Attachment Dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20051004-01366 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                       pa os.27ee
                                         October 24, 2005

Raul R. Rodrignez
Leventhal Senter & Lerman PLLC
2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006

Dear Mr.Rodriguer:
On September 4, 2005, Maritime Telecommunications Network,Inc. (MTN) requested special
temporary authoriation for three 2.4 meter C—Band earth stations o be operated on Carnival
Cruiseline ships in the Gulf Const region affected by Hurricane Katrina." Those ships are being
used in connection with relief effot in that region. The request was granted, conditioned upon
completion of coordination.
Upon further review, and given thatthe ships are not U.S. registered, we are treating this request
as one for a waiver of Section 25.221 of the Commission‘s rules, and in particularof Section
25.221(e) conceming completion of coordination prior to commencement of operations. We
conclude that grant of a waiver would serve the public iterest under the circumstances.
"This waiver will expire on April 1, 2006, and is subjectt the following conditio
1. Until completion of coortination,all operations are on non—harmfulinterference basis Le.
MTN shall neither cause nor claim protectionfrom harmfulinterference. MTN shall cease
operations immediately upon notifiction of harmfulinerference, and shall nform the
Commissionin writing immediately of such an event
2. Any action taken or expensincured asa result of operations pursuant tothis waiver is solely
at MTN‘s on risk.
3. MTN shall complete coontinationfor each earth stationat the earlist possible date, and shall
submit a notifieation of such coordination in accordance with the Public Notice, DA 0S—1671
(released June 15, 2005).
We notethat you alsofiled a 180—day extension request ofthis Special Temporary Authoriy®
consistnt with the procedures announced in the Public Notice, Areas Impacted by Huricane

!— See INFS File No.SBS—STA—20080030.01355.
*. see tBrS File No. SES—STA.—2008100t.01366.

                                 Federal Communications Commission                    paos27e2

Katrina(re. Sept. 1, 2008), In light of the action taken in thisleter, we are dismissing IBFS File
Nos. SES—STA—20050930—01353 and SES—$TA—2005 100401366 as moot

                                                       a ak) A Kgfl PA
                                                     Scot A. Kotler
                                                     Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                     Sarelite Division
                                                     International Bureau

Document Created: 2005-10-25 15:51:31
Document Modified: 2005-10-25 15:51:31

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