Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20061213-02162 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           enow sesstnmeennere                       msson |
                                           DIRECTV EntrprisesLLC

                                                                                                               Approved by OMB
                            ArpLCArion For EAkm smnon seEciat revrorary aumokty

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu:
DIRECTV E930304 STA DIR TT&C for relocation
 1. Applicant

           Name:         DIRECTVEnterprsesLLC                                             soi—6es—o0s3
           DBA Name:                                                                      240—354—0500

           Streets       22308 ImperialHiny                                               jwengrynink@directvcom

           City          El Segundo                        Sta                            ca
           Country:      USA                               Zipeode:                       soads      =

           Attention .   Jack Wengryniuk

                                                                      meeSES—SR2cOt 2 (3—02)6 2

                                                                      onsinE@030 m3) Slb7
                                                                      (or otheridenfie)

                                                                      rea2lglo1 * ‘seal3ler
                                                                      tomes                 1hy
                                              Inmermtional Burcau

                                  Conditions of Authorization
                              File No. SES—STA—20061213—02162
                                       Call Sign E30304
                                         March 8, 2007

    DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s (DIRECTV) request for special temporary authority, IBFS
    File No. SES—STA—20061213—02162, 18 GRANTED. Accordingly, DIRECTV is
    authorized to conduct telemetry, tracking, and control communications from its earth
    station at Castle Rock, Colorado, earth station Call Sign E930304, elated to the
    relocation of the DIRECTV 1R satelltefrom the 100.8° W.L. orbitallocation to the 72.5°
    W.L. orbitallocation in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
    specifications set forth in the Commission‘s rules and this document.

         1)     This authorization is for 180 days commencing on the date of grant.
         2)     During the drift ofthe DIRECTV 1R satellite to the 72.5° W.L. orbital
                location, DIRECTV shall not operate the main communications payload of
                the satellite:
         3)     DIRECTV shall coordinate all drift orbit telemetry, tracking, and control
                operations with other potentially affected in—orbit operators.
        4)     Operations shall be consistent with applicable coordination agreements.
        5)     During the relocation ofthe DIRECTV 1 satellte, operations must be on a
               non—harmfulinterference basis, thatis, DIRECTV shall not cause
               interference to, and shall not claim protection from, interference caused by
               any other lawfully operating satellites or radio communications systems.
        6)     In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result ofoperations
               during the relocation ofthe DIRECTV 1R satellite DIRECT shall cease
               operations immediately upon notification ofsuch an event, and shall inform
               the Commission immediately, in writing, ofthe event.
        7)     DIRECTV shall notify the Commission, by letteto the Chief, Satellite
|              Division, International Bureau, within five business days following the date
               on which the DIRECTV 1R satellite reaches the 72.5° W... orbital location:
        8      The Commission has exchanged leters with the Canadian Department of
               Industry to ensure a mutual understanding regarding the operations of the
               DIRECTV 1R satellite. The understandings and factual basis for these
               understandings are attached in Annex A and are material considerations for
               the grant ofthis special temporary authority.

2. Contact

             Name:    Wiltam M. Wikshire           Phone Number:                       ao>~7s0—1350
             Company: HarisWilishize & Gramis, LLP Fax Number:                         ac>=r30—1301
             Streets  1200 Eighteenth Steet, NW    R—Ma                      

             Cig:        Washington                    State:                            s
             Country:    USA                           Zipeode:                         aoose —2se0
             Atentions                                 Relationship:                     Legal Counsel

[your application i relted to an application filed withe Commisson, nter itherthe filnumber or the TB Submission D oftherelaed
application. Please eter only one )
 3. Reference File Number or Submis      to mzoooust 19
    da s a fe submited with ths applicaton?
@ 1Yos, completeand atach FCC Form 159. No,indcate reason for fee exermption (1e 47 C.ERSection 1.1114)
@5 Govermmental Entiy @> Noncommercialeducational icensee
@5 Otber(please explain)
[i. Fee Classiication CGX — Fixed Satelite TransmitReccive Rarth Stion
5.Tpe Request
 & Use Prio o Gram                          @5 Chinge Stition Location                 @ Ohe

6. Requested Use Prior Date

7. CiyCastle Rock                                                     8. Latiude
                                                                      (@mmsssh) 39. 16 370 N
o.Sure CO                                                             10. Longitude
                                                                      (GGmmsssh) 104 48 290 W
11. Plese supply any need atiachmenis
Atachment 1: ExhibitA                         Acochment 2:                                   Atachment 3

12. Description._(lfhe complete description does not appear in ths box, please o tt end ot form to view it in is enirely)
     IRECTV Enterprises, LLC requests special temporary authority to conduct telenetry,
     txacking and control operations in conjunction with the relocation of the DIRECTV 1R
    matellite to 72.5 W.L.

13, By checking Ys, the undersined certies that neither applicant nor any other pary tte application is         @1«         on
subjcttoa denil oRederalbencfis that includes FCC beneBits prsuantto Section 5301 othe Anti—Drug Act
of 1968, 21 U.S.C. Setion $62, because ofa comvictionfor possession or distribution of a contrlled suBstance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) fothe meaning of&quotparty to the applcation&quotfor these purposes

12 Name of Peron Signing                                               15. Tite ofPenon Signing
  James Butrworth                                                         Senior VicePresident
               (US, Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 312(a¥(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE3. Code, Tite 47, Secion 503)

ree Norick REquiEp By ThE rarERWORK REDUCTION AcT
"The pubic reporting forthis collction ofinformation is estimated t average 2 hours per response, ncludingthe ime fo reviewinginstrctions,
searching existing data sources, gatheringand maintiningthe required dat, and completing and reviewingthe collction ofinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this barden estimate, or how wcanimprove the collction and reduce th barden it causes you.,pleas write tthe
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwark Reduction Projec (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Redution Act aspects ofhis cllection via the Intemet tyou send them t PLEASE
bo NorsEND ComPLETED FORMs To Tis Apprss.
Remember — You are not requied to respand toa collction of iformation sponsored by the Federal covernment, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this colltion, unless it isplays a currently vlid OME cantrl number orifwe fail to provide you with this notice. This
callction has beenassigned an OMB contol number of 3060—0678.

1, 1905, a us.C. SECrION 5w

                         Requesror Serciat. Tevrorary Avtrionry
                                   Call Sign: E930304
             DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") hereby requests Spccial Temporary
     Authority (*STA") for upto 180 days to conduct telemetry, tracking and control
     ("TT&C®) operations with the DIRECTV 1satellte during ts dif from the nominal
     101° W.L. orbitel location to 72.5° W.L., and for a period oftime once the satellte is
              DIRECTV currently is using DIRECTV 1 to provide DBS service in the United
     States from the Canadian—controlled orbital ocation at 72.5° W.L.. DIRECTV has fled
     applications necessary to swap DIRECTV 1R for DIRECTV 1 upon its arival at 72.5"
     W.L, so that DIRECTV 1 will befree to replace move to 82° back up the Nimiq
     2 satelite, which has continued to experience anomaliesthat have limited ts abiity to
     generate power." In the meantime, DIRECTV will complete the process of ransferting
     traffic from DIRECTV 1R to other DIRECTV satelltes operating atthe nominal 101"
     W.L. orbita location sothat it wll b free to begin ts move without causing any service
     intermuption to subscribers.
            Onceit has received proper authorization, DIRECTV will um off he
     communications payload on DIRECTV 1R for ts relocation to and inital operation at
     72.5W.L., and will operate only the TT&C payload using the following frequencies:
                   Uplink:        17305 and 17799 MHtz
                   Downlinks      12698.25 and 1260925 MHz
         Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest by allowing DIRECTV to
conductthe maneuvers necessary to help Telesataddress Nimig 2s faling health and
ensure uninterrupted service to Canadian subscribers. In addition, grant ofthis STA
request willnotresult in increased risk of harmful nterference to any other system. This
carth stationis already authorized to provide TT&C services using the frequencies
needed for the drift of DIRECTV 1R. Moreover, DIRECTV will coordinate with
potentially affected satellite operators in accordance with ndustry practiceand will
operate on a no—interference basis®

Accordingly, DIRECTV respectfullyrequeststhat the Commission grant this STA.
request as expediiously as possible

!_      See FCC File No. SAT—STA—20061213—00149
*       Sinee T&C for DIRECTV 1 is conducted usingdifferentfrequencies(17303 MH(uplink)
        and 12200.5 and 12201,75 MHz (downlink), thee is no riskointerference during itbricf
        period ofollocation with DIRECTV 1R atthe 72.5° W.L. position

Document Created: 2007-03-09 14:11:41
Document Modified: 2007-03-09 14:11:41

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