Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060406-00584 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                             chrese       sesstnamenoesom      nmomoon
                                                             Intlsat LC
                                                                                                              Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu:
 STA To Conduct Further IOT of Spainsatat 303WL.
 1. Applicant

           Name:        Intelsat LLC                     Phone Number:                200—944—7848
           DBA Name:                                     Fax Number:                  an>—94—7800
           Street:   o IntelsatGlobal Sve. Corp.         E—Mail:            
                        3400 Intermational Drive, N.W.
           Ciy:         Washington                       State:                        pe
           Countrys     USA                              Lipeote:                     20008       ~306
           Attention:   SusanH Crandall

                                                                               5es sm—200404000584

Call Sizn Eo#0286
File No. SES—S7A—20060406—00584
Intelsat LLC‘s request fr specialtemporary authority to provideearth station communications from
Clarksburg, MD to Spain‘s Spainsat steliteat 30.3 W.L. in the bands 20.2—21.2(space—to—Barth) and
30—31 GHte(Earthto—space)is GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS. After the 107, he Spainsat
satelite is to support Spanish Ministy of Defense,including NATO operations, from a location of
30W.L.. Based on the exceptional circumstances of this request, Intelsat is authorized to operate he
Clarksburg earth station with the Spainsat satllt on a non—interfrence basi till no aterthan 14
April 2006, in accordance with the trms, conditions, and technical specifiations st forth in the
application, this Attachment (incudingthIntesatto—FCC leter of February 13), and the
Commission‘s Rules
 1.      This grantislimited to a period3 days or less between 1114 April2006, Intelsatwll
inform NTIA and the DoD at east 24 hours prirto the firs day of testing and getther agrcement
before any tesing begin. Intelsat wllalso inform NTIA and the DoD when testing has been
completed. Oncethe 107 testing startsthis authorization wl become null and void when the tsting
has beencompleted or aftr 3 days, whichever occursfist
2.       While communicating with the Spainsatsatefite athe 30.3 W.L. orbital lcation in the band
30—31 GHfz, no harmil inerference shallbecaused by the Intlsatearth station o any lawhully
operating sateltes or radiocommunicationsystems. Operations othe Intesatearth station shall
cease immediately upon notifeation of such interference and Tatesatshall infom the Commission in
          mediately of such an event.
3.      While communicating in the band 20.2—21.2 GHtz with the Spainsat satelite at30.3 W.L
orbiallocation, the Intelsatearth sttionis equired toaccept interference from other lawully
operating satellites or other radiocommunication systems, IFany interference is eceived from the
Spainsatsitefte,opertions ofthe Intlsat earthstation shall cease immediately upon notiieation of
such interference and Intelsashall inform the Commission in writing immediately of such an event
4.     This grant does not convey to Intelsat any authority to aperate n the bands 20.221.2 and 30—
31 GHte for any other stelitetan the Spainsa at 30.3 WL
5.      Intelsts request to walve the able oalloctions to the extent necessiry to aperate on a non—
interfrence basi in the 30720 GHtz bands is grand.
6.      The grantis imited to the purpose described in Intelsats application, e., the in—orbit—est of
the Spainsat satelite for 3 days orless
7._ _   This grant was conditioned upon the concurrence ofthe National Telecommunieations and
Information Administation (NTIA)in the 30(20 GHte bands and if NTIA withdraws ts concurrence,
the grant will be canceled effective upon the time NTIA withdraws itconcurrence.
8.     Intelst must operate pursiant to the technical requirements set forth in their leter February
13, 206.
9       Intelsat must have 2477 point—of—contact that hasthe capability of ceasing operations othir
Clarksburg Earth Station (p 301—428—1501/1502)

Document Created: 2006-04-10 11:29:27
Document Modified: 2006-04-10 11:29:27

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