Attachment Supplement

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060605-00922 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                       BINGHAM McCUTCHEN

                          Eliot J. Greenwald
                          Direct Phone: (202) 373—6009
                          Direct Fax:       (202) 424—7647

                          June 7, 2006

                          Marlene Dortch, Secretary
                          Federal Communications Commission
Bingham McCutchen LLP     Office of the Secretary
             Suite 300    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
    3000 K Street NW      Washington, DC 20554
      Washington, DC
          20007—5116                  RE:       CORRECTED Supplement to Deere & Company application for
        202.424.7500                  special temporary authority to conduct receive—only testing in the L—band;
     202.424.7647 fax                 IBFS File No. SES—STA—20060605—00922
      Dear Ms. Dortch:

                Boston    By this letter, Deere & Company ("Deere") supplements and clarifies the above—
              Hartford    referenced application for special temporary authority ("STA") to conduct receive only
               London     testing in the L—band with the Inmarsat IIIF4 located at 142° west longitude. Please note
           Los Angeles    that a nearly identical supplemental letter was filed with the Commission on June 6,
            New York      2006. That letter inaccurately referenced the number of mobile earth stations participating
       Orange County      in testing. This letter has been filed to correct the aforementioned inaccuracy.
         San Francisco
         Silicon Valley   Specifically, Deere wishes to clarify that the proposed testing will be conducted at
                 Tokyo    1535.15 MHz, a frequency in the same band that is allocated to Deere‘s GreenStar©
         Walnut Creek     system pursuant to SES—LIC—20010112—00051. In addition, please be advised that the
          Washington      emission designators for the proposed STA are identical to those in SES—LIC—20010112—
                          00051. Finally, please be advised that Deere will conduct testing with no more than
                          twenty (20) receive only mobile earth stations.

                          Enclosed are four (4) copies of this filing. Please date—stamp the enclosed extra copy of
                          this filing and return it in the envelope provided. Please do not hesitate to contact the
                          undersigned if you have any additional questions regarding this application for special
                          temporary authority.

                          Very truly yours,

                           liot J. Greenwald
                          Timothy L. Bransford

                          ce (by email):      Scott Kotler (Chief, System Analysis Branch)
                                              Stephen Duall (Attorney Advisor, Policy Branch)


Document Created: 2006-06-07 12:24:29
Document Modified: 2006-06-07 12:24:29

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