliane SE, a diversified insurance, investment
management, and banking firm with ts global headquarters in Germany. Allianz SB is a
European Company organized in the EU thatis listed on the following stock exchanges: all
German stock exchanges, London, Zurich, Paris, New York (in the form ofADRs), and Milan.
According to the Allianz web site, the company‘s management board is comprised offive
German nationals, and five nationals from other countries (one each from Austria, South Affica,
Argentina, Italy, and France), and its bigest shareholders are Munich Re and German and U.S.—
American investment companies.
6.     Société Privée de Gestion de Patrimoine (SPGP) SAS: This entity is organized and has
its headquarters in France, but we were unable to obtain any further information regarding its
principal place of business.
Altamir Investors:
1.     Eidelity: See item 1 under Amboise Investors.

2.      Syeomore Asset Management: This entity is organized and has ts headquarters in
France, but we were unable to obtain any further information regarding its principal place of
3.     Moneta Asset Management SAS: This entity is organized and has ts headquarters in
France, but we were unable to obtain any further information regarding its principal place of


Via e—mail on March 29, the staff requested that we clarify whether Apax France VI, which is a
fonds commun de placement & risques (FCPRorganized under French law, is more similar to a
limited partnership or a corporation or limited liability company. The staff noted that Amboise
and Altamir each is a Sociéré en Commandite par Actions (°SCA"), a type of entity that is

described in the application as equivalent to a limited partnership in the United States (Limited
Partnership with shares).
A FCPR is similar o a limited partnership, and is reated as a partnership for U.S. tax purposes.
As opposed to a company, a FCPR does not have a separate legal personality. It is a co—
ownership vehicle with shares held by investors (these securities can be traded),and it is
managed by a management company.. A FCPR is governed by a principle of separation between
the management and the ownership of the assets. As a consequence, the investors are not
involved in the management ofthe FCPR. In contrast,a SCA is a company, ie. a legal entity,
but its governance is also comparable to a partnership (with one or several general partners, and
limited partners which are sharcholders).

Document Created: 2007-06-01 10:49:10
Document Modified: 2007-06-01 10:49:10

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