Attachment Letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060120-00074 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                           LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN mc

                                        January 31, 2006
stme.0 twonn                                                                                    w

  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
  Federal Communications Commission
  415 12" Street S.W., Room TW—B204
  Washinzton, D.C. 20554
                Re:—   Application of Lockheed Martin Corp, for Special Temporary
                       Authority to Operate Clarksburg, MD Earth Station
  Dear Ms. Dortchs
          On behilf of Lockheed Martin,I wish o clarify one element of LockheedMartin‘s pending
  requestto operateits Clarksbarg, MD earth sution (Call Sign EY7O322)with the INMARSAT— 3. tw
  satelite during that satelite‘s westward diitto 142 deg. W.L. and whil on station at 142 dW.L.
  pending action on Lockheed Martin‘sforthcoming modification o lcense application. Sce File No
  SES—TA—20060120—0074. Lockhced Martin‘ lcense forthe Clarksburg carthsttion includes
  suthority to receive transmssions from the satellite in the 1545.8—1548 MHtz mobile stelite service
  band. Lockheed Marin dos not requesttemporary authority forthis lement ots lcense with respect
  to communications with the above—referenced satelle.
         Please contaetthe undersigned with any questions orequests foradditional information
                                                    Respectfully supmined.
                                                                  u/ \\
                                                    StpbeQ   Baich
                                                   ‘Aitomeylfor Lockheed Martin Corp

  ««s   Seatt Koter, PC(Itemational Bureau) (vi e—mail
        JenniferWarren, Lockheed Martin Corp. (via —mai)

Document Created: 2006-01-31 14:53:14
Document Modified: 2006-01-31 14:53:14

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