Attachment Grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060313-00430 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                              RECEIPT COPY
                                                Before the              RECEIVED
                                   Federal Communications Commision
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                           mMaR 1 42006
In the matter of                     )
                                     )) File No. SES—$7A20060310:40419 (Call
Stratos CommunicationsInc.                                                   $ign050249)
Telenor Satellite Inc                ) File No. SES—STA—20060313—4030 (Call Sign 050276)
       Mobile Satelite Ventires Subsidiary LLC (*MSV*) hereby rquests that the Commission
designate the ex part status othe above—captioned proceedings as‘pemit—but—disclose.""

Pursuant to the Commission‘s riles, ‘wlhere the public interest so requres in a paricular
proceeding, the Commission and its saffretain the discretion to modifythe applicable ex parre
rules by order, Tetr, or publicnotice." 47 C.F.R. § 1.1200(a). Thesepoceedings imrolve
applications for Special Temporary Authority to operate carth stationsinthe United Sutes using
an uncoordinated Inmarsat saelite in the . band. The applications mise policy issues
concerning the mansgement ofL band spectrurm, including complex echnical issues, which are
the same issues raised by similar previowsly filed applications currenty pending before the
Interational Bureas t operite with an uncoordinated Inmarsat satelitThe Intemational
Bureau has already designated hese previously filed applications as pemit—but—disclose

‘ On this day, MSV has filed a NoticeofItent to Participate in the aborereferenced
proceedings, thereby making these proceedings restricted under the Conmission‘s exparte rules.
See MSV, Notice of Intent o Paticipat, File Nos. SES—STA—20060310:004 19 (Call Sign
050249), SES—STTA—20060313—00430 (Call Sign 050276) (March 14, 2000).
? See, eg., Stratos Communications, ly., Application, File No. SES—LFS20050826—01175
(August 26, 2005); Statos Communications, Inc., Amendment, File No.SES—AMD—20050922—
01313 (September 22,2005}; Telenor Sitellite, Inc., Application, File No.SES—LFS—20050930—
01352 (September 30,2005};                           Mieation, File No. SES—LES—2005101 —
01396 (October 11,2003).                              Filew ‘o60       om— 2006001     i

                               |      GRANTED
                                    nicmational Bureu

Telenor Satellite Inc.

File No. SES—STA—20060313—00430 (Call Sign E050276)
On March 16, 2006, the Satellite Division granted Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary
LLC‘s request to designate Telenor Satelite Inc.‘s ("Telenor") earth station application
that seeks special temporary authority to provide Mobile Satellite Services in the L—band
with Inmarsat‘s 4F2 satellite, to be located at 52.75° W.L., as "permit—but—disclose" for
purposes ofthe Commission‘s rules governing ex parte communications. See Motion to
Designate Proceeding as "Permit—But—Disclose," filed by Mobile Satellite Ventures
Subsidiary LLC on March 14, 2006. We find that designating this Telenor application
for special temporary authority as "permit—but—disclose" will facilitate resolution ofthe
complex policy issues raised by the application. Thus, we designate IBFS File No. SES—
STA—20060313—00430 as "permit—but—disclose," effective March 16, 2006. See 47 C.FR.
§§ 1.1200(a), 1.1206 and 1.1208 note 2. This action is without prejudice to any
determination regarding the processing of the application. .
                                     "Peomt— Buts             ces

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       I                           Lagh £ AcRtR
       |_ erantep            "*=                      ha                  —
       intermtionstBuresu Approvet;
                                         Chie6,         me.    Analysis   Branch

 proceedings." A free exchange of views, paticularly with Commissim engineerswill be useful
 in creating a more completerecord.
        Based on the foregoing, MSV respectfully requests that the Commission designate the ex
partestatus ofthe above—captioned proceedingss as "permit—but—disclo."
                                      Respectfully submitted,

 Hrice D. Jacobs                                     ennifer A. Mamner
 David S. Konczal                                     ice President, Repatory Atfiis
        sHAw PITTMAN LLP                                   sUBSIDIARY LLC
 2300 N Street, NW                                  10802 Parkridge Botlevard
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                          Reston, Virginia 20091
 (202) 6e3—8000                                     (703) 390—2700

Dated: March 14, 2006

* See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00767 (November 16, 2005) ("We find that designating the
earth station applications as‘permit—but—disclose" will fiiltte resolutim of the complex. policy
issues raised by the applications.").

                                CermIFICATE OF sERVICE
        1, Sylvis A. Davisa secretay with the law firm ofPillsbury Wathrop Shaw Pitman
LLP, hereby certify that on this 14th day of March 2006, I served a tme copy ofthe foregoing by
firstclass United States mail, postageprepaid, upon the following:

Andrea Kelly®                                  Stephen Duall*
Intermational Bureau                           Interntional Buress
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communicatios Commission
445 12° Street, SW.                            445 12Stzeet, SW
Washington, DC 20584                           Washingion, DC 20554
Alfred M. Mamit                                Keith . Fagan
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                          ‘Telenor Stellte, nc.
1330 Connectiou Avenve NW.                     1101 Wootton Parivay
Washington, D.C. 20036                          10* Floer
                                               Rocklls MD 20852
Counsel for Stratos Communications, s

                                                ylWis A

*Via electronic mail

Document Created: 2006-03-16 15:46:31
Document Modified: 2006-03-16 15:46:31

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