Attachment Extension STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060321-00474 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              cossene   sesornasosnsziaure         imasosooorse

                                                                                                                Approved by OMB

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Extension of STA To Conduct IOT of Spainsat at 303W.L.
 1: Applicant
           Name:     Intlsat LLC                        Phone Number:               200—944—7808

           DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:                 an>—9s4—7860
           Streets   oo Intesat Global Sve. Corp.       E—Mai                       susencrandall@intelsatcom
                        3400 Interational Drive, N.W.

           Ciy          Washington                      State:                       nc
           Country:     USA                             Zipeode:                    20008          ~3006

           Attention:   Susan1 Crandall

                                                                              Covctitioma Atla¢hed
                                                                                   Tom takp
                                                                   From 4/ 3/0            ¥ou 5/           z.

Call Sign Eos0286
File No. SES—STA—20060321—00474
Intelsat LLC‘srequest o extend its specialtemporary authorit, ranted under File No. SES—STA—
20060131—00188 to provide earth station communications from Clarksburg, MD to Spain‘s Spainsat
sateliteat 30.3 W.L. in the bands 20.2—21.2 (space—to—Rarth) and 30—31 GHtz (Rarth—o—space)is
GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS. Afer the IOT, he Spainsat stelite is to support Spanish
Ministry of Defense, including NATO operations, from a location of 30WL. Based on the
exceptionalcircumstances ofthis equest, Intekat is authorized to operatethe Clarksburg earth
station with the Spainsa satllte on a non—nterfeence basi tllno late than May2, 2006, in
accordance with the terms, conditons, and echnical specifiations set forth in the application,this
Attichment (ncluding the Intesatto—FCC leter of February 13, 2006), and the Commission‘s Rules

1.      This grantis limited to a period of S days o less between April 3, 2006 and May 2,2006. If
5 day period dos not begin on April 3, 2006, then Imelsawillinform NTIA and the DoD atleast 24
hours priorto the first day of testing and obtain thir agreement before any testing begins. Intelsat
willals inform NTIA and the DoD when testing has been completed. Oncethe 107 testing stars,
this uthorization will become null and void when the testing has been completed oafer S days,
whichever occursfit.
2.      While communicating with the Spainsatsatelite at the 30.3W—L. orbital ocation in the band
30—31 GHz, no harmful interference shallbe caused by the Intlsat earth station to any lawily
operating sateltes or adiocommunication systems. Operations of th Intesatearthstationshall
cease immediately upon notifation of such interference and Intesatshallinform the Commission in
writing immediately of such an event.
3.      While communicating in the band 20.2—21.2 GHtz with the Spainsatsatellt at 30.3 W.L
orbitl location,the ntelsat earth station s required to accept interference from other lawuly
operaing satelites or other radiocommunication systems. Ifany interference is received from the
Spainsat satelite,opertions ofthe Intlsat earthstation shal cease immediately upon notiieation of
such interference and Intelsat shll nform the Commission in wrtingimmediately of such an event.

4.      This grant does not convey to Intelst any authority to operatein the bands 20.221.2 and 30.
31 GHtz for ny other satellte than the Spainsatat30.3 WL
5..     Intelsts request to walve the table oPallocations to the extent necessary to operate on a now
interference basi n the 30720 GHte bands is graned.
6.      The grant is limited to the purpose described in Itelsts application, , the n—orbit—test of
the Spainsat satelite for 5 days or les.
7.      This grant was conditioned upon the concurrence ofthe Nationa! Telecommunications and
Information Administation (NTIA) in the 3020 GHz bands and if NTIA withdraws its concurrence,
the grant will be canceled effective upon thetime NTIA withdraws its concurrence.
8.      Intelsat must operate pursiant to the technical requirements set forth in their letter Rebruary
13, 2006.
9.      Intelsat must have 2477 point—of—contact that has thecapability of ceasing operations o their
Clarksbarg Earth Station (p: 301—428—1501/1502)

Document Created: 2006-03-29 16:17:03
Document Modified: 2006-03-29 16:17:03

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