Attachment Extension grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060606-00930 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          esmso seswor  stnamsssedons          inmosttint)
                                          Loral Snet Net k Senvices,Inc                      |

                                                                                                          Approved by OMB

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identfy t on the main menu:
EXTEND STA PALAU        MAY 23 2006
 1. Applicant
           Name:      LoralSkgmet Network Services,..   Phone Number:                  sos—a70—2342
           DBA Name:                                                                   sos—470—2453
           Street:    500 Hill Drive                                         
                      PO Box 7018
           Cig:       Bedminster                        State:                         w
           Country:    USA                              Zipeote:                       oroz       ~718
           Attention: MrStanley Edinger

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     Conditions of Special Temporary Authorization—SES—STA—20060606—00930
                         Loral Skynet Network Services, Inc.
                                 Call Sign: E980250
                              Grant Date: June 8, 2006

Loral Skynet Network Services, Inc‘s ("Loral") request for Special Temporary
Authority, File No. SES—$TA—20060606—00930, 1S GRANTED! Accordingly, Loral is
authorized to operate an earth station in Kapolei, Hawaii (Call Sign: E980250), using
conventional C—band frequenicies, 5925—6425 MHz Transmit (V,H), 3700—4200 MHz
Receive (V,H1), to communicate with the Telstar 18/ Apstar V/ Tongasat satellite at
(International designation:2004—024A) the 138° EL. orbital location for the period of
June 15, 2006 to August 14, 2006 in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
specifications set forth im its application, this Attachment and the Federal
Communications Commission‘s ("Commission®) Rules.

    1. Loral‘s earth station aperation shall be on a non—harmful interference basis, he.,
       Loral shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from
       interference caused to it by, any other lawully operating earth station or satellites.
    2.. In the event that any harmful interference occurs as a result of the earth station,
        Loral shall cease opefations immediately upon notification of such interference
        and shall inform the Cgmmission in writing immediately of such an event.

    3.. Loralis prohibited from sending or receiving any Direct—to—Home (DTH) service,
        Direct Broadcast Satelite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS)
        to or from the satellite,
    4.. Loral is prohibited from sending or receiving analog video services or any FM
        video television services to or from the satellie.
    5.. With reference to Article 18 of the ITU Radio Regulations, the United States is
        not the "government of the country to which" the satellte "is subject," and is not
        acting. on behalf of atty other government. Operations of earth station call sign
        (E98020) are expressly conditioned upon that space station (or those space
        stations) having beem licensed, within the meaning of Article 18, by the
        government, or on belilfofthe government, of the country to which the station is

* Our action here is without prejudid¢ to Lorl‘s pending modifeation request. File No. SES—MOD—

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Document Created: 2006-06-08 15:32:26
Document Modified: 2006-06-08 15:32:26

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