Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20051216-01761 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


  ner        sesstammsmconet           nsm
  States Communicatons,inc

                                                                                                      Approved by OMB

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identfy it on the main menu:
60 Day STA for E10047 to Allow Transition of Inmarsat M Service to New Inmarsat 4F2 Satelite
 1. Applicant
           Name:     Strtos Communications, Inc.      Phone Number:                    301—214—se00
           DBA Name:                                  Fax Number:                      301—214—seo1
           Streets   6901 Rockledge Drive Suite 900   E—Mail

           Cig:         Bethesda                      State:                           wp
           Country:      USA                          Zipeode:                         20817      —

                                                         mas S Es — 5Th — 20051216— O‘ Tol
                                                         ons £O10047 oampu: 01 /18/06
                                                                 s         TermDates
                                                         roa 01718706           4s 63/9/06
                                       Intenatonnt Boreas WNM_
                                         ed 10 afecved
                                   (subjRaim                         Ricling Divisien Chef
                                     hi 4                 See          aftached conditions,

                              Stratos Communications, Inc.
 TBFS File Nos. SES—STA—20051216—01760, SES—STA—20051216—01761, SES—STA—20051216—
                o1762, Ses—STA—20051216—01763, SES—STA—20051216—01764
‘The request ofStrstos Communications, Inc. (Statos) for special temporary authority (STA) 1
GRANTED. Accordingly, Stratos is authorized from January 18, 2006 to March 19, 2006 to continue
operations on the Inmarsat 4F2 satelite using mobile earth terminals (METs) previously authorized under
call signs E000180, E010047, E010048, EO10049, and E010050 to communicate with the Inmarsat 3F4
satellte in accordance with the terms, onditions, and technical specifations setforth in the
Commission‘s rules and this document
1. Neither the agaregate uplink EIRP densites in the direction ofany other L—band satelite serving the
   United States, nor the downlink EIRP densities atany geographical point within the United States,
   shall be increased as a result ofcontinuance on the Inmarsat 42 satellte o operations previously
   authorized on the Inmarsat 3B4 satelite.
2. Operations onthe Inmarsat 4F2 sateliteshall be on an unprotected basis. Strtos shall not claim
   protection from, and is required to accept interference from, other lawfully operating satelites or
   radiocommunication systems.
3.. No later than February 17, 2006 a report must be submitted addressing whether,given the increased
    cspscity ofthe Inmarsat 4F2 satelite relative to the Inmarsat 3F4 satelite,there would be any
    discontinuance of, or degradation oftherelibilty of, existing operations should access to the
    "leaned" spectrum be terminated. In the eventthat the report assertsthat such discontinuation or
    degradation may occur,the report must include a detailed, quantitative explanation ofhe basis ofthis
    assertion. Any such explanation must also include a lst ofthe end—users,including any U.S.
    government end—users, using METs that may operate in the "loaned" spectrum under this STA, a
    point ofcontact (name and telephone number)for each such end—user, and the number ofMETs
    associated with each such end—user. Any such explanation,to the extent that it claims that
    termination of operations on the "loaned" spectrum would degrade service on other frequencies, must
    include lst ofthe potentially affected end—users,including any U.S. government end—users, using
    METs operating under this STA, a point of contact (name and telephone number) for each such end—
    user, and the number of METs associated with each such end—user. Should the U.S. government users
    not authorize disclosure of frequencies or services used on the "loaned" spectrum, the report must
    include a pointof contact (name and telephone number) for theassociated end—user who can verify
    the government‘s use. For purposes ofthis condition, "loaned" spectrum is defined as those
    bandwidth segments that were loaned to Inmarsat by MSV and MSV Conada, cither as part of the
    Revised 1999 Spectrum Sharing Amangement (October 4, 1999), or later as bilteral arangements
    between Inmarsat and MSV and Inmarsat and MSV Canada.
4.. Any action taken or expense incured as a result ofoperations pursuantt this special temporary
    suthority is solelyat Stratos‘s own risk.

5.. The grant othis STA is not based on a finding that Inmarsat‘s L—band operations are consistent with
    operation on a non—interference basis
6. The grantofthis STA is withoutprejudice to any future determination thatthe Commission may
   make as to whether Inmarsat‘s L—band operations are consistent with operation on a non—interference
7.. This STA may be terminated or modified a the Intermational Bureau‘s discretion, without a hearing, if
    conditions warrant.

                             Stratos Communications, Inc.
IBFS File Nos. SES—STA—20051216—01760, SES—STA—20051216—01761, SES—STA—20051216—
               01762, SES—STA—20051216—01763, SES—STA—20051216—01764

8.. Statos must notify its customers in writing no laterthan February 17, 2006 that operations on the
    Inmarsat 4F2 satelite are pursuanttoa 60—day grant ofspecial temporary authority that may be
    terminated or modificd at any time.
9.. Authority granted in this STA is without prejudice to the disposition of the underlying modification
    applications in IBFS File Nos, SES—MEFS—20051202.01665, SES—MFS—20051 122—01614, SES—MES—
    20081122.01615, SES—MEFS—20081 122—01616, SES—MFS—20051 122.01617, SES—MEPS—20051 122—
    o1618, SEs—¥FS—20051 123.01626, SE—MS—20051 123—01627, SEs—MFS—20051 123—01629, SEs—
    MFS—20051123—01630, and SES—MFS—20051207—01700.
10. This grant is issued parsuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules on delegated authority,47
    CFR. § 0.261, and is effective immediately.
11 Stratos is afforded thiry days from the date of release of this action to decline this special temporary
    suthorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance
    of the special temporary authorization as conditioned.

  evur       sesstnzosizisonee        ienss
  States Communicatons,Inc

                                                                                                    Approved by OMB

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application toidentfy t on the main menu:
60 Day STA for E010047 to Allow Transition of Inmarsat M Service to New Inmarsat 4F2 Satelite
 1. Applicant
           Name:      Stratos Communications, In     Phone Number:                  a0t—214—ss00
           DHiA Name:                                Fax Number:                    a0t—214—sso1
           Street:    6901 RockledDrive Suite 900    E—Maie

                       Bethesda                      State:                          mb
                        usa                          Zipeote:                       2osi7       —

2. Contact

             Name:         Alfred Mamt                     Phone Number:             an—420—6004
             Companys      Steptoc & Johnson LLP           Fax Number:               an—420—3002
             Street:       1330 Connectica Ave, NW         E—Mait:         

             Cit:          Washington                      State:                     pe
             Country:      USA                             Zipeode:                   20036 ~1795
             Attention:                                    Relationship:               Lepal Counsel

[youapplication is related o an aplication ied with the Commision, enter ither tfile naniberort TB SubminsionTD otrelated
lapplicaion. Plase enteronly one)
3. Reference File Number SESMFS2005 112201618 or Submission ID
 Mna fee submited with this application
@ 1f¥es completeand atich PCC Form 159. IfNo,indicat reason for fee exemption (sce 47 C.ERSection 1.1114)
g Governmental Entity gp Noncommercal educationallcensce
@ Oterflease explain)
(t. Fee Closi             CGB — Mobile Satelite Barh Sations
5. Tpe Request
@ Use Priorto Grant                             £5 Change Sution Location            g on

6. Requested Use PriorDate
7.Giy                                                               8. Latinde
                                                                    (Gammsssiy 0 0. 00

o. Sure                                                            10. Longitade
                                                                   (@@mmssst) 0. 0. 00
11 Picass sipply any need atchment.
Attachment 1: STA Application                Atachment 2: Roc Decliration                 Atachment 3: Cert ofService

12. Deserption— (If the completedescription does not appear in this bos, please goto the end ofhe form to view it in is entiety)
     stratos Comunications, Inc. (‘Stratos‘) requests special temporary authority to allow for
     the transition of the Inmarsat M service currently provided by the Inmarsat 3 satellite at
     54 W.L. to the new Innarsat 492 satellite at 52.75 H.L. Please see the attached narrative
     lapplication for additional. detail.

13. By checking Yes,the undersigned crtfes that neither plicant nor any other partyto the applictionis         ¥e       gNo
subject o denialo Rederalbenefis that ncludes PCC benefis pursuantto Section 5301 ofthe Anti~Drug Act
of 198%, 21 U.S.C. Section H62, because ofa comviction for possession ordistibutionoa contrlledsubstance
See 47 CFR 1.2002()for the meaning of&quotiparty t theappliation&iquot; fothese purposes.

14 Name of Person Signing                                          15.Tile o on Signing
  Paul Kugelman                                                      Assistant Secrctry
                 (US, Code, Tite 18,Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHIORIZATION
                  (US. Code, Tite 47, Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503).

ree Norice requiken By ThE raperwoRk REDUCTION ACT
The public reporting forthicllectiono information is estimated t average 2 hours pe response,includingthe time foreiewing instuctions,
searching existing data sources, gthering and maintaining the required data,and completing and reviewing the calection of information. Ifyou
have any comments on thisburden estimate,or how we can improve th calleton and reduce the burdeit auss you, please wrtetothe
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Papersork Reduction Project (3060—0678),Washington, DC20554. We will lsoaccept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Actaspectsofthis colletion via the Itemet ifyou sendthem toJboley@ec gov. PLEASE
bo Nor sENp comrLrtEp FoRMs to Ts ApprES$
Remember—You are norequired trespand toa collection oinformationsponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsorthis callection,unless it displays a currently vaid OMB contrl number or ifwe fil to rovide you with this notic. This
collection has been assignd an OME control number of3060—0678
e rorEGoiNG Norice            rEquRED By T rArERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1905, PDBLIC LAW104—13, OctoneR
1, 1995, 41 Us.C. SECrion asu7.

                                                                  Stratos Communications, Ic.
                                                                                  STA Request
                                                                                 Attachment A

                            pesciurrion or sra Request

               By this application, Stratos Communications, Ic.(*Stratos") requests grant by
January 13, 2006 ofspeciatemporary authoriy (‘STA®)for sity (60) days to allow Statos to
malntain existing servics t ts currently licensed Inmarsat M terminals (call—sign E010047)
with the recenty launched fourth—generaton Inmarsat satllte o be located at 52.75° W.L.
("Inmarsat 425),
                Strtosis notaskingtoofferany new service. Stratos merely wantstocontinue to
provide essental services, which have been licensed for morethan four year,tothe U.S. armed
forces, Federal Emergency Management Ageney (*FEMA*), U.S. Const Guard, U.S. law
enforcement, First Respondersfromstate and local govemment, and important privat sector
               Stratos recently Aleda modifeation application (File No. SES—MFS—20051 122«
O1618) for cal:ign E010047 in ordertoadd the Inmarsat 4F2 asa point of communication."
Stratos hereby incorporatesby reference that modifiation application and ittechnical deals
and material for purposes ofthis STA request. The Statos modifiation appliation was placed
on Public Notice on December7, 2005,and thtime t ile any Petitions and/or Commentson
this modification appliation expires on January 6, 2006. On November30, 2005, Mobile
Satelte Ventures Subsidiary LLC (°MSV*) fled a Notice of ntentto Participat, and in
addition,it Aled a Motion o designatethe proceeding as ‘permit—but—diclose.® See MSV Notice
of ntent to Participate (Nov.30, 2005}; Motion to Designate Proceedings As "PernitBut—
Disclose" (Nov. 30,2005)
              Sinee October 2001, Strtos has been censed by the FCC to provide Inmarsat
services domestically in the United States,includingthe operation of Inmarsat B, C, M, mini—M
and M# terminals" As setforth in theatached Declaration of Robert J. Roe, Senior Vice
President of Salesfor Strtos,Stratos‘customersforInmarsat services encompass a wide range
of U.S. customers,including the U.S. miltry,the Federal Govemment, sate and local
govermments and private sctor end—users. Je Declaration oRobert J. Roe at 5 (Attachment
B), U.S. miltary users include:the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Foree. S¥eDeclaration of Robert
3. Roe at 6. Federal Government users include: theStte Department, the FCC, FEMA, the
        * Additional modifietion applications werefled to modify th cal:signs associated with
the Stratos icenses to provide thInmarsat Md, min—M, B and C services. SimilarSTA
requestsare being Aledfor each oftheseservices
        * Ste «g, /n theMaterofCOUSITCorporation ds COUSITtobie
Conmunications eral, 16 FCC Red 21661 (rl. Oct.9, 2001) (*nmarsatMarkerdecess

ULS. Const Guard and the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation. SbDeclaration of Robert J. Roe t1
7. Stateand local govemmentcustomersinclude: New York Fire Department,Los Angeles Fire
Depariment and National Guard Unit restoring devastred areasimpacted bythe recent
hurricanes in the Gulf SzeDeclaration of Robert J Roe at% 8. U.S. private sectorcustomers
include: Chevron/Texaco, Global Santa Fe and Edison International(parent company of
Southem Califoria Edison). Sze Declaration oRobert J. Roe at 99.
               As set fortin File No. SES—MFS—20051122—01618, theInmarsat 4F2 is lcensed
by the United Kingdom and willbe located at the 52.75° W.L. orbital location. t was Iaunched
on November 8, 2005, As seforth in File No. SES—MFS—20051122.01618, grant of the
moifcation application s n the public intrest, is consistent with the ORBIT AcC and satsfes
the Commission‘s 2/5CO /standard.® Absent authorit to communicate with the Inmarsat 4F2,
Stratos willnot be ableto ontinue to providethe Inmarsat Mservice, lcensed undercallsign
E000180, o ts existing orfture customers becausethe M4 service, along      other Inmarsat
services (ncluding B, . M and mint—MD,wll be migrated rom thethid generation Inmarsat
satelite currenty at 4° W.L. o the Inmarsat 4F2 sateliteat82.75° WL
               Inmarsat is scheduled to migrate theseservicesto the Inmarsat 4F2 on January 15,
2006. Stratos has been informed by Inmarsat that maintainingthis schedule is necessary because
the Inmarst 3 satelite curentlyat 54° W.L. needs to be moved to 142W.L. where it wll
replacea secand generation Inmarsatsatelte, which is running outof fuel and needsto be
decommissioned shorty. This second generation stelite at 142° WL. is curreny providing
essental Inmarsatleaseservicesto the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard. e Declaration of
Robert J. Roe at 1 4. An untimely migration ofthe "existing and evalved services" from the third
geneation Inmarsatsitellte to the new Inmarsat 4F2 satelite would jeopardize the continityof
these essentil serviees currenty being provided by the second generation satllteathe 142°
W.L. orbital loction:
               Since the current Public Notice period forthe Stratos modifictionapplication is
scheduled o expire on Janary6, 2006 and MSV has already indicated t ntent to partcipae in
this aplication proceeding, Sratos believes thait untikely that thInterational Bureau will
be ableto act on the modifiation applieation in advance ofth scheduled January 15, 2006
imigration ofthe Inmarsat MA service t the new Inmarsat 4F2 satelt at 52.75° W.L"
Accordingly, Stratos is requesting this STA to ensurethat there is no disruption ofserviceto
Stratos‘existingInmarsat M4 customers when Inmarsat migrates he sevices o the new
       * Szed7 US.C. §761 ersuy.
      5 Stetnendnentofthe Comnizsion‘sPolcesto AllowNon—US LicensedSpace
Sutions ProvidngDowestic andInernationalServiein the UnitedStates, 12 ECC Red 24084
gom Cascorn
       5 n alllikelihood,Stratosand MSV will be ithe middle of the pleading eyclefothe
Stratos modification application:

               Grant ofthis STA request is in the publc nterest, As set forthabove,the
Inmarsat services provided byStratosare used not only by privatindusty,but alsby the U.S.
militay, Federal Govermment, and state and local overnment, The Inmarsaservies are used
by these enttestofaciitate militry communieations,lawenforeement and homeland securi,
emergency eliefeffors, protectlives and safeguard property and to provide crtcal
communications services to support business operations in remoteareas. See Declaraton o
Robert J Roe at 9 5—8. Grant of his STA request will ensure that these end—usersdo not
experience any disuption o thInmarsat servieesthey currenly use and rely on
               As stated by Mr. Roc, "Inmarsatservices are used and critallyreied upon by
govemment ‘First Responders‘and private industy,as a fexible and mobile backupto terestral
voice and data communieations networks in the event that anaturl disaster oterrost attack
takes place." SzeDeclaration of Robert J Roe at9 10. Any disuption to the Inmarsat services
used by First Responders would seriously compromis thir ability o accomplish their riial
missions. AeDeclarationof Robert J. Roeat 1 10.
                "The necessity of Inmarsat services was learlydemonstrated n theaftermath of
hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulfof Mexico. Inresponse to these devastating
natural disasters, Strtos sawa noticeable increase in the demand forthe Inmarsatservices it
distrlbutes. Several monthslater, Inmarsasevices continuet playa vta ole in he Gulf of
Mexico regionin comnection with the reeovery and restoration effors being undertaken by
FEMA,the National Guard,the U.S. Army, state and locl government,law enforcement
personnel and the petroleum industry.® SzeDeclaration of Robert J. Roe at 11. In the words of
Chairman Martin:
                If we leamed anything from Hurricane Katrin, itthat we cannot
                rely solely on terrestral communications. When radio towers are
              knocked down, sate     communications are, in some instances,
               the most effective means of communicating.
See Writen Statement of Chairman Kevin . Martin atthe Hearing on Communic
Disaster before the ULS. Senate Committeon Commerce, Science and Transportation at7 (Sept.
22,2005). The grant of this STA would ensure that there is nodiruptioni servic tthese ende
users currenty usingand relying upon Inmarsat services
               The Inmarsat services which currenty are being provided overthe Inmarsat
sateliteat $4° WL. can and will b provided overthe Inmarsat 42 at 52.75° W.L. without
adversly affeting the interference environment that existstoday with respect t other operting
L—Band spacecraft. Specifall,()the EIRP spectral densiy ofthe proposed cariers on the
Inmarsat4F2 willbe no greter than the EIRP spectrl densty othe same services provided
today over the Inmarsatsatet at 54° W.L., ) the out—ofband emissions fom the Inmarsat
4F2 carers willnot exceedth limis of §25.202(0 (1) 2)and (3),and (it no greater
protection from interference into the Inmarst 42 spacecrat orthe Inmarsat mobile cath
terminals,beyond thelevelofprotection that exiss today, is sought. In sum, duringthe term of
this STA, theseservices can and wll be provided on Inmarsat 4F2 within the echnicl envelope
pursuantto which these services are currenly provided on the thrd generation Inmarsastelite
currenty located at 5#° W.L.

                Stratos understands that grant of this requested STA will be withoutprjudice to,
and will b conditioned on,the Bureau‘s ction on the underlying modification application (File
No. SES—MFS—20051122—01614) to modify cal:—sizn E000180 to add the Inmarsat 42 as an
authorized pointof communication.
               Por th reasons st forth above, Stratosrespectflly requeststhatthis STA be
granted nolater than January 13, 2006° fosisty (60) days.

        * Janvary 13, 2006 is thlast business day before the planned January 15, 2006 cut—over
to the Inrmarst 42 sarellt ofthe "existing and evalved" services.

                                   cerniricate or sErvicE
       1, Brendan Kasper, an attomey with the law firm of Steptos & Johnson LLP, hereby cerify that on
this 16th day of December, 2005, served a tie copy ofthe foregoing "STA Request," by fistclass mail,
postage pre—paid (or as otherwie indicated) upon the fllowing:

James Ball*                                     Andres Kelly®
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Stree, S.W                              445 12" Stret,SW.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
Cassandra Thomas®                               Scott Kotler®
International Bureau                            Interational Bureau
Federal Communiations Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Stree, S.W                              445 12" Stret,S.W
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
Howard Griboft®                                 Karl Kensinger®
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Pederal Communications Commission
445 12"Street, S.W                              445 12® Streeu, S.W
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
Fem Jarmulnck®                                  Jennifer A. Manner
International Bureau                            Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Federal Communications Commission               Mobile Satelite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
445 12Strcet, S.W.                              1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20554                            Reston, Virginia 20191
Robert Nelson®                                  Bruce D. Jacobst*
International Bureau                            David S. Konezal
Federal Communications Commission               Pillsary Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
445 12® Stree, S.W.                             2300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20037—1128
JoAnn Ekblad*                         
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               John P. Janka®
445 12" Stree, S.W.                             Joffiey A. Marks
Washington, DC 20554                            Latham & Watkins LLP
                                                555 Eleventh Street N.W., Suite 1000
                                                Washington, D.C. 20004

* by clectronic mail
** by Hand Delivery and electronic mail

Document Created: 2006-01-19 11:25:51
Document Modified: 2006-01-19 11:25:51

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