Attachment Dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20051107-01528 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                         Junuary 23, 2006

M Nocl Imite
CS Communications, LLC
4212 San Felipe St
Houston, TX 77027
                                             Re:    File No. SES—$TA—20051107—01528

Dear Mr. Imite:
On November 4, 2005, CS Communications, LLC (C) requested Special Temporary
Authorization (STA)to operate a 1.0 meter Ku—Band" earth sttion on board a vessel (ESV)
Specifically, the ESV will be operated on a Singapore—registered vesselin the Atlantic Ocean,
GulF of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and navigable inland watervays, but no closer than 150 km of
the areas discussed in Sections 25.222(d) and (e) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§
25.223(d) and (e). The ESV will access the SATMEX—3 satelite at 116.8"W.L. and will operate
through a hub earth station censed to Loral Skymet Network Services, In."
"The Commission does not have the authority to issuea license under Titl lIofthe
Communications Act to an ESV applicant who seeks authority to operate on foreign—reaistered
vessel. However,ifthe Adiministration of Singapore authorizes thi earth sttion, the ESV can
operate       the waters ofthe United States provided those operations comply with the
Commission‘s Ku—band ESV rule,Section 25.222 ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§
In lightofthe above, we are dismissing C5‘s STA Request, IBFS File No. SES—$TA—20081 107—
01528, as moot
Nevertheless, we take this opportunity to inform you that based on our review ofthe information
provided in the request, the proposed aperations do not comply with Commission rulesfor the
following reasons: the proposed ESV emissions exceed the off—axis EIRP densit limits in
Section 25.222(a)(1) and (2)and second, th time required for the ESV tocease emissions ifthe
angle between the orbital location of th target satellte and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV
antenna exceeds 0. degrees does not comply with the limit in Section 25.222(a)(7).

1117422 and 140—14.5 GHtz Bands
*.: See IBFS File No SES—IC—19980223—00223, Call Sign E9AONA, forthcurent authorization ofthe
LoralSigmet Network SevicesInc. Earth Station

                                     al Communicatio                              Da. 06129

To operate in compliance with Commission rules,the maximum input power density into the
ESV‘s antemna flange should be —21 dBW/4 kKz. Furthermore,ifa mispointing ofthe antenna is
ureater thin 0.5 degrees, CS mustbe able to detect and cease ESV transmissions within 100


                                                 Scott A. Kotler
                                                 Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                 Satellite Division
                                                 International Bureau

Document Created: 2006-01-24 11:30:39
Document Modified: 2006-01-24 11:30:39

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