Attachment Response


RESPONSE TO REPLY COMMENTS submitted by SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp.



This document pretains to SES-STA-20051222-01788 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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Alted M. Mamit                                                                    130 Connecticu Avenve. NY
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amaniet@septoccom                                                                             Ter2024293000

February 17, 2006
py nanp peurvery                                                     lneieliemrniennt
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                                   RECEIVED
Federal Communications Commission                                                          Fes 2 2 2006
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                    Satelte Dvision
                                                                                         Intomational Buroau
Res    Sky Wave Mobile Communications, Corp.
       SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inc.
       File Nos, SES—STA—20051222—01788, ITC—STA—20060121—00028

Dear Ms. Dortch:
               On behalf of SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp. and Sky Wave Mobile
Communications,Inc. (collectively "SkyWae") thisletteis being submitted in response to condition 3
of the above—referenced special temporary authorizations ("STAs") issued by the International Bureau
("the Bureau).
                SkyWave‘s STAs are limited to the Inmarsat D+ service, This service is a non—voice,
packet—data service with message sizes limited to 84 bits in the "return"(terminal—to—satellite) direction
and 2000 bits in the "forward" (satelite—to—terminal) direction. The maximum data rate is 128 bits per
second. Since the Inmarsat D+ service is confined to small messages at a low data rate, this service uses
very litle spectrum. On the Inmarsat 4F2, SkyWave uses only one "forward" 2.5 kHz channel and six
"return"2.5 kHz channels
                Inmarsat D+ is used for tracking and monitoring applications. SkyWave‘s customers
encompass a wide range of U.S. customers, including the U.S. military, Federal Government, Federal
law enforeement and private sector end—users. The Inmarsat D+ serviceis used bythese entites to track
the location and behavior of assets like trucks or boats or other movable assets, and to monitor the status
and condition of facilities(e.2.. energy facilities) to ensure that they are functioning properly.
Distuption of the servicecould jeopardize the success ofcrtical lawenforcement and homeland security
applications of the Inmarsat D+ service and endanger the security and safe operation of assets held by
SkyWave‘s private sector clients.

wasimeton        +    new vork      +   rwornix      +.   tos anories       +    tonpon      +    srussELS

Mariene H. Dortch
February17, 2006
Page 2

                 Condition 3 of the STAs requires SkyWave to submit to the Bureau by February 17, 2006
a report containing two items:(1) an analysis of "whether, given the increased capacity of the Inmarsat
4F2 satellite relative to the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite,there would be any discontinuance of, or degradation
of the reliability of, existing operations should access to the" disputed spectrum‘ be terminated (we refer
to this reporting obligation as the "Inmarsat Operations Analysis®); and (2) a list of end users that
operate in the disputed spectrum under the STA and a list ofend users that operate under the STA in
frequencies other than the disputed spectrum, but who would still be potentially affected ifaccess to the
disputed spectrum were terminated (we refer to this reporting obligation as "SkyWave Customer
               With respect to the Inmarsat Operations Analysis, concurrently with this submission,
SkyWave understands that Inmarsat is submitting to the Commission a report which addresses the
Bureau‘s inquiries as to the effect thatterminating access tothe disputed spectrum would have on
existing Inmarsat operations.
                With respect to the SkyWave Customer Information, SkyWave advises the Bureau that
the Inmarsat D+ service on the Inmarsat 4F2 satelie is not using any of the disputed spectrum. To the
extent that Inmarsats access to the disputed spectrum were terminated, however, Inmarsat would need to
reevaluate its entire frequency plan, and decide which services would get less spectrum. It is not
possible to reduce the spectrum SkyWave uses for the D+ service without compromising the reliability
and effectiveness ofthe service. Sincethere is only one forward channel, ifi is eliminated, the service
cannot function. Ifa retur channel used by SkyWaveis eliminated, it would significantly increase the
eall—blockage probabilty equally for all of SkyWave‘s U.S. customers using the Inmarsat 4F2. As a
result, messages from the Inmarsat D+ METs may never reach their intended destination. This would
compromise the ability of SkyWave‘s customers to accurately track or monitor assets orto receive
eritical messages about the condition of sensitive facilies. This service degradation could compromise
applications for the military, homeland security and law enforeement agencies, and other users of the
               If Inmarsat were to conclude thatit was necessary to reduce the number of dedicated
channels for the Inmarsat D+ service, his loss of channels would affectall of SkyWave‘s customers
operating in the United States. As SkyWave previously disclosed to the Bureau in its STA requests,
SkyWave‘s Inmarsat D+ U.S. military and government customers include the Department of Defense
Counter—Narcoterrorism TechnologyProgram Office, the Naval Surface Warfare Centre, Department of

           ! Sky Waveuses the neutral term, "disputed spectrum,"in discussing certain bandwidth segments
made available for Inmarsats use "as part ofthe Revised 1999 Spectrum Sharing Arrangement (October
4, 1999), or later as bilateral arrangements between Inmarsat and MSV and Inmarsat and MSV
Canada," which are now the subject of a dispute with MSV and MSV Canada. See STA at File No.
SES—STA—20051222—01788 at Condition 3 (Jan. 18, 2006).

Marlene H. Dortch
February 17, 2006

Homeland Security and the DEA. SkyWave‘sprivate sector customers include Teletouch, Optec and
Global Secure Cargo, which use the Inmarsat D service to track and monitor sensitive assets (e.2.,
trucks and shipping containers) and facilities (eg., energyfaciites) throughout the country.*

               Please contact the undersigned if you would like to discuss this submission or would like
additional information on all or part of SkyWave‘s U.S. customer base (even though none ofthe
Inmarsat D+ service is in the disputed spectrum).

                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                             Alfred M. Mamlet
                                             Mare A. Paul

                                            Counsel for StyWave Mobile Communications Corp
                                            and SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inc
ce(by hand delivery):
Roderick Porter (Intemnational Bureau)
Robert Nelson (International Bureau)
Gardner Foster(Intemational Bureau)
James Ball (International Bureau)
Andrea Kelly (International Bureau)
Cassandra Thomas (International Bureau)
Howard Gribof® (International Bureau)
Scott Kotler (International Bureau)
Karl Kensinger (International Bureau)
Fem Jarmulnck (Intemational Burcau)
Stephen Duall (International Bureau)
John Martin (International Bureau)
JoAnn Elcblad (Intemational Bureau)
BruceJacobs (Counsel for MSV)— by fist class mail

      * See Declaration of Ani Tourian at4 5—8 (Attachment B of the STA Request in File No. SES—
STA—20051222—01788) (incorporated herein by reference).

Document Created: 2006-03-02 13:04:19
Document Modified: 2006-03-02 13:04:19

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