Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20061004-01805 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                             eviorss    sesstnavonmecoims           maoocoor *
                                                             WB Haldngs 1 LiC                   *

                                                                                                                 Approved by OMB

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
WB Holdings 1 LLC EOIOIS1 60—day STA for 107 of WildBlue~1 at 109.2 — Cheyenne
    1: Applicant
              Name:        WB Holdings I LLC         Phone Number:                   720—5t—7400
              DBA Name:                              Fax Number:
              Streets   5970 Greenood Plaza Blvc.    E—Mail:
                        Suie 200
              Cig:      Greenmood Vilze              Stat:                           co
              Country:     USA                       Zipeode:                        Em             =
              Attention:   MDavid M Brown

                                                                raepSESST At 20001004 —0( 8057

                                                                CallSignODEL_.omm ae4114py,
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File No. SES—STA—2006 1
Call Sign E040213

File No. SES—STA—200610(
Call Sign EOIO1S1

‘The above—captioned applicatio by WB Holdings 1 (Wildblue) seeking Special Temporary
Authority are GRANTED W conprrions.
1. Operations may comme e days after the launch of the Wildblue—1 Satellite and will expire
70 calendar days from the 1 un (Total duration of STA is 60 calendar days). Wildblue provide
written notice of the launch    Commission within three business days indicating the
commencement and expirat       te of the STA.
2. All operations shall be on       protected, non—interference basis.
3. WildBlue‘s request to ext       Ihe power—flux density limits set forth in 47 CFR § 25.138(a)(6)
and 47 CFR § 25.208(c) an          in order to perform In Orbit Testing and Check—out (1OT), is
granted on the basis that th       r—flux density limits will only be exceeded for short periods of
time during IOT. This gran         not extend to WildBlue, the authority to exceed the power—flux
density limitsfor any other        se except IOT. Nor does it extend to WildBlue, the authority to
exceed the power—flux dens          its to any other license or beyond the period of validity (70
calendar days) ofthese two         al Temporary Authorities.
4. WildBlue will provide to        and NTIA a schedule of the IOT operations for the WildBlue—1
satellite, to include operati      ere the power—flux density limits, set forth in 47 C.F.R. §
25.138(a)(6) and 47 C.FR.          08(c) and (d), are exceeded. If the TOT schedule changes for
any reason, WildBlue will          IFCC and NTIA ofthe change and provide a new schedule.
5. A 2477 Point of Contact           available while the IOT operations are performed in the 18.3—
18.8 and 19.7—20.2 GHz              ildBlue will provide the name and phone number of this Point
of Contact to FCC and NTL           rto beginning IOT operations.
6. The 17.8 — 20.2 GHz ban         ared with U.S. Government space stations and associated earth
stations in the Fixed—Satelli       ices. Services within the United States over the satellite
network of which this is a c 0      ting earth station are subject to coordination under US334 and
operation of the earth statio 6)    thorized herein will be subject to any technical constraints
resulting from this coordin ion

Document Created: 2006-11-14 16:33:41
Document Modified: 2006-11-14 16:33:41

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