Attachment Letter


LETTER submitted by Stratos



This document pretains to SES-STA-20051216-01760 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                ST E P T O E          J O H N s o N LLP
                                         A T I O R ’ L E Y S ,\T   lL4W

Alfred M. Mamlet                                                                  1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
202.429.6205                                                                       Was hi ng ton, DC 2 0 0 36-1795                                                                          Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                               Fax 202.429.3902

February 17,2006


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554


       Stratos Communications, Inc.
       File Nos. SES-STA-200512 16-01760; SES-STA-2005 1216-01761 ; SES-STA-2005 1216-
       01762; SES-STA-200512 16-01763; SES-STA-200512 16-01764; ITC-STA-2006012 1-00029

Dear Ms. Dortch:

                Stratos Communications, Inc. (“Stratos”) hereby submits the enclosed letter (“the Stratos
Letter“) in response to condition 3 included as part of the special temporary authorizations (“STAs”)
granted by the International Bureau in the above-referenced files. Stratos requests that the Commission
treat Attachment A to the Stratos Letter as confidential and not routinely available for public inspection
under 47 C.F.R. $0 0.457 and 0.459. Stratos is separately filing a confidential version of the Stratos
Letter with an unredacted version of Attachment A.

                 Attachment A to the Stratos Letter contains a list of current Stratos customers (and their
contact information) with U.S. billing addresses who purchase Inmarsat services from Stratos. This
information qualifies as “commercial or financial information” that “would customarily be guarded from
competitors” regardless of whether or not such materials are protected from disclosure by a privilege.
See 47 C.F.R. $ 0.457(d); see also Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d 871, 879 (D.C. Cir.
1992) (“[Wle conclude that financial or commercial information provided to the Government on a
voluntary basis is ‘confidential’ for the purpose of Exemption 4 if it is of a kind that would customarily
not be released to the public by the person from whom it was obtained.”).

Marlene H. Dortch
February 17,2006
Page 2

                As an initial matter, most businesses do not publicly reveal lists of their customers and
their contact information. Doing so would allow competing businesses to quickly and easily target
customers with a known need for the relevant product. Further, publicly revealing customer lists and
contact information could result in customer resentment towards the releasing company if the release of
the information is viewed by the customers as the reason for their receipt of unwanted solicitations.
Thus, the customer list information that Stratos is submitting is the type of information that “would not
be customarily released to the public” and should be treated as confidential under Section 0.457(d) of
the Commission’s Rules.

                In addition, the customer list that is being submitted by Stratos is commercial information
that if disclosed could cause substantial competitive harm to Stratos and is therefore entitled to
protection under Section 0.459 of the Commission’s Rules. In support of this request, and pursuant to
47 C.F.R. 0 0.459(b), Stratos hereby states as follows:

       Stratos seeks confidential treatment of Attachment A of the enclosed Stratos Letter, which
       contains a listing of Stratos’ current customers (and their associated contact information) with
       U.S. billing addresses, who are currently using Inmarsat services offered by Stratos.

       The enclosed confidential information is being submitted as part of the Stratos submission
       required to be filed with the International Bureau in response to condition 3, included as part of
       the STAs granted to Stratos on January 18,2006 in the above-referenced files.

       The enclosed confidential information contains sensitive commercial information. Specifically,
       it consists of a list of current U.S. customers (and their contact information) with U.S. billing
       addresses who are purchasing Inmarsat services from Stratos.

       The confidential information provided as part of the Report is directly related to a competitive
       service, i.e., mobile satellite services (“MSS“),for which confidentiality is warranted. Stratos
       directly competes with other distributors of Inmarsat’s services in the U.S. and other MSS
       providers. See, e.g., In the Matter of Implementation of Section 6002(b) of the Omnibus Budget
       Reconciliation Act of 1993; Annual Report and Analysis of Market Conditions With Respect to
       Commercial Mobile Services, FCC 05-173, f 35 (rel. Sep. 30,2005).

       The confidential information contained in the enclosed Report is not of the type released to the
       public by Stratos. Stratos would suffer competitive harm if the attached confidential customer
       list were disclosed. Disclosure of the attached customer list would allow Stratos’ competitors to
       target Stratos’ customers. See In the Matter of Mobile Relay Associates, 14 FCC Rcd 18919,
       18924, T[ 9 (Wireless Bur. 1999) (“Assuming ComSerCo’s assertions are true, the MRA
       materials would represent, at minimum, a list of former, current, and/or prospective customers.

Marlene H. Dortch
February 17,2006
Page 3

       Because these names are valuable in that they could be used to further MRA’s business, we
       conclude that they would be ’commercial’ for purposes of our analysis. Similarly, public
       disclosure of a list of names a business holds out as its customers is likely to cause substantial
       harm to the competitive position of that business.”). See also In the Matter of Review of Part 15
       and other Parts of the Commission s Rules, 19 FCC Rcd 7484, 7492,lT 2 1-22 (2004) (indicating
       that the Commission grants confidential treatment to customer list information).

   6 . Stratos takes significant measures to ensure that this confidential information is not disclosed to
       the public, including marking this information as confidential and restricting access to those
       individuals at Stratos with a need to know.

   7. The confidential material for which non-disclosure is sought is not available to the public, and
       has not previously been publicly disclosed.

   8. Stratos requests that the redacted materials be withheld from disclosure for an indefinite period.
      Disclosure of this information at any time could jeopardize the competitive position of Stratos
      vis a vis its competitors in the MSS marketplace.

   9. Finally, Stratos notes that a denial of its request that the enclosed information be kept
       confidential would impair the Commission’s ability to obtain this type of disclosed information
       in the future. The ability of a govcrnmcnt agcncy to continually obtain confidential information
       was behind the legislative purpose in developing exemptions from the Freedom of Information
       Act. See Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d 871, 878 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (“Where,
       however, the information is provided to the Government voluntarily, the presumption is that [the
       Government’s] interest will be threatened by disclosure as the persons whose confidences have
       been betrayed will, in all likelihood, refuse further cooperation.”). The U.S. Court of Appeals
       for the D.C. Circuit has recognized a “private interest in preserving the confidentiality of
       information that is provided the Government on a voluntary basis.’‘ Id. at 879. The Commission
       should extend a similar recognition to the enclosed materials that Stratos has requested by kept

               Stratos’ customer list, in addition to being confidential information shielded from
disclosure under Section 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s Rules, should also not be disclosed
pursuant to any request made under Section 0.461 of the Commission’s Rules (or pursuant to protective
order sought) by Stratos’ competitors or other third parties. The Commission has recognized that a party
under Section 0.46 1 requesting access to information, which the Commission has determined is
confidential under Section 0.457 or 0.459, must make a “persuasive showing” to obtain access to this
information. See In the Matter of Examination of Current Policy Concerning the Treatment f
Confidential Information Submitted to the Commission, 13 FCC Rcd 248 16, 24822,18 (1 998)

Marlene H. Dortch
February 17,2006
Page 4

(“Confidential Information Report and Order”). In determining whether a “persuasive showing” has
been made, the Commission balances the interests favoring disclosure and non-disclosure. See
Confidential Information Report and Order at 24822,18. See also In the Mutter of MCI
Telecommunications Corp.; On Request for Inspection of Records, 5 8 Rad. Reg. 2d (P&F) 187,a 6
(1985). The Commission has further recognized that it discloses information, which qualifies for
protection under Section 0.457 or 0.459, under very limited circumstances and when the confidential
information is directly related to a matter that is at issue in the proceeding. See In the Matter of the
Western Union Telegraph Co.; On Request for Inspection ofRecords, 2 FCC Rcd 4485,4487,a 14
(1 987) (“The Commission has previously disclosed information which qualifies for exemption 4
protection in certain limited circumstances where a party has placed its financial condition at issue in a
Commission proceeding or where the Commission has identified a compelling public interest in
disclosure.”). See also Confidential Information Report and Order at 24822,a 8. In this case, the
significant competitive harm which would result from allowing Stratos’ competitors, or any other third
party, access to a list of its customers and their contact information would far outweigh any interest
related to this proceeding that these competitors would gain from having access to the customer list.
The customer list simply has no bearing on arguments by Stratos or its competitors on whether the
provision of Stratos’ existing Inmarsat services should be authorized on the new Inmarsat 4F2 satellite.

                 Stratos also requests that the Commission return the enclosed confidential information if
its request for confidentiality is denied. See 47 C.F.R. 9 0.459(e). Please contact the undersigned if you
have questions regarding this submission.

                                                      R pectfully submitted,

                                                      Alfred M. Mamlet
                                                      Marc A. Paul
                                                      Brendan Kasper

                                                      Counselfor Stratos Communications, Inc.


cc (by hand delivery):

Roderick Porter (International Bureau)
Robert Nelson (International Bureau)
Gardner Foster (International Bureau)
James Ball (International Bureau)
Andrea Kelly (International Bureau)
Cassandra Thomas (International Bureau)
Howard Griboff (International Bureau)

Marlene H. Dortch
February 17,2006
Page 5

Scott Kotler (International Bureau)
Karl Kensinger (International Bureau)
Fern Jarmulnek (International Bureau)
Stephen Dual1 (International Bureau)
John Martin (International Bureau)
JoAnn Ekblad (International Bureau)
Bruce Jacobs (Counsel for MSV) - By First Class Mail

Document Created: 2007-10-19 10:13:32
Document Modified: 2007-10-19 10:13:32

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