Attachment Ext STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20050914-01257 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC — Application for Earth Station STA                    esmon        sessrnamsmemeonir           metosttatitye j of 3
                                                           DIRECTY Enterpnses, LC

                                                                                                                   y OB

                        @ Federal Communications Commission
                                                For OERICIAL USE ONLY
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                                           APPLICANT INFORMATION
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DIRECTV EnSTA E930304 to 109.8
     1. Applicant
     Name:       DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC RBME,,. 310—964—3577
                                                          240—358—0569                                                            iA
     Steee       2230 E. ImperialHwy   

     C           ElSegundo                       Sire: CA

                                                                                                                       Lorio—»faes es 415
     County: USA                                 Zipcote: 00245 —
     Atertion: fack Wengryniuk
     2. Conact

     Name:       Wiltiam M. Wiltshire                  §0p.            ammodsso
     Company: Harris, Wiltshize & Grannis, LLP Fax Number 202—730—1301
     Stees       1200 Eighteenth Street, NW            EMail          wwiltshire@harriswilis
                 12th Floor
     Ciy:        Washington                            Stue:          pe
     Comty: USA                                        Zipeode:       20036
     Areation                                          Retatonstip: Legal Counsel
     (tFyour application is rlated t anapplication filed withthe Commission, nter sither he le mamber or the TB
     Gubmision1otherelted application. Please enteonly one )
     [1 Reference File Number_or Submision D
     fs ts a fee submmited withthisapplcation?
     ® 1f ¥es, completand atach FCC Form 199.

     If No,indicae reason for es exemption (se 47 CFRSecion11114
     © Governmental Entity © Noncommerial educational licensce
     C Otheriplease explin:
 [t6. Fee Clasifcation COX                                                                                                 }
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hitps/Isvartifoss?—bin/ws.exe/prod/ib/formsgetappnhts                                                 97572008

During operation ofthis earth station in connection with the relocation ofthe DIRECTV
5 satellte, DIRECTV, Inc.‘s operations shall be on non—harmiful interference basis, ie
DIRECTV, Inc., shall not cause interference to, and shall not claim protection from
interference caused to it by, any other lawhully operating satelltes.

ECC — Application for Earth Station STA                                                             Page 2 of 2

  5. Type Request
  © Use Prio to Grant © Change Station Location © Other
 [6. Requested Use Pror Date                                          ]

 7. CiyCastle Rock
                                                                          (dmss ) 39 16 37 N

 5. Stre C0
                                                                          10. Lonpude
                                                                          d mmssty 104 48 29 W
  11. Please supply any needatachment.

   [stachment 1 ERWbAA J            __|stactment2; Atlhment _|___|anachment ; Attgchment ]
  12. Descrption
 IDIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, requests special temporary authority to conduct TT&C operations with
 IDIRECTV 5 during its dift from 72.5 degrees WL to 109.8 degrees WL, from approximately
 September 18 through October 18, 2005.
   13. By checking ¥es the undersigned cetfiesthat neither applicant or any other pary o the
   appliation is sublct t a denial oFederal benefis ht includes FCC benefis pursuant o
   Section 5301 of the Ant—Diuz Act of 1988, 21 U.SC. Setion 862 becauseofa comviction for °@ yey   C No
  possession o ditibutionocontalld substance, Sze 47CRA /.20020)jothe meaning of
   ‘partto the application"for tese purposes
  14. Name of Person Signing                                               15. Tite oPersoSigning
 [James Butterworth                                                       Senior Vice President
      wiLurvl rause sraemENTS Mabeon This FORM ARE PUNISHaBLE BY FINE aND / OR
        (US. Code, Tite 47Section 312(a)()), AND/OR FORFEITURE (US. Code, Ti17, Section 505

The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the required d ata, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you have
any comments on this burden estim ate, or howwe can improve the collection and reduce the burden it
causes you, please write to the Federal Comm unications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork
Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also a ccept your comments regarding
the Paperwork Reduction Act sspects ofthis collection via the Intemet if you se nd them to PLEASE DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS.
Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal
governmen t, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unlesit displays a
curently valid OMB cont rol number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has
been assigned an OMB control nu mber of 3060—0678.

1995, PUBLIC LAW 104—13, OCTOBER 1, 19 95, 44 U..C. SECTION 3807.

https/—bin/ws.exe/prod/ib/forms/gctappn ts                                     97572005

                                          exsoo      sesaramosniconsr            imavesiearie
                                          DIRECTV Enteprises, LC

                    Reoursr ror Sreciat. Tevrorary Auritortry
                                   Call Sign: £930304
        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (°DIRECTV®) hereby requests Special Temporary
Authority ("STA") to conduet tlemety, tracking and contral ("TT&C") operations with
the DIRECTV 5 satellte during its drit from 72.5° W.L. orbital location to 109.8° W.L.
from approximately September 18 through October 18. This STA, which will enable
DIRECTV to reposition DIRECTV 5 to replace another satelite in its flet that is
experiencing technical anomalies, will replace a previous STA that DIRECTV is unable
to use due to a minor but unanticipated delay in the transfer oftrffic
        DIRECTV currenty is using DIRECTV 5 to provide DBS servicein the United
States from the Canadian—controlled orbitallocation at 72.5° W.L. DIRECTV has been
granted authority to swap DIRECTV 1 for DIRECTV 5 at that location and to then
relocate DIRECTV 5 to 109.8° W.L. oncetraffic transfer is complete." DIRECTV also
has been granted an STA to use this earth station to provide TT&C for DIRECTV 5
during is drit over the specified period from September 2 to October 1."

        DIRECTV 1 has been relocated to the 72.5° W.L. orbital location, but due to
unexpected complications, trafic transfer will nottake place until midSeptember.
DIRECTV therefore will not be able to complete trafic transfer and relocation of the
DIRECTV 5 satellite within the timeffame specified in the STA previously granted for
this earth station, and thus will not use that STA. Accordingly, DIRECTV hereby
requests a new STA to cover the revised timeframe anticipated for satellite migration to
109.8° W.L.— approximately September 18 through October 18.
       During the relocation of DIRECTV 5, the satelite‘s communications payload will
remain inactive and only the TT&C payload will operate. DIRECTV requests authority
to operate on the following TT&C frequencies:
                Uplink:       17301 and 17305 MHz
                Downlink:     12201 and 12202 MHz.
DIRECTV will coordinate with potentially affected satelite operators in accordance with
industry practice, and will operate on a non—interference basis.
       Grant of this STA requestwill serve the public interest by allowing DIRECTV to
conduct the maneuvers necessary to address DIRECTV 6‘s falling health and ensure
uninterrupted service to DIRECTV subscribers._In addition, grant of this STA request
will not resultin increased risk of harmful interference to any other system. This earth

‘—   See DIRECTV Enerprises, LLC, DA 05—1890 (InI Bur, re. July 14,2005).
*    See File No. SES—$TA—20050518—00616.

station is already authorized to provide TT&C services using the frequencies needed for
the drif of DIRECTV 5."
        Accordingly, DIRECTV respectfully requeststhat the Commission grant this STA
request as expeditiously as possible.

*   DIRECTV is also secking a similr STA fora second earth station (£930229) n th interest
    of redundancy during the drif process.

Document Created: 2005-09-15 14:24:24
Document Modified: 2005-09-15 14:24:24

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