Attachment ex parte

ex parte

Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER submitted by Telenor Satellite, Inc.("Telenor")

ex parte


This document pretains to SES-STA-20051216-01758 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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   March 8, 2006                                                 yeie         fectuais
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   VIA HAND DELIVERY                                             Nes          Pamenco
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
   Secretary                                                                      RECEIVED
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, S.W.                                                            MAR 1.3 2006
   Washington, DC 20554
                                                                                   Satelte Dvision
   Re:      Parte                                                                 Internatonal Bureau
            Telenor Satellite, Inc., File Nos, SES—STA—20051216—01756; SES—STA—20081216—
            01757; SES—STA—20051216—01758; SES—STA—2005 1216—01759; SES—$TA—200601 18—
            00055; SES—STA—200601 18—00056; SES—STA—200601 18—00057; SES—STA—200601 18—
            00058; SES—STA—200601 19—00064; ITC—$TA—20060120—00031
            Stratos Communications Inc., File Nos. SES—STA—20051216—01760; SES—STA—
            20051216—01761; SES—STA—20051216—01762; SES—STA—20051216—01763; SES—STA—
            20051216—01764; ITC—8TA—20060121—00029
           Satamaties, Inc., File Nos. SES—STA—20051223—01 790ITC—STA—20060121—00027
           SkyWave Mobile Communications, Cory., File No. SES—STA—20051222—01788
           SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inc., File No. TC—STA—20060121—00028

   Dear Ms. Dortch:
                   On March 7, 2006, DianJ. Comell, Inmarsat‘s Vice President of Govemment
   Affairs, and 1, met with Robert Nelson and John Martin of the Intemational Bureau. Inmarsat‘s
   February 17, 2006 submission in these matters formed the basis for the conversation.

                                                Respectfully submitted,——
                                                   3               2e
                                                John P. Janka.

   ce: Robert Nelson                    ze
         John Martin

Document Created: 2006-03-24 10:34:35
Document Modified: 2006-03-24 10:34:35

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