Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20070308-00316 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            exmoo     sesstnanmnoromsie       naserovse
                                            DIRECTV Enternises LC                             |

                                                                                                               Approved by OMB
                              APPLICATION ror EArTH starION sPECIAL TEvPoRARY AUTHORNTY

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEmter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
STA (30) — E930304 — DJ drit from 72.5 to 91
    1 Applicant
                ime:   DIRECTV Enterprises, LC          Phone Number:                 s01—se—0053
             DBA Name:                                  Fax Number:                   200—358—0509
             Streets   2230 E. Imperal Hy               E—Mai:              

             Cig:         El Segundo                    State:                         ca
             Country:      USA                          Zipeode:                      soass       —
             Attention:   Jack Wengrynink

                                                                        Epuditeoms AVestset
                                                              (orotherideatfin)           ‘

j                                                        m amcarntnitte30.                            j

                              Conditions of Authorization
                           File No. SES—$TA—20070308—00316
                                     March 12, 2007

DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s (DIRECTV) requestfor special temporary authority, IBFS
File No. SES—$TA—20070308—00316, IS GRANTED. Accordingly, DIRECTV is
authorized to conduct telemetry, tracking, and control communications related to the
relocation of the DIRECTV 1 satelitefrom the 72.7° W.L. orbita location to the 91°
W.L. orbital location in accordance with the erms, conditions, and technical
specifications set forth in the Commission‘s rules and thi document.

     1       During the drit ofthe DIRECTV 1 satelitet the 91° W.L. orbitallocation,
             DIRECTV shall not operate the main communications payload ofthe
     2       DIRECTV shall coordinate all drift orbit telemety, tracking, and contral
             operations with other potentially affected in—orbit operators.
     3       During the relocation ofthe DIRECTV 1 satelite,operations must be on a
             non—harmfulinterference basis, thatis, DIRECTV shall not cause
             interference to, and shall not claim protection from, interference caused by
             any other lawfully operating satelltes o radio communications systems.
     4       In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of operations
             during the relocation ofthe DIRECTV 1 satelite, DIRECTV shall cease
             operations immediately upon notification ofsuch an event, and shall inform
             the Commission immediatel, in writing, othe event

2. Contact

             Name:         WillamM. Witshire             Phone Numbers                    ann—730—1350
             Companys      Harrs, Wilshire & Granis, LLP Fax Number:                      an>—7s0—1301
             Streets       1200 18h Streeu, NW                                  

             Cig:          Washington                     State:                          pe
             Country:      USA                            Zipeode:                        20e —
             Attention:    Willim M Wilshire              Relationship:                   Legal Counsel

(If your application is relted toan application fled with h Commission, enter ither tfile namber oth1B Submission D of the elared
application. Pease eter only one.)
 3. Reference File Number. or Submission ID
    ‘4a,Is afee submited with this application?
 @ 1f¥es, completeand atach FCC Form 159. IfNo,indicate reason forfee exemption(ee 47 CR Section 1.1114)
@ Governmental Entiy g Noncommercil educationa! leensee
@5 Othertplease explain)
(i. Fee Classifcation CGX — Fixed Satelite TransmivReceive Barh Station
5.Tpe Request
& Use PriortoGran                              @ Chiange Station Location                 @ Oner

6. Requested Use Prior Dare

7. CiyCastl Rock                                                     8. Latiede
                                                                     (Wmmsssh) 39 16 370 N
0.Sue: Co                                                            10. Longiude
                                                                     (@mmssst) 104 48 290 W
11. Picase sipply any need attachments
Attachment 1: ExtibitA                        Atachment 2:                                   Atachment

12. Descripion. (If the completedescripion does not appearin this box, please got th end af the form to view iin ts caired)
    DIRECTV Enterprimes, LLC requests special tenporary authority to conduct telemety,
    tracking and control operations in conjunction with the relocation of the DIRECTV 1
    satellite to 91W.L. See Exhibit A.

13. By checking Ys, the undersigned cetfies that nether applicnt nor any otherparty tothe applcation is         Yes       oN
subject t a denial oFederl benefitsthat includes FCCben        pursuant tSection 5301 ofthe Ant—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.5.C. Seetion $62, because of a comviction for possesion or distibutionofa controlld substance
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of &quoparttothe applcation&quot: for these purposes

1. Name of Person Signing                                             15. Tide of Person Signing
  James Buttervorth                                                      Senior Vie President
                (U.S. Code, Tile 18 Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OFANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                 (US. Code, Te 47, Sction 312(a1)), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503).

"The public reporting for this colletion ofinformation is esimated to average 2 hours peresponse, includingthtme for eviewing istrutions,
searching exitingdata sources, athering and maintainingthe required data,and completing and reviewing th colletion ofinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimate,or how we can improvethe collection and reduce the brden it causesyou, please write t the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—067%), Washington, DC20554. We willalso accept
you comments regardingthe Paperwork Reduction     Act aspectsofthiscalletion via the Intemet i you send them to PLEASE
bo Nor sEND CoPLETED FoRMs To THIs Abbres.
Remember — You are not required o espond toa colection of information sponsored by the Federal covernment, and the govermment may not
conduct or sponsor this cllection, unless i isplays a currently valid OMB control number orif w fail to provide you with this notic. This
collection has been asigned an OMB control numberof 3060—0678.
1, 1995, 41 us.C. SECTION asw.

                        Reqursror Sreciat Texrorary Autnoriy
                                      Call Sign: 2930304
             DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (*DIRECTV") hereby requests Special Temporary
     Authority (*STA") for up to 30 days to conduct telemetry, racking and control
     ("TT&C‘) operations on behalf of Telesat Canada (*Telesat") with the DIRECTV 1
     satelite during its drif from the 72.7° W.L. orbital location to the nominal 91° W.L.
         DIRECTV currenty is using DIRECTV 1 to provide DBS service in the United
 States from the Canadian—contolled orbital location at 72.5° W.L.. DIRECTV has filed
 applications necessary to swap DIRECTV 1R for DIRECTV 1 upon it arival at 72.5"
 W.L, sthat DIRECTV 1 will be fe to eplace DIRECTV 2 and continue providing
 service into Canada from another Canadian orbital location." Once t has received proper
 authorization, DIRECTV will relocate DIRECTV 1R to 72.5° W.L.. Telesat, which is
 operating DIRECTV 1, will move that sateliteto 72.7° W.L. temporarily while
 communications trafic is transferzed. At that point, the satellte can be moved without
 disruption to any subscriber services. Telesat will then tum offthe communications
 payload on DIRECTV 1 foris relocation to 91" W.L., and will operate only the TT&C
 payload on that satelie using the following frequencies:
                   Uplink:        17303 and 17797 MHz
                   Downlinks      12200.5 and 12201.75 MHz
DIRECTV has already sought an STA to cover the migration of the DIRECTV 1 space
         Grant othis STA request will serve the publi interest by allowing DIRECTV to
supportthe mansuvers necessary to complete the fnal stages ofa transaction with Telesat
that will both bolster the Canadian DBS constellation and extend DIRECTV‘s rights to
provide service into the U.S. from the 72.5° W.L. position. In addition, grant ofthis STA
request will not resultin increased risk of harmful interference to any other system. This
earth station is already authorized to provide TT&C services using the frequencies
needed for the drft of DIRECTV 1. Moreover, DIRECTV will coordinate with
potentially affected satellte operators in accordance with industry practice and wl
operate on a non—interference basis
        Accordingly, DIRECTV respectfully requests that the Commission grantthis STA.
request as expeditiously as possible

!—      See, eg, FCC File No. SAT—STA—20061213—00149.
       See FCC File No. SAT—STA—20070126—00019.

Document Created: 2007-03-12 16:01:09
Document Modified: 2007-03-12 16:01:09

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