Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SES-STA-20051216-01761 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         Ex panTE OR LATE FILED
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                                               January 19, 2006                                ponemsns
       VIA HAND DELIVERY                                                                         HECEIVED

       Marlene H. Dortch                                          OR’G’NAL                           JAN 2 0 2006
       ue                                                                                         Sataite Dhision
       Federal Communications Commission                                                         Mermpaarem
       445 12th Street, S.W.                                             RECE‘VED
       Washington, D.C. 20054

              Re:     In the Matterof                                      Jan 1 9 2006
                      Telenor Satelite Inc.                          Bibunl Conmntentone comnionts
                      Stratos Communications, Inc                           ofeot Seentiy
                      SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp
                      Satamaties, Inc.
                      Notice of Oral £x Parte Presentation
                      SES—STA—20051216—01756               SES—STA—20051216—01762
                      SES—STA—20051216—01757               SES—STA—20051216—01763
                      SES—STA—20051216—01758               SES—STA—20051216—01764
                      SES—STA—20051216—01759               SES—STA—20051222—01788
                      SES—STA—20051216—01760               SES—STA—20051223—01790

       Dear Secretary Dortch
              On Janzary 18, 2006, Frank Weaver, Director, Telecommunications Policy for The
       Bocing Company (‘Bocing"), spoke by tclephone with Donald Abelson, Chief of the
       International Bureau, regarding the above—referenced applications.. Mr. Weaver requested that
       the Federal Communications Commission give prompt attention to the applications and grant
       themonly with the conditions that were requested by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
       ("MSV") in its comments on the applications, dated December 28, 2005.
               As you are aware, MSV is in the process of trying to coordinate its L—band operations
       with Inmarsat. MSV requested that conditions be placed on the above—referenced applications in
       order to minimize any interference to MSV‘s operations
                Mr. Weaver explained that, as the manufacturer of three satellites for MSV‘s next
       generation Mobile Satellte Service network, Boeing is very concerned about ensuring that MSV
       has access to sufficient contiguous coordinated spectrum in the L—band to provide a full range of
       services to consumers. The conditions requested by MSV will help to ensure that this spectrum
       is available.

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                                                                                Soums,Swvorms & Drsrrser LLP.

Marlene H. Dortch                                                                 Tanuary 19, 2006
Page 2

         Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let us know ifyou have any questions.

                                            Bruce A. Olcott
                                               Counsel for The Bocing Company

6n       Donald Abelson
         Chict, International Bureau

Document Created: 2006-02-10 11:45:12
Document Modified: 2006-02-10 11:45:12

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