Attachment Joint Opposition

Joint Opposition


Joint Opposition


This document pretains to SES-STA-20060310-00419 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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   Ms. Marlene Dortch                                               Hercon     To        InternationalBcroau
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   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, N.W.
   Washington, DC 20554

           Re:    Thrane & ThranAirtime, Ltd.
                  File No. SES—STA—20060522—00857 (Call Sign E060179)
   Dear Ms. Dortch:
                  MSV attached to ts Petition to Deny in this proceeding an exparte presentation
   submitted in other proceedings requesting that the Commission substantially modify the
   conditions in previously granted special temporary authority ("STA") to provide Broadband
   Global Area Network (BGAN) service. MSV asks that the Commission take that request into
   account in granting Thrane & ThraneAirtime, Ltd.‘s STA.‘
                   On June 19, 2006, Inmarsat and the BGAN STA grantees submitted a Joint
   Opposition to MSV‘s request for elariication in those other proceedings. Inmarsat respectfully
   requests that the Commission aecept the Joint Opposition (attached), which responds to MSV‘s
   specific proposals, into the record of this proceeding.
                   Please contact the tindersigned if you have any questions regarding the attached.
                                                  Sincerely yours,

                                                TeffieyA. Marks

   ‘ MSV has since converted thex parte presentation to a Petition for Clarification. MSV
     Petition for Clarification, File Nos. SES—STA—20060310—00419 er al.(fled June 12, 2006),
     attaching ex parte Letter from Jennifer Manner, Mobile Satellte Ventures LP, to Marlene H.
     Dortch, FCC (originally filed May 26, 2006).



                             Federal Cnm:fi?:!::s Commission REcEMEBVRN
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554    JuN 1 9 2006
                                                                    Fedeal Communtatens Conmisson
 In the matter of                     )                                    Oftect Smb
Stratos Communications, Inc.         ;    File No. SES—STA—20060310—00419 (Call Sign EO50249)
Telenor Satellite, Inc.              ))   File No. SES—STA—20060313—00430 (Call Sign EO50276)
Ensc us, LLe                         ;    File No. SES—STA—20060314—00438 (Call Sign EO50284)
BT Americas Inc.                     ;    File No. SES—STA—20060315—00445 (Call Sign E060076)
MVS USA, Inc.                        ;    File No. SES—STA—20060316—00454 (Call Sign EOSO348)

                     Joret OrPostmion o Perrmion ror Crarrication
               Telenor Satellte,Inc., FTMSC US, LLC, BT Americas Inc., MVS USA, Inc. and

Stratos Communications, Inc. (collectively, the "Licensees"), ogether with Inmarsat Ventures
Limited ("Inmarsat®), oppose the petition ofMobile Satellite Ventures LP ("MSV")! to "clarify"
conditions applicable to the existing grants ofspecial temporary authority ("STA") to provide
Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) service over the Inmarsat—4 spacecraft (41—4").
               Contrary to its label, MSV‘s petition goes beyond a request for mere
"clarification‘"and actually seeks to add entirely new conditions to the STAs. In any event, there
is no basis for granting MSV‘s reguest. By all accounts, each Licensee has complied with the
conditions of its STA during the approximately one month since BGAN STA issued..Indeed, the
Licensees have every incentive to comply with the STA conditions in order to maintain their
BGAN authorizations, and Inmarsat has every incentive to ensure that the Licensees have the

‘— MSV Petition for Clarification, File Nos. SES—STA—20060310—00419 (filed June 12, 2006),
   attaching ex parte Letter from Jennifer Manner, Mobile Satellite Ventures LP, to Marlene H.
   Dortch, FCC (originally filed May 26, 2006).

 wherewithal to comply. MSV has provided no evidence that the Licensees have not complied,
 and MSV has not demonstrated thatthe current conditions are inedequate to constrain the
 potential for interference. In short, MSV‘s request is the proverbial solution in search ofa
 problem, and there is no reason to modify the STA conditions.
                The following are more specific responses to each ofMSV‘s comments on the
 STA conditions.
                Condition 1. Condition 1 states that "{n}either the aggregate uplink EIRP
 densities in the direction of any other L—Band satellite serving the United States, nor the
 downlink EIRP densitics at any geographical point within the United States, shall be increased,
above the levels previously authorized in connection with operations using the Inmarsat 3F4
satellite, asa result ofthe operations authorized by this STA."" MSV first requests that the
Commission clarify that Condition 1 places an "aggregate" EIRP on the downlink as well as the
wplink. As an inital matter, i is doubtfil whether an aggregate downlink EIRP limit is even
necessary, given that Inmarsat‘s illuminating a given geographic area with more than one co—
frequency carrier would cause selfinterference. But that issue is academic because Inmarsat and
the Licensees already treat Condition 1 as limiting "aggregate" downlink EIRP from 1—4 at any
geographic point within the United States. Thus, MSV‘s requested "clarification" would neither
enhance the meaning of Condition 1 nor have any practical impact on the operations ofInmersat
or the Licensees.
               Second, MSV requests that the Commission extend the application ofCondition 1
beyond the 1—4 satellte that is the subject ofthe STAs, and cover all other Inmarsat spacecraft
"visible over North Americs," regardless whether those spacecraft are authorized to serve the
United States. Specifically, MSV Seeks to constrain the operations ofInmarsat spacecraft that

 are located over Australia and Affica, among other locations. There is no valid basis for MSV‘s

 requ   . The STA covers only BGAN service, and only 1—4. Indeed, 1—4 is the only Inmarsat

 spacecraft with U.S. coverage thatis capable ofproviding BGAN service.
                Moreaver, Inmarsat and the Licensees have confirmed in the context of these
 BGAN STAs and the underlying BGAN applications that, until a new coordination agreement
 with MSV is reached, Inmarsat will operate within the technical envelope that Inmarsat has
 previously coordinated with MSV. MSV cites no precedent in support ofimposing these types
 of"Aeet—wide" limits on satellites thatare not even the subject ofthese STAs. The Commission
 imposed no such fleet—wide limit on MSV, when the Commission Hicensed MSV‘s two,
uncoordinated, next—generation spacecraft". The Commission authorized new services on those
spacecraft without reference to the technical parameters under which MSV operates today,
subject only to the requirement tha service be provided on a non—interference basis, and in the
complete absence of any indication that MSV actually could do so. MSV was allowed to
provide new services, using new, high—powered, broadband carriers, and a new satellie located
almost 40 degrees closer to Inmarsat, but had no spectrum coordinated to serve the primary
service area of one of these two sptcecraft (South America)." Yet the Commission did not

impose on MSV any ofthe conditions that MSV proposes here. There simply is no basis for the
type ofpolicy change MSV urges, and no basis for treating Inmarsat differently than MSV.
               Conditions 2 and 5; Conditions 2 and 5 provide that operations pursuant to STA
shall be on an "unprotected basis" and that any action taken or expense incurred pursuant to the
STA are at the Licensees‘ "own ritk."" MSV seeks to extend this condition to Inmarsat.
However, there is no reason to thitk the Licensees are not able to comply with Conditions 2 and

* See MSY Sub. LLC, 20 FCC Red 9752 (2005); MSVSub, LLC, 20 FCC Red 479 (2005).
5. MSV recently surrendered its authorization forthe spacecraft slated to serve South America.

 5, and MSV has not shown that these conditions are inadequate. Moreover, Inmarsatalready has
 ample incentive to ensure that the Licensees have the ability to comply with all STA conditions,
 and thereby maintain their authority to provide BGAN. Extending Conditions 2 and 5, as MSV
 proposes, thus is both unnecessary and unwarranted.
                Condition 3. Condition 3 to the STAs excludes the use of certain disputed L—
 Band spectrum segments for the provision of BGAN services. MSV requests that the
 Commission also require that the Licensees obtain and submit a certification from Inmarsat
 that Inmarsat will not assign these disputed frequencies to "earth stations covered by the STA."
 There is no need for consuming Commission resources with this additional "paperwork"
 requirement. The Licensees are complying with this condition, and MSV does not claim
 otherwise. And, s noted above, Inmarsat has every incentive to ensure that the Licensees
 comply with this condition in order to maintain their authorizations.. In any event,as a federal
court of appeals recognized in an analogous context, Commission enforement powers are
adequate to protect against MSV‘$ speculation about future non—compliance," making the
proposed certification requirement superfluous.

                Condition 4. Condition 4 requires that "adequate guard bands shall be provided"
in the provision of BGAN service, MSV requests that the Commission specify that an adequate

guard band is "atlest 50 kHz betiween the band edges ofthe carriers used by the BGAN service
provider and the band ediges ofMSV‘s coordinated frequencies," but MSV admits, in the same
breath, that 50 kHz might not really be the appropriate value, and that value might need to be
changed in the future. As an initidl matter, it makes Kitle sense to adopt a specific guard band
requirement given MSV‘s uncertainty. More fundamentally, MSV fails to show that the current

* AMSCv. FCC, 216 F3d 1154, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 2000) (citing 47 U.S.C. § 312).

 condition is inadequate.. MSV has not demonstrated that there have been any interference

 problems from BGAN service, which now has been provided to the United States for over a
 month. Nor has MSV demonstrated that 50 kz would be the appropriate size for a guard band.
 Moreover, all indications are that Condition 4, as written, provides ample protection to MSV,
 and that the Licensees are complying with this condition. And, practically speaking, Inmersat
 historically has worked cooperatively with MSV to routinely and promptly resolve operational
 issues in other contexts, consistent with Commission rules and policies." MSV provides no
 reason to think that will not continue to be the case.
                As a finl matter, there is no valid basis to shift the entire operational burden of
ccordination to Inmarsat by requiing only Inmersat to use guard bands, as MSV advocates. To
the contrary, Commission precedent recognizes that coordination is a "two—way street," and that
each party is obligated to bear some of the associated burdens, and not simply raise barriers to
the provision of new services*
                Conditions 6, 7, and 10. Conditions 6, 7 and 10 recognize that the Commission is
expressly not making a determination whether BGAN can be provided on a non—interference
‘basis, and that STA grant is without prefudice to () any future Commission determination that
operations are consistent with operation on a non—interference basis, and (ii) Commission
consideration ofthe Licensees‘ underlying BGAN applications. MSV has no issue with the
terms of these three conditions. Rther, MSV asks that the Commission require that Inmarsat
"conclude coordination of [I—4 with respect to the current and planned operations ofMSV and
MSV Canada before [the FCC] can make a definitive determination that operation of [+4) will

5. See, eg, 47 C.FR. § 25.274 (setting forth the procedures to be followed to resolve
   interference concems).
® See, eg., AMSC Sub. Corp., 8 FCC Red 4040, 4043 4 17 (1993) ("AMSCOrder®).

 not result in unaceeptable interference and before it can grant the pending applications for
 permanent authority."
                First and foremost, such a condition is inappropriate because 1—4 is now operating
 within the technical envelope that has long been coordinated with MSV. Moreover, imposing
 such a condition would be fundamentally unfair,as it would provide MSV with sole control over
 whether "full" BGAN authority ever issues, and the record is clear that MSV has refused to
coordinate further with Inmarsat unless and until other business issues between the companies
are resolved. Fortunately, longstafiding Commission precedent prevents such competitive
sbuses, providing that completion 6f coordination is not a condition precedent to (or a guidpro
quo for) issuance of an authorization to provide MSS in the United States." Finally, for the
reasons discussed sbove in the context of Condition 1, imposing such a condition would be
inconsistent with the way the Commission treated MSV last year, when it fully licensed the
operation ofMSV‘s two, uncoordinated, next—generation spacecraft, without any requirement
that MSV effectuate coordination prioto launching or commencing new services.
               Ifthe Commission takes any action in response to MSV‘s request, it should be to
require MSV to participate in the Mexico City MOU coordination process, demonstrate MSV‘s
need for L—Band spectrum to provide MSS (based on current spectrum usage and short—term
projections of fiture need), and thereby fulfll ts obligations under Commission policy."

* Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rulesfor MSS in the 2 GHz Band, 15 FCC Red 16127,
  16192 4 148—49 (2000); SarCom Systems, Inc. 14 FCC Red 20798, 20813 430 (1999)
  ("TMP);Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules andPolicies Pertaining to
  MSS in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC Red 5936, 6018 421 1
  (1994);.AMSC Order, 8 FCC Re at 4043 9 17.
* See TM, 14 FCC Red at 20813 § 30; FCC Hails Historic Agreement on International Satellite
  Coordination, Rep. No. IN 96—16 (tel. Jun. 25, 1996) ("Spectrum allocations to individual
  operators will be reviewed annully on the basis ofactual usage and short—term projections of
  future need.").


                 Forthe foregoing reasons, there is no need to "clarify" or add further conditions
 to the STAs, as MSV requests.
                                                    Respectfully submitted,

       Ist                                                ist
Linda J. Cieco                                     Alfred M. Mamict
BT Amenicas Inc.                                   Mare A. Paul
11440 Commerce Park Drive                          Brendan Kasper
Reston, VA 20191                                   Srerros & Jomnson t
7os—7ss—5733                                       1330 Connectiout Avenve, NW
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                   (202) 429—3000
                                                   Counsel to Stratos Communications, Inc.

       is!                                                 is
Keith H. Fagan                                     Lawrence J. Movshin
Senior Counsel                                     Stephen L. Goodman
Tevenor Sareturre, Inc.                            Lee J. Rosen
1101 Wootton Parkway                               Witximson Barkex KNaver, LLP
10th Floor                                         2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700
Rockville, MD 20852                                Washington, D.C. 20037
(301) 838—7860                                     (202) res—ar41
                                                   Counsel to MYS USA, Inc.

Williem K. Coulter                                 Diane J. Comell
DLA Prrer Rupnick Gray Cary LLP                    Vice President, Government Affairs
1200 19th Street, N.W.                             Invarsat, Inc.
Washington, DC 20036                              1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1425
(202) so1—3043                                    Arlington, VA 22209
Counsel to FTMSC US, LLC                          (703) 647 «767
June 19, 2006

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Jeffrey A. Marks, hereby certify that on this 19" day ofJune, 2006, I caused to be
 served a true copy ofthe foregoing "Toint Response to Petition for Clarification," by first class
 mail, postage pre—psid (or as othenise indicated) upon the following:
 James Ball*                                       Stephen Duall*
 International Bureau                              International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12" Street, S.W.                              445 12Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
 JoAnn Ekblad®                                     Richerd Engelman*
 International Buresu                              International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                               445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
Gardner Poster®                                    Howard Gribofi®
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commistion                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, S.W.                               445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
Fem Jarmulnek*®                                    Andrea Kelly®
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commistion                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, S.W.                               445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Karl Kensinger®                                   Scott Kotler®
International Burcau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                              445 12° Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554
John Martin®                                      Robert Nelson*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                              445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Roderick Porter®                      Cassandra Thomas®
International Bureau                  International Bureau
Federal Communications Commistion     Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW.                   445 12® Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                  Washington, DC 20554
Bruce D. Jacobs                       Jennifer A. Manner
David S. Konczal                      Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP   Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
2300 N Street, N.W.                   1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20037—1128             Reston, Virginia 20191

*Via Electronic Mail

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Jeftey A. Marks, hereby certify that on this 21" day ofJune, 2006, I caused to be
 served a true copy ofthe foregoiflg by first class mail, postage pre—paid (or as otherwise
indicated) upon the following:

James Ball®                                        Stephen Duall®
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW.                                445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
JoAnn Ekblad*                                      Richard Engelman®
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Strect,SW.                                 445 12" Street,SW.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
Gardner Foster®                                    Howard Gribot®
International Bureau                               Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Commitsion                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                               445 12" Street,SW.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
Fem Jarmulnek®                                     Andrea Kelly®
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commitsion                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                               445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
Karl Kensinger®                                    Scott Kotler®
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commitsion                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                               445 12" Street, SW.
Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554
John Martin®                                       Robert Nelson®
International Bureau                               Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Commitsion                  Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street,SW.                                445 12" Street,SW.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554


Roderick Porter®                      Cassantra Thomas®
International Bureau                  International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission     Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                  445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                  Washington, DC 20554
Bruce D. Jacobs                       Jennifer A. Manner
David S. Konczal                      Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP   Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
2300 N Street, N.W.                   1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20037—1128             Reston, Virginia 20191
Eric Fishman
Holland & Knight LLP
2099 Pennsylvania Avente, NW
Washington, DC 20006

*Via Electronic Mail

                                        Jeffrey/A)   Marks


Document Created: 2006-06-23 11:15:40
Document Modified: 2006-06-23 11:15:40

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