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This document pretains to SES-STA-20061006-01820 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         OCT 2 6 2005               DLA Piperus LLP
                                                                    1200 Nneteenth Strent, NW.
                                         Satolte Dvi                Wastingen 5.0. 200302412
                                     Internationats                 T202 001 3000
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                                          Oc 2 * Zuns               Wemuk Coten
October 24, 2006                          conpaumtmese              Tegsclsnermetssoio
Marlene H. Dortch
Office ofthe Secretary
Federal Communications Cm’!‘mis     on
c/o 236 Massachusetts Avenu
445 12" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:—    FTMSCUS, L C;        lesponse to MSV Comments
               File No. SES—STA     os1006—01820 (Call Siz £0s0284
Dear Ms. Dortch:

      FTMSC US, LLC (               C"), by its undersigned counsel, hereby responds to the
Commentsfiled by Mobile Sat         Ventures Subsidiary LLC (*MSV*), dated October 13, 2006,
in the above—referenced file numi   .\ At the outset, FTMSC notes that MSV does not oppose a
prompt grant of the underlyii       uest which is the subject of its Comments, rather it simply
asks for. the clarification          incorporation of conditions imposed by the Federal
Communications Commissiont          mmission") on all other similarly situated Broadband Global
Area Network (*BGAN®) appli
       First, in its Comment   ISV asks the Commission, upon grant of the new Special
Temporary Authority (STA       est by FTMSC ("New STA"),. to terminate the previous STA
granted to FTMSC," because the ould be redundant.‘ However, the Commission should not

   Comments of Mobile Saelit        res Subsidiry LLC, File No: SES—STA—20061006—01820 (Call Sign
   E080285),dared October 13,       MSV Commens)
   See Application of FTMSC U        for Special Temporay   y, File No. Ss—STA—20061006—01820
   (CallSign EOSO284)dared Oct      2006)°FTMSC STA Applcatn).
   STA of FTMSC, Fil No. SES—       060314—00438, dared July11, 2006 ("Prior STAY)
   See MSV Comments atp. 2

                                                                                     Marlene H. Dortch
                                                                                      October 24, 2006
     DLA PIPER                                                                                  Page 2

terminate the Prior STA              proposed transaction transferring control of FTMSC is
consummated. Itis possible        ere may be a lapse between when the new STA is issued and
the proposed transaction        ie control of FTMSC can be consummated." FTMSC hereby
agrees to retum the Prior STA liffmediately upon consummation of the proposed transaction
transferring control of FTMSG to new owners.
       Second, MSV asks the Cofflmission to recognize that the two STAs should not authorize
double the number of terming     ested by cach STA." FTMSC confirms that it will not utlize
both STAs concurrently and               t operate more than the number of terminals set forth in each
STA separately.
        Third, MSV argues                |Commission should adopt ts proposed "clarified conditions"
contained in its Petition for ClirifiGation attached to the MSV Comments as Exhibit A." FTMSC
already responded to the issu               by MSV in its Petition for Clarification and incorporated
them in this docket" Moreovgr,             SC is requesting the New STA only because of a proposed
change of ownership, not to    k a new or different service, and will be returning the Prior
STA. The New STA will simply ‘feplace" the Prior STA. As indicated in its STA Applicnlion,'
FIMSC agrees to comply         1 of the conditions contained in its Prior STA, which are
identical to the conditions containgll    in the STAs ofall other authorized BGAN operators."
       Fourth and finally, M             leves that the Commission should establish a firm expiration
date of November 30, 2006                  New STA, and provide that no further extensions will be
granted." The conditions of               SC‘s Prior STA, and the New STA (assuming the same

    Under the proposed transctio         1 of FTMSC will tansfer from France Téldcom MobSat SA.S
    See Amendment of FTMSC US L          Application for Tik lt Authoriy, ile No. SES—AMD—20060804—01318
    (iled Aug. 4, 2006)
    See MSV Comments atp.2.
    Inmarst Ventres Limited ct            Oppositonto Pettionfor Claifiation, Fle No. SES—STA—20060310—
   00419 eal. June 19,2006)
   STA Application at 1.
   See Special Temporay Autho          s, File No. ES—STA—20060316—00158; Strtos, File No. SES—STA—
   20060310—00419; Telenor, Filg Na¥JSES—STA—20060313—00430; and Briish Telecom, File No. SES—STA—
   See MSV Comments atp. 4.

                                                                                Marlene H. Dortch
                                                                                 October 24, 2006
        DLA PIPER                                                                          Page 3

conditions will be adopted),         the FCC to terminate it at any time." Thus, there is no
purpose to be served by est         ing a new condition restricting the provision of services.
However, if the Commission          ts, FTMSC does not oppose the New STA expiring on the
same date as all other BGAN           r STAs, and is only asking that it be treated the same as all
other BGAN operators
         Finally, we note that       V Comments are not new and were, in fact, incorporated by
reference along with all respot       our STA requests. Thus, we will not respond to them again
       Please file—stamp and retuth the extra copy of this fling in the pre—addressed, stamped
envelope provided for this purpos Kindly refer any questions or comments to the undersigned.

                                               Wlbk. Coull
                                             Williem K. Coulter
                                             Counsel for FTMSC US, LLC

   ‘ee Condiion (8)t Prir STA           "(this STA may betermiatedomodifed atthInernationalBureau‘s
   discretion, withouta hearing,if ndfions warent."

                                CBRTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Christine L. Zepka, lTN   certify that on this 24th day ofOctober, 2006, 1 caused to be
served a true copy ofthe foregbing   esponse by first class mail, postage pre—paid (or as

otherwise indicated) upon the fol ing:
Roderick Porter                                   Gardner Foster
International Bureau                              Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Compri                    Federal Communications Commission
445 12® Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
By Hand                                          By Hand
James Ball                                       Andrea Kelly
International Bureau                             International Bureau
Federal Communications Compri                    Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
By Hand                                          By Hand
Cassandra Thomas                                 Scott Kotler
Interational Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Compi                     Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
By Hand                                          By Hand
Howard Gribo®                                    Karl Kensinger
International Bureau                             International Bureau
Federal Communications Compi                     Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
By Hand                                          By Hand
Stephen Duall                                    John Martin
International Bureau     n'l'n                   International Bureau
Federal Communications Compi                     Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
By Hand                                          By Hand


Fem Jarmulnck                          Jennifer A. Manner
International Bureau                   Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Federal Communications Comis       n   Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
445 12" Street, S.W.                   1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20554                   Reston, Virginia 20191
By Hand
Robert Nelson                          Bruce D. Jacobs
International Bureau                   David S. Konezal
Federal Communications Comuis          Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
445 12" Street, S.W.                   2300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20037—1 128
By Hand
                                       Counsel for: Mobile Satellite Ventures
                                       Subsidiary LLC

Dianne J. Comell                       John P. Janka
Vice President, Government Aftai       Jeffiey A. Marks
Inmarsat,Inc.                          Latham & Watkins LLP
1100 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1423          555 11" Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Arlington, VA 22209                    Washington, DC 20004
                                       Counsel for: Inmarsat Ventures Limited
Anne Grandjacques
Juriste / Legal Counsel
France Telecom Mobile Satellte
16 Bud du Mont dEst
93161 Noisy le Grand Cedex R

                                         Christine L. Zepka


Document Created: 2006-10-26 09:19:58
Document Modified: 2006-10-26 09:19:58

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