Attachment GRANTED STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20070119-00124 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     exsoue   sesstnzmmmscone            innseromane
                                     WMart Stores, nc a Delaware comoration

                                                                                                              Approved by OMB

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description ofthis application toidentify it on the main menu:
Licensee secks STA for modified operation of station E950140 to employe two new emission codes.
 1: Applicant
           Name:       Wal—Mart Stores, Inc.a Delaware Phone Number:                   an—zm—a0
           DBA Name:                                                                   «79—936—2186
           Streets    702 SW 8th Sreet                                                 jnfield@wat—
                      Licensing Department 8916
           Cig:       Bentonville                      State:                          Ar
           Countrys    USA                             Zipeode:                        zeme       ~usoo
           Attention: Jim Ficlding

                                              Call SignE450(42GmeiDe 01/42/4007
                                              (orother ideaifi)
                                              From GS/14(200           To: 0%4;‘;007
                                              amrovt i

January 19, 2007
Scott Kotler,Chief
Systems Analysis Branch
Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
       Re:=—   Wal—Mart Stores, Inc.
               Fixed Satelite Service
               C—Band, Conventional
               Earth Stations E950140
Dear Mr. Kotler:
        Wal—Mart Stores,Inc. a Delaware corporation (*Wal—Mart" or"the Company®), pursuant
to Section 25.120()() ofthe Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications
Commission (*FCC" or "Commission), respectfully requests Special Temporary Authority
(*STA®) to add two new emission designators to Satellte Earth Station E950140
        The complete Application for Modification was submitted on January 11, 2007. The File
Number for the application is SES—MOD—20070112—001 14. The application requests authority o
transmittwo additional emission designators: 36M0GTD and 250KG7D. The Company is
looking to deploy more advanced one—way satellte digital multicast technology at the
Company‘s Canadian retail outlets and other faciities,similar to the technology being deployed
in the Company‘s domestic Ku—band satelte network pursuant to the authorization for Station
E940457 granted in 2006.
                                        t for Special   T            h
         Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the FCC‘s Rules, the Commission may grant STA upon a
finding that "there are extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary operations in the public
interest and that delay in the insttution ofthese temporary operations would seriously prefjudice
the public interest." In this instance, STA is sought to maintain mandatory publi safety
announcements in the Company‘s Canadian retail outlts.
      "The C—Band system supports the transmission of mandatory public safety
announcements that must be broadast on dailybasis in the Company‘s retail outles in

 anorm pasmemn

Canada." For quality control and management purposes, all one—way video and audio
communications transmitted over the Company‘s satelite network to Company facilities located
in Canada originate in Bentonvill, Arkansas atthe Company‘s C—Band "hub station" E950140
       Replacement parts or upgrades for this equipment and technology that constitute the
Company‘s Canadian remote satellite communications infrastructure no longer exist, The
technology is antiquated. As the Company initited plans forthis major upgrade, serious
concems arose regarding this aging C—Band satellte technology in use at the Canadian facilities.
More particularly, the ability to provide the mandatory public safty announcements at the
Company‘s retail stores and other faci      s in Canada would be compromised in the event the
existing remote satellte receivers filed.
        "The Company has intited all appropriate steps to ensure it secures authority in Canada
to operate current remote satellitetechnology atthe Company‘s Canadian facilities—for which
product support and replacements exist—in the very nearfuture. Parallel operating authority on
the new emission designators for Station E950140 is required in the United States o permit
interoperability with the new terminals being deployed at the Company‘s Canadian facilites.
In order to ensure thatthe mandatory public safty announcements are maintained without
interruption, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission grant STA for a period of
at least sixty (60) days commencing on or about February 14, 2007
       This will confirm that no party to this application is subject to denial offederal benefits
pursuant to § 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.
        We trustthat suffcient information has been provided herein to enable the Commission
to grant the requested STA. Should the Commission have any questions or require additional
information, it is asked to communicate directly with C. Douglas Jarett, Keller and Heckman
Lu, 1001 G Street, NW, Suite 500 West, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 434—4180, e—mail

ces    Federal Communications Commission
       Columbia Operations Center
       9200 Farm House Lane
       Columbia, Maryland 21046—1609

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Document Created: 2007-01-22 15:55:39
Document Modified: 2007-01-22 15:55:39

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