Attachment Dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060405-00570 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                          Da 06—945

                                          April 28, 2006

Keith H Fagan
Telenor Satelte, Inc.
1101 Wootton Parkway, 10th Floor
Rockville, MD 20852
                                             Re: Call Sign: E980136
                                                   i        sEs—MEFS—20060405—00564
                                                         .: SES—$TA—20060405—00570

Dear Mr. Fagan:
On April5, 2006, Telenor Satelite, In. (Telenor)filed the above—captioned application to
modify ts Hicensed carth station (callign E980136) o add INMARSAT—3F4 at 142° W.L. as a
new point ofcommunication. Telenor lso filed a requestfor special temporary authority (STA)
to communicate with INMARSAT—3F4 pending action on the modification application, to allow
it t support the Federal Aviation Administration‘s Wide Area Augmentation System. We
dismiss the STA request without prejudicet reiling and without prejudice to any action on
Telenor‘s modification request
Telenor has not submitt the required Schedule B (Technical and Operational Description) in its
modification application. Rather,it seeks a waiver of Sections 25.1 13(a) and 25.130(a)ofthe
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §§ 25.115(a) and 25,130(a), on the basis that Schedule B is
unnecessary since it does not seck to modify any ofthe earth station‘stechnical parameters other
than to repointthe antenna. The current lcense for th earth staion! includes transmit uthority
in the 6154,4—6456.6 and 6440.8—6443.0 MHz bands and lists the receive frequency band in the
C—Band as 3629.4—3631.6 MHz. The authorization also lists the INMARSAT—3 satelite at 178"
E.L. asthe only authorized point ofcommunication. In ts STA request, however, Telenor
indicates that it will transmitat6445—42 MHz. In addition on April11, 2006, in reply to Mobile
Satelfite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (MSV) comments, Telenor frther clariies that the STA
request is solly for the 6445.42 and 3639.42 MHz frequencies. Since these frequencies are
inconsistent with the authorized frequency bands in the license, and the underlying modification
application does not propose to change these authorized frequency bands, we dismiss the STA
request as defective.
in connection with any refiling ofthis STA request, please notethatthe Commission‘s
deliberations would be aided considerably if the record were to eflect the fll range of
* SeeIBFS File No.SES—L1C—19980211—00183.

                                Federal Communications        Commission           pa 06945

frequencies for which the INMARSAT—3F4 satelite is capsble of operating, as well as identfying
the full particulars fo the specific operations sought under this STA, including specific
frequencies and emissions. Pleasealso note that any action on a reiled application would be
without prejudiceto enforcement action in connection with any unsuthorized operation.
Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1)ofhe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. § 25.112
(a)(1, and Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules on delegations ofsuthonity, 47 CER. §
0.261, we dismiss your application, File No. SES—STA—20060405—00570, as defective without
prejudice to refling

                                                    deakt) A ]/\gb\ L
                                                  Scott A. Kotler
                                                  Chiet, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                  Satelite Division
                                                  International Bureau

* 47 CER. §25.112@)(1), Seealso Echostr Stelite LLC, Order on Reconsideration, DA 04—4056
(released December 27,2004)

Document Created: 2006-04-28 10:47:39
Document Modified: 2006-04-28 10:47:39

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