Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20061020-01880 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC — Application for Earth Station STA                                xear     sesstamenzsoms              miseseme
                                                                       Ses avemcon. nc

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                                       APPLICANT INFORMATION
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Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
STA Request in Association with AMC—18 (KB27)
 1. Applicant
                                                                                               P      /
 Name: 4     SESh Americom,Inc. Phone
                                [ME.,. 609.987—4187                                            teme F/0
 pea                            Fax                                              4
 Nime                              Number 609—987—4233—                          3
 Steet       Four Research Way E—Mail nancyeskenozi@se@@                        m.
 Ciy:.       Princeton              Sure:      NJ                    Vg’ \}
 County: USA                       Zipeode: 08540 —5684                              I
 Anertion: Naney J. Eskenazi
  Comet                                                      intenadonal Bure                          .[
 Name:       Karis A Hastings, Esg.          [RME,..—    2020375707                                           it
 Company: Hogan & Hartson L.L.P. Fax Number: 2026375010
 Steee 555 Thirteenth Street, NW EMait
 Ciy:     Washington             Sure        pe
 Coumty: USA                                 Zipeode:    20004=1109
 Aertion:                                    Relationstip: Legal Counsel
 [if yourapplicaton i relred t an aplication file with the Commision, rterither thefle nurberor th1B
 Submision D ofthe related appliation. Pease enter only one)
 [1 Reference File Number oSubmission ID
 fis. Isa feesubnnited withthisapplcation?
 (® 1¥es,complete and atach FCC Fomm 159
 If No,indicatreaso fofexemption (1 47 CF t Secton 1.1 114)
 C GovernmentalEntiy © Noncommersial educational Hcensce
 C Omertplease explain}                                                                                       j

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File No. SES—STA—20061020—01876
Call Sign E859623

File No. SES—STA—20061020—01877
Call Sign E00313
File No. SES—TA—20061020—01878
Call Sign 2000289
File No. SES—STA—20061020—01879
Call Sign WB8I
File No. SES—STA—20061020—01880
Call Sign KB27

The above—captioned applications by SES Americom, Inc. (SES Americom) secking Special
Temporary Authority are GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS.
1. Operations may commence 5 days after the launch of the AMC—18 Satellte and will expire 95
calendar days from the launch (Total duration of STA is 90 calendar days). SES Americom will
provide written notice of the launch to the Commission within three business days indicating the
commencement and expiration date of the STA.

2. All operations shall be on an unprotected, non—interference basis.

Document Created: 2006-11-28 11:52:52
Document Modified: 2006-11-28 11:52:52

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