Attachment STA GRANT

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060131-00188 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                               exume        sesstnammononms         nmostmin
                                               Intlsat LC

                                                                                                                    Approved by OMB


    APPLICANT INFORMATIONEmter a description ofthis application to identify it on the main menu:
     STA To Conduct IOT of Spainsatat 30.3W.L.
     1. Applicant

               Name:        Intelst LLC                      Phone Number:                  200—944—7848
               DBA Name:                                     Fax Number:                    202—944—7860
i              Streets      l Intlsat Global Sve. Corp.      E—Mail:                        susan.crandall@intelsatcom

i                           3400 Itermational Drive, N.W.
               Cig:         Washington                       State:                          nc
               Countrys      USA                             Zipeote:                       20008       ~3006
               Attention:   Susan H Crandall

                                                                             rase 26 535772004 0 31 sa24 JE/

                                                                             ultSign 221251 nb tm 22L. (7,, 220
                                                                             rrom Masthy 20P : mill t o6
                                                                             wg&aflrz Abrsiga

2. Contact

                          Susan L. Crandall                 Phone Number:                       20—9u4—7848
                          Intelsat Global Sve. Corp.        Fax Number:                         202—984—7800
                          3400 Intermational Drive, NJW.    E—Mail:                   

                          Washington                        State:                               ve
                          usA                               Zipeote:                            20008 3006
             Attention:                                     Relationship:                        Legal Counsel

(1fyour aplication is related to anapplicationfiled with the Commission, entereither the file number or the 1B Submission TD of therelted
application. Please eater only one)
 3. Reference File Number SESSTA2006010900022 or Submission ID
  .1s afee submited           his application?
@ If ¥es, complete and attach FCC Form 159.      If No, indicat reason forfee exemption (see 47 C.FRSection 1.1114)
£ Governmental Entiy gy Noncommercialeduestionl censce
@ Otherfplease explai)
(t. Fee Classifeation CGX — Fixed Satelite TransmitiReceive Earth Station
5. Type Request

 @ Use Prioto Gramt                              g Chiange Sution Location                     g Oner

6. Requested Use Prior Date
7. CiyClaksbung                                                        8. Latinde
                                                                       (GMmmssst) 30 13 60 N

9.Sure— MD                                                            10. Longinde
                                                                      (C@mmsssh) 77. 16. 160 W
11. Please supply any need atachments.
Atachment 1: Exhibits A—C                     Attachment 2: Exhibits D—E                     Attachment 3: Schedule S

12. Description._(If the complete descrintion does not appear in this box, lease got th end of he form to view t in ts entirty)
    Intelsat LC herein requests a grant of STA from 03/03/06 through 04/02/06 to provide in—
    lorbit testing by its Clarksburg, MD Ka—Band transmit/receive earth station 2040286 in
    support of the Spainsat satellite currently planned for launch in late February.

13. By checking Yes the undersigned crtifes thatneither applicant nor any other patyto the applcation is        es            qx
subject t a denil of Rederal benefits that includes FCCbenefis pursuant to Section 5301 of he Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.SC. Section 862, becaus ofa conviction for possessionor ditrbution o a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b)forthe meaning of&quo;part to the application"for these purposes.

14. Name of Perso Signing                                             15. Tite of Person Signing
   Susan H. Crandall                                                     Assistant General Counsel,IGSC
                (US. Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                 (U.S. Code, Tite 47Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.3.Code, Tite 47, Section 503).

"The public reportingforthis collecton of information is esimated to average 2 hours perresponse, including the ime forreviewing insructions,
searching       data sources, athering and maintainingthe required data, and completing and reviewing the collction oinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this brden estimate, or how we can improve the cllection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 2094, We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspectsof hi collection via the Itemetifyou send them to PLEASE

Remember — You arenot equired to respond to a colletionoinformation sponsored by the Federal government, nd the government may not
condact or sponsor this ollecton,unless i displays a currently vaid OMB control number oif wefil o provide you with this notice. This
colletion has beenassigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3s07.


Call Sign E040286
File No. SES-STA-20060131-00188

Intelsat LLC’s request for temporary authority to provide earth station communications from
Clarksburg, MD to Spain's Spainsat satellite at 30.3 W.L. in the bands 20.2-21.2 (space-to-Earth) and
30-31 GHz (Earth-to-space) is GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS. After the IOT, the Spainsat
satellite is to support Spanish Ministry of Defense, including NATO operations, from a location of
30W.L. Based on the exceptional circumstances of this request, Intelsat is authorized to operate the
Clarksburg earth station with the Spainsat satellite on a non-interference basis till no later than April
2, 2006, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in the
application, this Attachment (including the Intelsat-to-FCC letter of February 13, 2006), and the
Commission's Rules.
1.      This grant is limited to a period of 5 days or less between March 6 and April 2, 2006. If 5
day period does not begin on March 6, 2006, then Intelsat will inform NTIA and the DoD at least 24
hours prior to the first da y of testing and obtain their agreement before any testing begins. Intelsat
will also inform NTIA and the DoD when testing has been completed. Once the IOT testing starts,
this authorization will become null and void when the testing has been completed or after 5 days,
whichever occurs first.
2.      While communicating with the Spainsat satellite at the 30.3W.L. orbital location in the band
30-31 GHz, no harmful interference shall be caused by the Intelsat earth station to any lawfully
operating satellites or radiocommunication systems. Operations of the Intelsat earth station shall
cease immediately upon notification of such interference and Intelsat shall inform the Commission in
writing immediately of such an event.
3.       While communicating in the band 20.2-21.2 GHz with the Spainsat satellite at 30.3 W.L.
orbital location, the Intelsat earth station is required to accept interference from other lawfully
operating satellites or other radiocommunication systems. If any interference is received from the
Spainsat satellite, operations of the Intelsat earth station shall cease immediately upon notification of
such interference and Intelsat shall inform the Commission in writing immediately of such an event.
4.    This grant does not convey to Intelsat any authorit y to operate in the bands 20.2-21.2 and 30-
31 GHz for any other satellite than the Spainsat at 30.3 W.L.
5.       Intelsat's request to waive the table of allocations to the extent necessary to operate on a non-
interference basis in the 30/20 GHz bands is granted.
6.      The grant is limited to the purpose described in Intelsat's application, i.e., the in-orbit-test of
the Spainsat satellite for 5 days or less.
7.      This grant was conditioned upon the concurrence of the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA) in the 30/20 GHz bands and if NTIA withdraws its concurrence,
the grant will be canceled effective upon the time NTIA withdraws its concurrence.
8.     Intelsat must operate pursuant to the technical requirements set forth in their letter February
13, 2006.
9.     Intelsat must have 24/7 point-of-contact that has the capability of ceasing operations of their
Clarksburg Earth Station (p: 301-428-1501/1502).

                                                                      P Intelsat
13 February 2006

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                     Fes 1 3 2006
FederalCommunications Commission
445 12® Street,SW                                          dn Communicatons Connisn
Washington, DC 20554                                               we«toe         RECEIVE
Re:—       Intelsat LLC Request for Special TemporaryAuthority                        FEB 1 4 2006
           File No.: SES—8TA—20060131—00188
                                                                                      Satelite Diision
Dear Ms. Dortch:                                                                  Intemmational Bureau

This leter supplements Intelsat LLC‘s ("Intelsat") above referenced request for
Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to use its Ka—band antenna to provide in—
orbit testing ("IOT") service to the Spainsat satellite following the satellte‘s launch.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (°NTIA")
requested that Intelsat provide this etter t the FCC.

Because the Spainsat IOT service will be conducted in Federal spectrum, i. 20.2«
21 and 30—31 GHz (‘Ka—band"), coordinationwith the Department of Defense
("DOD") was required. Since the filing ofthe STA request, Intelsat, together with
Space Systems Loral (‘Loral"), he satellite‘s manufacturer, and Hispasat,
representing the satellte‘s operator, have discussed this TOT service with NTIA and
DOD. During a conference call between the parties on 3 February 2006, DOD
advised that it appears technically feasible to allow this short—term IOT service,
subject to certain conditions.
During the discussion, Intelsat and Loral provided clarification regarding the
planned IOT transmissions. Specifically, Intelsat and Loral explained that two
types of signals will be used for the IOT. One type of signal will be modulated with
a bandwidth spread of at least 1 MHz,to reduce the power density. Continuous
wave (CW) signals willalso be employed; however, the CW tests will be performed
with a much lower e.ip. (approximately 15 dB backofD), which will help to
minimize interference.
As a result of the discussions, Loral agreed to the following:

1.     Loral will provide atleast 24 hours notice to the U.S. Government of any
change in the start date for the TOT. The current plan is to commence testing on 6
March. (This date is later than the date of 3 March provided to FCC in the STA
application due to an update to the launch and test plan schedules,) The actual start
date is dependent upon the successful Iaunch date and the weather, because Ka—
band testing must have reliable weather for the duration of testing.

          svrgon 0c 200042006 isA   wenninidateom T«1 aeseeaus i

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
13 February 2006
Page 2

     2. Loral will provide noticeto the U.S. Government upon completion ofthe Ka—
     band IOT, where upon the temporary authorization will automatically become void.
     3. The duration of the Ka—band IOT activit ies will be a maximum of five (5)
     4. Intelsat will maintain a 24—hours—per—day contact point atthe IOT earth station
     (Clarksburg, MD) during the IOT, for a designated U.S. Govemment offcial(s)to
     contact the testteam in the event ofinterference or any other emergency situation,
     in order toimmediately shut down the IOT transmissions. This contact is as
     Clarksburg Barth Station
     Phone: 301—428—1501/1502

     5. Signal levels and characteristies during the IOT will be as discussed with
     NTIA/DOD (see attached Annex) and provided in the STA application filed with
     the FCC, file number SES—STA—20060131—00188.
     Should the FCC regquire additional information regarding the discussions with
     NTIA and DOD, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at your earliest

     Humberto Hebriques

     ee:      ScottKotler
              Karl Kensinger

      Annex: Details oftheIOT transmissions as discussed with NTIA and DOD

The ITU name of the satellite is HISPASAT—2B 30KA (for the Ka—band). The IOT
will be performed while the satellte is located at 30.3° W.L. and final on—orbit
operations will take place with the satellite located at 30° W.L.

The Intelsat earth station to be used for this TOT is located in Clarksburg, Maryland,

The technical parameters for Space—to—Earth transmissions are as follows:

 1.   Number of the channels:                                  1
2.    Bandwidth of the channel:                                36 MHz
3..   Center frequeney of the channel:                         20347 MHc
4..   Lower frequency ofthe channel:                           20,329 MHz
5..   Upper frequency of the channel:                          20,365 MHz
6.    Maximum transmit antenna gei                             44.35 aBi
7.    Maximum transmit power (modulated):                      44.16 W (16.45 aBw)
8.     Maximum transmit EIRP (modulated):                      60.8 aBw
9.. Maximum transmit power EIRP density:                       60.8 dBwitte
10. Maximum transmit power in the CW mode:                     1.4 w (1.45 aBw)
11. Maximum transmit EIRP in the CW mode:                      45.8 aBw
The technical parameters for Earth—to—Space transmissions are as follows:

1. Center frequeney of the channel:                            30,147 MHz
2. Lower frequency of the channel:                             30,129 MHe
3. Upper frequency ofthe channel:                              30,165 MHz
4.    Maximum S/S receive antenna gain:                        47.74 dBi
5.    E/S antenna transmit gain:                               54.6 dBi
6.    E/S antenna pattern:                                     29—2slog(@)
7.    Max power (at E/S antenna feed) (modulated):             100 w (20 aBw)
8.    Max power density (at E/Sfeed, modulated or CW):         AdBWAkHz
9.    Max power (at E/S feed, CW):                             04 W (AaBW)
For the unmodulated beacon in Ka—Band, the characteristics are as follows:

 1. Frequency:                                                 20,450 MHz
2.. Frequency stability 24 hrs):                               +/ 1 ppm
3. Coverage:                                                   Global
4.     Maximum EIRP:                                           17.5 dBw

Document Created: 2006-02-17 14:14:28
Document Modified: 2006-02-17 14:14:28

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