Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060210-00224 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                            eosoore   sesstnasosozivavzas   inssossoote
                                                                            Unversl Space Network nc


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEntera description ofthis application to identify t on the main menu:
Spainsat LEOP STA
 1. Applicant
          Name:————    Universal Space Network, Inc.   Phone Number:               ais—s28—9130
          DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:                 215—328—9132
          Streets      417 Caredean Drive              E—Mails                     jrwank@uspacenctcom
          Ci:          Horsham                         State:                      ra
          Country:      USA                            Zipeode:                    roose      —
          Attention:   Joanne Swank

                                                                     mase SES—STA Aoble O3(0 0032 4
                                                                     CallSign260032 tgeeligles,
                                                                     Hubsiemess        2| 1(

                                                                     Fms_tlal‘cg    _:slé\x‘oz

ses—sta—20060210—00224 Call ign Eosozz
Universal Space Network, Inc.application for Special Temporary Authority is GRANTED
witH conpmions.
1. Allopertionsshall be on an unprotected, nowiterfrence basis.
2. All apenationsshall espire no later han 10—days from th date of aunchs
3. All apenationsshall be limited o ninch and eary orbit
4. Pointof Contactfor Opertion i 949—863—1848 or 215—620—1123 and must be available while
the frequencis are in use.

                                                        TypE or service
20 NAZTIR     07 SERNICE: isMnoa nbo rovid o e i Blowng Dreoevadd; c on Ce n(on l uols
              1 mossuctie      6 RabodceminaienSuctie   c Dstove racssuctie
              b muinesuatie    i tb ptontonSuctic       icoiut Antoato sevce       [K)e oterpimse y L@unch & earty orbit support (LEOP)
HSTAIS               PiccinC n ns rappieiicramn Nak n on in               3 Th anmnappans ce in t hnm l tmopiy
            [X comntuie            [F]s 1ecommen un                            [C}+ tn0e08 fesunt ts []s tingbo0S Inomattiis
T Tapplants poingRTEINATINRT CONRIONGARRIEceeiopringSs 1ts Weolol eBc in
    [K]e Coeietiotertte SuitatNivert           [C]t Nercomeveinteuic uce
2 MEOUINCY BANDG: Pace n Nit hnel appiaic unts
      . ommusote
              Inomeaisorns _[R} otertremeas» S—band
                                                        TyPE or STATION
2s cuaisor stamion. riecan     inhoe cofvaton taraplc. Muky onhn
   [F)e raotantsaion. Js TerponsPnd rbSatin. Je M4GMeVSATNmed. [C]6 Motieantsaden. [CJespeetaten                     [C]LOBS
 1efi dntonmntont on ons
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                                                     PuRPOSE OF MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT
27 Te papoof is propurt makfcaton orarentnenis 1. Pace n 2 n t wle alitnamly
                                                1« arhaiaioi o nenisio deipmeranniee uie
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                                                k OberPomeSpit) pjja

                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY

 Atadiso HuoatSus mccomman ovlcaion aan hb e sonnitins uie maion o wlmdnsR ORDatein
                                                                                    L1YF*                                        EINO
                                                                                                                                    ninag, is

                                                                      AurEN ownErsue
29 s the applicant a frcign government o hereproscntativeof any or     povemnent                                       [                s
30 s theapplicant an alien or the representativeofanalent                                                              us               [x}no
31— i the applcant a comporationonpanized underthlvs ofany forign povemment?                                           mys              [x}no
   voldt onsorky repmscntlios oa fln govermenti reprossnatie thocoo by my
32 is heanoleant a coorationofwhich mors than one—Aith o hecaptal tock is owned of recod or
   comoriion oryan d under the aws ofa forigncounty?
                                                                                                                       Che              ie
33 1 heapplicanta corrorntondirecly orindrecty contaledby any whrcoporaion ofwhch more han                                                  7
   one—fouth of h captal stock is owrned af reordor voled by allns, thir reprsenlatves, ar bya forign                  Qves             {x}no
   overment or representtietherororbyany corportion organizad underthe lws oa freigncounty?
34 17 any answe t guestons 20 30, 3132 and/or 3 s Ye, alach as an exhibi, thidentfcton fth alensor
   foreign enitics, thir nationaliy, her elatonshi o h applcantand the percentage ofstock hey own orvote

                                                                     »astc ouauirications
33 Docs tapplican requestany walven or erption rom any ofie Commission‘s Rlest                                               \
   1f ¥esatach asanextibitcopies ofh equests for walver orexeeptions wth supporingdocuments                            Qus              [i}no
%6 Has theapplcanto any partyto hiappliaionhad any FCC sation uthoriaion oHenterevabed or id                                     T
   ant snnhn fls moolfeaipn m revenniel 2CC dntensuiinisien, fooie, ooonnbenton                                         us               (k]so
   ietinl demed bythe Commisson? if ¥es atach s an exhibitan explanationofhe cicurmstances
37 Has heapplicant o any paryto tapplicatonorary patydiscly orindrealy contrlling thaplcant over beon
   sommnelere Mt y bate or elencoun? 11 iesmm m ceonenol ins                                                           us               [)no
38 Has any court ially adjudgod he applcant, o any prnon direcly ondrecy contrling thapplican, utyounlawlally
   mevepoiong oaicrmine onl 1eremendine d eomunentondreaty omiireay onooncal of                                        ues              [x}no
   manuactie owale f radlo apparatu,excuaise taf arangementor any otit means ounfut methodsofcompettion?
   1t ¥esatachasan extibit anexplanation ofhe cireurstances
39 Ts taplicantor any perondrly or indecty contoling te aplcant, curenty apary in npendingmater
   refered t n thepreceoding wo tems? If Yes.atachasanextibtan explanation oh cieumstances                             Cues             (x]no
0 1thealicant s a corportin and i applyingforaapuce starionTecrs,atachasanextibt e names, addreses and citronsip othove
  stoskbolders owningofrecord andor voting 10 percenon more ofth Filer‘s vting stockand theperctagesso ak, In thecase ofAduciny
  contrlindcatthe beneficiayesorclass obeneicaes. Alsoit henames and addresssafheofficesand iectos oh Fler
41 By chesking ¥ex, ie undcrslgned cerice,that nciher ie applcant noany ht paryto thaplicao wbjet o denalor
   Pidel bevett tathcludes PCC benefia paroont o Secion s901 oie Antbug Actof 198831 0SSecion 162 became [i]ves        se
   ofa anvicionfor pomeasin ordistibation afa contled substace, e 47 CT12020oh nevingofuy o h apleali hx paroos
2s Docs thaplicant intend to use a non—5. icensed stlite o provide seric in the Unied Stte?                     ®
    ies   anstir tb  and atach
    1tproceed to queston 13.
                               a n exhbit proviting th infommation apeifd n 7 C P 1t 29 13on approprte.     es         (gso
2h: Whatadminstation has hcansed ois in tproces oTecrsing th spce strton? To howill                                  h
    be ied\hat adnintation has coondintad ois n ths procas ofoortiatng thspace uons nfermational Telecommunication Union

                                                                                                                                     100312Minfom No3
                                                                                                                                              Fntems, ts

43 Desciption. (Gumarize the natirof thapplcation and thservies t be provided)
USN ground station in Hawaii will be used to assist SpaceSystems/Loral during the launch and early orbit operation of the
SpainSat spacecraft for the Spanish Ministry of Defense

   Exhibi No           idenify all exhibts haare atched o is applcaton

  "The Applicant waivs any laim o the use ofany paiularfrequency or ofh eleiromagnctic spectran as aginsthregulatay power fthe Unted Sats becausof
  theprevious use af h same, whatherby lcense orotherwse, and requst an uthoriation in accordane wit thisapnlction. ‘Theapplcant cores hat yrant ofthis
  apleaton wosld not saune the sppleant t b in siotatonofh speivam nepregntion Nt 7 CFR Pa 20. Allmarement made ht eshfol w o mateal pathercof
  and areincorporated hereina it st out in Fll n this apliatin. The underignadindiidualyandfoth apican, hercby ores that allstatements mad in this
  applcationand in allatached exhibias trc,complete and corect o the bes ofis or herknowladgeand blet,and are made in good fah
(24 Applican is (a):      (Pacean C in thbox next t aplicableesponse)
 [_Ja intividuat [C]b. Unineorported Associnion }+.Partership [R]d. Coporation. Js.Govermentat Entiy             ‘f’,g;';‘:‘pmm
3 hroNncoennspa                                                                      anndnaspn
 Joanne Greet—Swank                                                                    Program Compliance Manager
T Spaie                                                                                                              ane
                                                                                                                     26 January 2006
     U.S, Code, Title 18, Section 1001AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Tide 47,
      tion 313(x)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.5. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
                                                                                                                                   1031 MuinFom No#
                                                                                                                                           ienss ts

Febrary 10, 2006

Mr. Frank Peace
Satellte Engineering Branch
Satelfte and Radiocommunications Policy Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Room 7A—430
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20544

Subjects       Universal Space Network
               Request for Special Temporary Authority for SPAINSAT
Dear Mr. Peace,
Withthis leter, Universal Space Network, Ic. (USN)respectfully submitsthis formal
application for Special Temporary Authority (STA) o provide telemetry and telecommand data
delivery and control support in S—band duringthe Iaunch and early orbit operations (LEOP) of
the SPAINSAT spacecraft
This etris being sent, along with the required FCC Form 159 and accompanying MasterCard
charge for the appropriate amount of $155.00, as required by the FCC as outlied the FCC
booklet "Intemational and Satelite Services Fee Fiing Guide."
"The launch is currently scheduled for February 21" on an Ariane S ECA rocket with a cryogenic
upper stage to launch the SPAINSAT communications spacecraft for the Spanish Ministry of
Defense from Kourou in French Guyana. SPAINSAT is co—manifest with Butelsats Hot Bird 7A.
directt0—home TV broadeasting satellite. USN willsupport the SPAINSAT spacecraft from
approximately 20 minutes after Inunch thru geo—transfer orbit parking.
USN has been contracted to provide orbit—aising telemetry, tracking, and tele—commanding
supportto Space Systems /Loralin Palo Alto, Califomnia. USN is seeking authorization to
provide this support through its South Point, Hawaii earth station
in requesting STA for the above, USN knows that its proposed USN earth station operations are
required to be conducted on an unprotected, non—interference basis to government operations.
USN understands that the STA it is asking to be granted would authorize USN to operate a 13—
meter fixed carth station at Naalehu, Hawaii to be used to provide launch telecommand and
telemetry to SPAINSAT,
USN, headquartered at 1501 Quail Street, Suite 103, Newport Beach, CA 92660, owns and
operates a network of satelite earth stations that provide telemetry, tracking, and control
(telecommanding) ("TT&C®) to commercial and government satelite operators. USN provides
                                                                                            Page 1

customers with access to a TT&C network linking the customer‘s faciitiesto tcustomer‘s
satellite assets in space. USN maintains strategically located remote ground stations around the
earth and a permanent, 7 day—a—week, 24 hours—a—day communications headquarters.
USN is the owner and operator oa fixed satelite earth station located at 93—1704 South Point
Road, Naalehu, Hawaii 96772—0842, atitude 19 degrees 00 50.3" N, longitude 155 degrees 39°
46.6" W (NAD—K3), Site Identifier USHIOI. The earth station has a single Datron 1453 antenna,
Size 13 meters, located 20 meters above ground level and 378 meters above sea level, with
antenna gain on transmit of 45.9dBi @ 2062.0 Mz and on receive of46.9dBi @ 2239 Mz
The uplink frequency for the SPAINSAT spacecraft is 2062.0 Mhz with an EIRP required of
G8dBW, and the required downlink frequeney is 2239.276 Mhz; uplink polarization is RCP and
downlink polaization is LCP. Telecommand/uplink is PM modulation and the downlink is
BPSK modulation.
Technical information for the satelite earth station is set forth in Exhibit 1, which is a filled out
copy of FCC form 312.
Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

                                               Joanne Greet—Swank
                                               Program Compliance Manager
                                               Universal Space Network, Ic.

                                                                                               Page 2

Document Created: 2006-02-16 16:31:44
Document Modified: 2006-02-16 16:31:44

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