Attachment Reply


REPLY submitted by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20070205-00192 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


      receiven                                                             ORIBIA.,
       MAR 1 4 2007          gederal Communications
                                          Before the
                                                     Commission                     MAR ~ 6 2007
       Satelte Diison               Washington, D.C. 20564                    FihenlOinruncaupy
 in the matter of C
MVS USA, Inc.                              File No. SES—8TA—20070205—00192 (Call Sign EO50348)

        Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (*MSV") herebyfiles this Reply to the
Oppositions filed by MVS USA,Inc.(°MVS") and Inmarsat Ventures Limited ("Inmarsat")to
MSVs Petition to Deny the above—referenced application ofMVS for a new grant of Special
Temporary Authority (°STA") to operate 5000 Broadband Global Area Network ("BGAN®)
terminals using an Inmarsatsatelite, Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W, for which coordination is not
complete." In its Petition, MSV explained that MVS‘s previous STA grant for BGAN operations
expired one month ago, thereby requiring the International Bureau (*Bureau") to treatthe MVS
application as a request for a new STA. MSPerition at 2—3.. While MVS claims that it filed
"several" previous renewal requests which are pending," those requests sought authority for only
a sixty—day period, with the latest renewal request secking authority ending on January 7, 2007
MSV Perition at 2—3. Given that MVS‘s previous BGAN STA grant expired prior to MVS‘s

‘ See MVS USA, Inc., Application for New Special Temporary Authority to Operate BGAN
Terminals with Inmarsat 4F2, File No. SES—STA—20070205—00192 (Call Sign E050348)
(February 2, 2007); Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Petition to Deny, File No. SES—
STA—20070205—00192 (Call Sign EO50348) (February 7, 2007) ("MSFPerition"); MVS USA,
Inc., Opposition, File No. SES—STA—20070205—00192 (Call Sign EOS0348) (February 22, 2007)
("MYS Opposition"); Inmarsat Ventures Ltd., Opposition, File No. SES—STA—20070205—00192
(Call Sign ©050348) (Pebruary 22, 2007).
* See MYS Opposition at 2. MVS attempts to claim that its now—expired STA is stllin effect by
citing Section 558(c) ofTitle 5 ofthe United States Code which pertains to "timely" filed
renewal applications. 5 U.S.C. § 558(c). Because MVS‘s most recent BGAN STA application
was not timely filed —indeed, it was filed a month late — MVS‘s previous STA grant has expired
and thus this provision pertaining to renewals does not apply here.

 above—referenced application filed on February 5, 2007, the Bureau musttreat the MVS
 application as a request for a new STA and assess whether MVS has provided Sextraordinary
circumstances" justifying a grant.
        As MSV explained in its Petition, MVS has provided no evidence that it actually
operated or sold any terminals pursuant to its previous STA grant or that it has a reasonable
expectation of operating or selling any terminals in the future (let alone 5000 terminals, asits
application requests). MSFPerition at 2—3. In its Opposition, MVS does not even attempt to
refute this fact, As such, there is no publicinterestjustiication for granting the MVS STA
request, especially considering that the authorization of far more BGAN terminals than needed
disserves the public interest by depriving Inmarsat of any incentive to satisfyits obligation to
coordinate its Inmarsat 4F2 satellite. 24.‘ Grant of this STA would not outweigh the harm that

will result from the negative impact on the L band coordination process resulting from the
authorization of an excessive number of BGAN terminals and from permitting satellite operators
such as Inmarsat to cause interference to other satellte operators, to bypass the frequency
coordination process, and to undermine the Commission‘s application process. Z4‘

* Indeed, in the year since Inmarsat‘s BGAN service was initited, Inmarsat has been able to
obtain only 7, 119 BGAN subscribers worldwide. While MSV is not aware ofany publicly
available figures on the number of BGAN terminals deployed in the United States (and Inmarsat
has failed to provide any such figure in the record of this or any other proceeding), it is safe to
assume that only a fraction ofthe 7,1 19 BGAN terminals activated worldwide today are used in
the United States, a number far less than the 25,000 BGAN terminals authorized for use in the
United States pursuant to STA. See Exhibit A (attaching excerpts from Inmarsat Group
Limited‘s Form 6—K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on
February 27, 2007, available at
httpo/ 19312507040636/0001 193 125—07—
In their Oppositions, MVS and Inmarsat incorporate by reference pleadings from previous
proceedings. MSV hereby incorporates by reference its pleadings as filedin those previous
proceedings. See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Petition for Clarification, File No.
SES—STA—20060310—00419 et al(June 12, 2006); Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC,

       MSV urges the Bureau to protect the existing and reliable services MSV currently
provides by acting consistently with the views expressed herein and in the MSY Perition.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

  jga/ Vfi %/(,                                      Lfi/z/ /44 u.
 Bruce D. Jacobs                                   lennifer A. Manner
 David S. Konczal                                 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
      SHAW PITTMAN LLP                                SUBSIDIARY LLC
 2300 N Street, NW                                10802 Parkridge Boulevard
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                        Reston, Virginia 20191
 (202) 663—8000                                   (703) 300—2700
Dated: March 6, 2007

Reply, File No. SES—STA—20060310—00419 et a(June 29, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A.
Manner, Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No.
SES—LES—20050826—01 175 t al (November 22, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, Mobile
Satelite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES—LES—
20050826—01 175 et al (December 18, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to Mr. John
Giusti and Mr. Julius Knapp, FCC (June 20, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES—MEFS—20051 122—01614 (Call Sign EOOO180) et al
(June 20, 2006); Leter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to Mr. John Giusti and Mr.Julius
Knapp, FCC (July 18, 2006); Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch,
FCC, File No. SES—MFS—20051 122—01614 (Call Sign EOOO180) et al (July 18, 2006).

Exhibit A

Form 6—K                                                                   Page 1 of 28

6—K 1 d6kchim FORM 6—K.

                       Washington, D.C. 20549

                                       FORM 6—K

                          REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                            Pursuant to Rule 13a—16 or 15d—16 of
                             the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                        February 27, 2007

                      Inmarsat Group Limited
                              e nme n egiricasspcifein s charen

                      Inmarsat Group Limited
                                (trantaioo egiran‘saunc imEaght)

                                        England and Wales
                                (Pursition tincrroaton orrgiiaion)
                                      99 City Road, London
                                   United Kingdom, ECIY 1AX
                                   onl ncntreotion

                          Inmarsat Finance ple
                              (Gnt n eecnrsn s apoiteio ctarn

                          Inmarsat Finance ple
                                         ofRegtrnts sam ie agis

                                       England and Wales
                                (Pustionatncrpoaton rorpninion)
                                      99 City Road, London
                                   United Kingdom, ECV 1AX

hitpo/ Archivesledgar/data/1291396/0001 19312507040636/d6khtm      3572007

Form 6—K                                                                                                Page 2 of28

    Indicate by check mark whether the Regisrantfiles or willfle annual reports under cover Fom 20.F or Fomm 40.F.
                                                 zo ®@ sor o
    Indicateby check mark whethe the Regisrant i ubmiting the Form 6X in paperas permited by Regubation S—T Rule
1010) (>
     Indicate by check mark whether the Registant is ubmiting the Form 6—X in paper as permited by Regubtion S—T Rale
1o10) +
     Indicat by check mark whetherby furishing th information contained in this Form, tregistran is lso therby
firnishng the information to the Commisson parsuant o Rule 1283—2(6)under he Securites Exchungs Act of 1934
                                            Yes 0 No ®
    1"¥es"is marked,indeate below thfilnumberassigned o theregstant n connection with Rule 1283—20) 82«

hitps/fwwwsee.gou/Archives/edgar/data/1 291396/0001 19312507040636/d6khtm                                   3/872007

Form 6—K                                                                                           Page 12 of 28

    Revenves for 2006 were $500.1m, an increase of $00m, or 1.8%, compared with 2008, Revenes excludingsubsidiries
disposed of inreased by 449%, from $479.2m t $500.Im.
     The tible below sets out th components of ourtoa evenue for each of hepeiods underreview.
                                                                                     ime         m        beow
                                                                                   eantion pudien         .(
                                                                                      (ttis miniom         %
       Maritime sector
              voiceservices                                                           1009       1020        (9
              data services                                                           ies        issa        n3
              Total maritime sector                                                   mar        ro           se
       Land secion
              voicesevices                                                                                  (s0
              dats services                                                                                  a3)
              Total fand sector                                                                              @»
       Acronsutial secor                                                                                    32
       Leasing (inc.navigation)                                                                              (o
       ‘Total mobilesatelite communications services                                                           i
       Subsidlaris disposed ofin 2005
       Oherincome                                                                                            ms
Total revene                                                                                                  is
coom                                                                                                    ame. uns
Active terminals®@
Muriime                                                                                                 mas 12e
Land                                                                                                     is 769
Acronsutical                                                                                            _17 es
‘Total active terminals                                                                                 zse mes
(1) Actve terminals e the numberosubscibers (R—BGAN and BGAN)or terminalsthat have been used o ccess
    commercilsevices at any time during the preeding twelve—month peiod (ther services except handheld)repstred
    as at 31 December. Activehandheld terminals arethe average numberoerminalsactve on a aily basiduringthe
(2) Active terminalsas at 31 Decemiber 2006 include 9,922 ACeSterminal an7,119 BGAN subscribers(as at
    31 December 2005; nand nl. respectvel) The average dally ative mumberhandheld was 13,904.
     During 2006evenies from mobile satlite communication services were $, an incease of$19.3m, or4.1%,
compared with 2005. Growth has been strang asa result ocontinued success in srvicessuch asFlect and Switt 6; the
launch of BGAN in December 2005; and we haveadditonally seen revense contibution rom handbeldsevicessice
September 2006. Thi grouth has been pary ofict bylower demand for our servies in the Middle Eastand comperiton
from othertechnologies The mariime, land, neronauicl and leasingsectors ccountedfor57.9%, 23.694,62% and 12.3%
otoal revenves from mobilesteit communication services respectively during 2006.Revenues for 2006 rflct the
increased volume discounts aising from the mergeroSrntos and Xantic which was completed on 14 February 2006
Revenes for2008 icluded th ffect ftherlie work ariingoutoftheAsian tsunami of 26 December 2004.We do not
conside tat ourreventes in 2006 have beneftefrom any ‘one.ofo eventtype revenves.

hitpy\wwwsee.govArchives/edar/data/1291396/0001 19312507040636/d6.htm                                   3/572007

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
        1, Sylvia A. Davis, a secretary with the law firm of Pillsbary Winthrop Shaw
Pittman LLP, hereby certify that on this 6° day of March 2007, Iserved a true copy of
the foregoing by first—class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Robert Nelson®                                  Andrea Kelly®
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12® Stree, S.W.                             445 12° Street, S.W
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
Scott Kotler®                                   Kathym Medlcy®
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Streeu, S.W                             445 12°Street, SW.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554

Stephen Duall*                                  Lawrence J. Moshin
International Bureau                            Wilkinson Barker Knaver, LLP
Federal Communications Commission               2300 N St. NW, Suie 700
445 12° Street, SW.                             Washington, DC 20037
Washington, DC 20554
                                                Counsel for MVS USA, Inc.
Deborah Deffaa                                  Diane J. Comell
MVS USA, Inc.                                   Vice President, Govermment Affairs
175 Rock Road                                   Inmasat, c
Glen Rock, NJ 07452                             1101 Connecticat Averue NW
                                                Suite 1200
                                                Washington, DC 20036
John P. Janka
Jeffey A. Marks
Latham& Watkins LLP
555 Eleventh Street, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004

*By electronic mail

Document Created: 2007-03-14 15:30:23
Document Modified: 2007-03-14 15:30:23

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