Attachment Ex Parte

Ex Parte


Ex Parte Presentation


This document pretains to SES-STA-20051216-01756 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 ST E P TO E J o H N s o N            LLP

                                        ATTORNEYS      AT   LAW

Marc A. Paul                                                                    1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
202.429.6484                                                                     Washington, DC 20036-1795                                                                          Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                            Fax 202.429.3902

   January 12,2006


   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street NW
   Washington, DC 20554

   Re:     Notice of Ex Parte Presentation

         Stratos Communications, Inc. - File Nos. SES-STA-20051216-01760,SES-STA-
   20051216-01761,SES-STA-20051216-01762,SES-STA-20051216-01763, SES-STA-

           Telenor Satellite, Inc. File Nos. SES-STA-20051216-01756, SES-STA-20051216-
   01 757, SES-STA-20051216-01758,SES-STA-20051216-01759

           Satamatics, Inc. File No. SES-STA-20051223-01790

           SkvWave Mobile Communications, Corn          - File No. SES-STA-20051222-01788
   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                   On Wednesday January 1 1,2006, representatives for Stratos Communications,
   Inc. ("Stratos"), Telenor Satellite, Inc. ("Telenor"), Satamatics, Inc. ("Satamatics") and SkyWave
   Mobile Communications, Corp. ("Sky Wave") met to discuss the above-referenced STA requests
   with the following members of the International Bureau: Roderick Porter, Gardner Foster, Karl
   Kensinger, Robert Nelson, Paul Locke, Howard Griboff, Scott Kotler and Stephen Dual].
   Representing Stratos, Satamatics and SkyWave at the meeting were Alfred M. Mamlet (outside
   counsel, Steptoe & Johnson LLP) and Marc A. Paul (outside counsel, Steptoe & Johnson LLP).
   In addition, Satamatics was also represented by Brian Hester, President and COO of Satamatics.
   The representative from Telenor was Keith Fagan (Senior Counsel).

                   The attached presentation (distributed at the meeting) summarizes what was
   discussed between Stratos, Telenor, Satamatics, SkyWave and the International Bureau staff. In
   addition, it was discussed at the meeting what the appropriate interference standard is for STAs.

'X*4SHIVGTOV          YEW YORK         PHOtYIX          LOS   ANCELES          LONDON            BRUSSEL5

Following the meeting, additional research was performed that shows that the Bureau has
typically applied a standard of "non-harmful" interference to its grant of STA requests. See, e.g.,
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, File No. SAT-STA-20051019-00203, granted in Public Notice DA
06-29 (Jan. 6,2006) (authorizing temporary use of a satellite on a "non-harmful interference
basis"); EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, File No. SAT-STA-2005 1027-00207, granted
in Public Notice DA 06-29 (Jan. 6,2006) (authorizing temporary use of a satellite on a "non-
harmful interference basis"); Stratos Offshore Services Company, File No. SES-STA-2005092 1      -
01308 (granted Sept. 21,2005)(authorizing temporary use of an earth station on the condition
that "no harmful interference shall be caused").

              This Notice of Ex Parte Presentation is being filed on behalf of Stratos, SkyWave,
Satamatics and Telenor. Two copies of this Notice are being submitted for each of the file
numbers referenced above.

                                             Marc A. Paul

                                             Counsel to Stratos Communications, Inc.,
                                             Satmatics, Inc. and Shy Wave Mobile
                                             Communications, Corp.


cc:    Roderick Porter (International Bureau)
       Stephen Dual1 (International Bureau)
       Gardner Foster (International Bureau)
       Howard Griboff (International Bureau)
       Karl Kensinger (International Bureau)
       Scott Kotler (International Bureau)
       Paul Locke (International Bureau)
       Robert Nelson (International Bureau)


    Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.
    Stratos Communications, Inc.
           Satamatics, Inc.
SkyWave Mobile Communications Corp.

 Meeting with FCC International Bureau
           January 11, 2006

  Migration of Existing Inmarsat Services
to a New lnmarsat Satellite at 52.75' W.L.

Applicants are licensed to use an lnmarsat
satellite at 54' W.L.

lnmarsat will migrate existing services
on January 22, 2006 to a new satellite
at 52.75" W.L.

STAs are needed by January 18,2006 to
prevent disruption of service

    Existing lnmarsat Services
Licensed to provide lnmarsat services since
2001 (Stratos and Telenor), 2003 (Satamatics)
and 2004 (SkyWave)
  Stratos provides: lnmarsat B, C, M, mini-M and M4

  Telenor provides: lnmarsat B, C, mini-M, Aero Mini-M,
  M4, Aero-H and H+, Aero-I and Swift

  Satamatics and SkyWave provide lnmarsat D+

Authorized to communicate with 54' W.L.

              U.S. Customers
US Military: US. Army, Navy, Air Force and Department
of Defense

Federal Government: State Department, FEMA, the
U.S. Coast Guard, FBI, the Department of Homeland
Security, and Drug Enforcement Agency

State/Local Government: New York Fire Department,
Los Angeles Fire Department and National Guard

Private Sector: Media, the oil and gas industry, and
land and marine transport

Migration of Existing lnmarsat Services
January 22, 2006 migration of existing services to
lnmarsat 4F2 at 52.75OW.L.

Upon successful migration, satellite at 54OW.L. to
replace satellite at 142' W.L. - 50 day drift to 142' W.L.

Satellite at 142' W.L. is low on fuel and must be
decommissioned by March 2006

lnmarsat does not have other spacecraft available

   Grant Pending Applications

No new service sought
- Services licensed for several years

Grant is in the public interest
- No disruption in service

Grant will not cause interference
- Operations currently interference-free
- Same technical envelope will be used

Service to US end-users should not
            be disrupted
Applications should not be held hostage to
resolution of coordination issues
 - Coordination issues not created by existing services
   on 14 satellites
 - Not right forum
 - Harm U.S. customers and service providers

During FCC deliberations, STA by January 18,
2006 will ensure no disruption of service

Document Created: 2007-10-19 10:16:00
Document Modified: 2007-10-19 10:16:00

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