Attachment Grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20060118-00057 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                             Before the        RECEIVED
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554      Jan 2 0 2006
In the matter of                                                rasescommsnc ztenConnasos
Telenor Satellite, Inc.             File No. SES—MFS—200601 18—00050 (Call Sign £000280)
                                    File No. SES—MFS—20060118—00051 (Call Sign E000282)
                                    File No. SES—MFS—20060118—00052 (Call Sign E000283)
                                    File No. SES—MEFS—20060118—00053 (Call Sign E000285)
Telenor Satellte, Inc.              File No.   SES—STA—20060 1800088 (Call      Sign EO00280)
                                    File No.   SES—STA—20060118—00056 (Call     Sign E0O0O282)
                                    File No.   SES—STA—20060118—00057 (Call     Sign EO0O285)
                                    File No.   SES—STA—200601 18—00058 (Call    Sign EO00283)
                                    File No.   SES—STA—20060119—00064 (Call     Sign EO00284)

       Mobile Satelite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (‘MSV7) hereby requests that the Commission
designate the expare status of the above—captioned proceedings as "permit—but—disclose.""
Pursuant tothe Commission‘s ules, "[wJhere the public interest so requires in a particular
procceding, the Commission and its staff retain the discretion to modify the applicable exparte
rulesby order, ettr, o public notice." 47 C.F.R. § 1.1200(a). These proceedings involve
applications to operate earth stations in the United States using an uncoordinated Inmarsat
satelte in the L band. The applications raise policy issues concerning the management ofL
band spectrum,including complex technical issues, which arethe same issues raised by similar
previously filed applications currently pending before the International Bureau to operate with

                                                                   Bacen .A & . Disclose
* On this day, MSV has filed a Notice of Intentto Participate in the above—referenced
proceedings, hereby making these proceedings restreted under the Commission‘s exparre rules.
See MSV, Noticeof Intent to Participate, File No. SES—MFS—200601 18—00050 etal January 20,
2006).                                              en                mes_Se—e amovwe_
                                                                      catSign            onmpes_{{24|06

Telenor Satelit, Inc.

SES—MIF—20060118—00050         (E000280)
SES—MFS—20060118—00051.        (E000282)
Sis—MES—20060118—00052.        (£000283)
SES—MFS—20060118—00083          (Eo00285)
SiS—STA—20060118—00085         (E000280)
SES—STA—20060118—00056 (E000282)
SES—STA—20060118—00057 (E000283)
sES—STA—20060118—00058 (E000285)
SES—STA—200601 19—00064 (E000284)

On January 24, 2006, the Satellite Division granted Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary
LLC‘s request to designate Telenor Satellite, Ic.‘s ("Telenor®) earth station applications
that seek authority and special temporary authority ("STA®)to provide Mobile Satellite
Services in the L—band with Inmarsat‘s 4F2 satelite, to be located at 52.75° W.L., as
"permit—but—disclose" for purposes of the Commission‘s rules governing ex parte
communications, See Motion to Designate Proceeding as "Permit—But—Disclose,"filed
by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary on January 20, 2006. We find that designating
these Telenor earth station applications as "permit—but—disclose" will facilitate resolution
of the complex policy issues raised by the applications. Thus, we designate IBFS File
Nos. SES—MFS—200601 1$—00050, SES—MFS—2006018—00051, SES—MFS—200601 18—
00052, SES—MFS—200601 1$—00083, SES—STA—200601 18—00055, SES—8TA—200601 18—
00056, SES—STA—200601 18—00057, SES—$TA—200601 1$—00058, and SES—STA—
200601 19—00064 as "permit—but—disclose," effective January 24, 2006. See 47 C.F.R. §§
1.1200(a), 1.1206 and 1.1208 note 2. This action is without prejudice to any
determination regarding the processing ofthe applications.

Inmarsat—4 satelites:" The International Bureau has already designated these previouslyfiled
applications as permit—but—disclose proceedings." A free exchange of views, particularly with
Commission engineers, will be useful in creating a more complete record.
        Based on the foregoing, MSV respectfully requeststhat the Commission designate the ex
parte status of the above—captioned proceedings as "permit.but—disclose."
                                     Respectfully submitted,

 Bruce D. Jacobs
                                                   leonifer A. Manner
 David S. Konczal                                 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
        SHAWPITTMAN LLP                                   SUBSIDIARY LLC
 2300 N Street, NW                                10802 Parkridge Boulevard
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                        Reston, Virginia 20191
 (202) 6e3—8000                                   (703) 390—2700

Dated: January 20, 2006

* See Stratos Communications, Inc., Appliation, File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01 175 (August
26, 2005);Stratos Communications,Inc., Amendment, File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
(September 22, 2008); Telenor Satellite, Inc., Application, File No, SES—LFS—20050030—01352
(September 30, 2003FTMSC US, LLC, Application, File No. SES—LFS—2008 1011—01396
(October 11, 2005).
* See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00767 (November 16, 2005) ("We find that designating the
earth station applications as ‘permit—but—disclose‘ will fciltat resolution ofthe complex policy
issues raised by the applications.").

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
         1, Syivia A. Davis,a secrery with the law firm ofPillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
LLP, hereby cerify that on this 20th day ofJanuary 2006, served a trie capy ofthe foregoing by
first—class United Sttes mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:
Andres Kelly®                                   Stephen Duall®
Interntional Bureau                             Intemational Buresu
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12° StreatS.W.                              445 12° Streen, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washingion, DC 20554
Keith H. Fagan
Telenor Satelite,Ic.
1101 Wooton Paday
10° Fioor
Reckvill, MD 20852

                                               Syléfl A. Davs
*By hand delivery

Document Created: 2006-01-24 13:20:33
Document Modified: 2006-01-24 13:20:33

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