Attachment Supplement1

This document pretains to SES-STA-20050907-01217 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                         FCC FORM 312 INPUT DATA
                                                             E28.                        E29.               E30.                      E31.               E32.                                          E41/42.
                                                             Site ID                     Quantity           Manufacturer              Model              Antenna Size                             Antenna Gain Tx/Rx
              Antenna Type                                   .96 KU AVSAT                         50        AVL Technologies          960 AvSAT          0.96 meters                                 39.7 dBi at 11.850 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                                     41.2 dBi at 14.125 Ghz

                                                             E28.                        E33/34.            E35.                      E36.               E37.                  E38.                         E39.                    E40.
                                                                                              Diameter                                                      Building Ht
                                                                                             Minor/Major       Above Ground Level     Above Sea Level above Grnd Lvl            Total Input Pwr at Ant        Max Ant Ht above       Total EIRP for all
              Antenna Maximum EIRP                                     Site ID                  (meters)              (meters)               (meters)           (meters)              Flange (Watts)             Rooftop (meters)     carriers (dBW)
                                                             .96 KU AVSAT                       0.0/0.0                    0                    0                  0                       4.0                          0                   46.75

                                                                                                                                              E47.                                        E49.
                                        E28.                 E43/44. Frequency                   E45.                   E46.             Emission                E48.            Max EIRP Density
Carrier No.                          Antenna ID                  Bands (MHz)                  T/R Mode             Ant Polarization     Designator       Max EIRP/Carrier             (dBW/4 kHz)

    1      .96 KU AVSAT                                   12200.000       R                Horizontal & Vertical                                                           0                            0
      E50. Modulation and Services: QPSK Modulation, 8 mbps, FEC Rate 3/4, Digital Carrier
    2         .96 KU AVSAT                                   14500.000                   T                  Horizontal & Vertical     120KG7D                           38.7                           24


                                                                                                E52/53.                E54/55.                E56.               E57.                     E58.                         E59.          MAX EIRP Density
                                        E28.                           E51.              Frequency Limits          Range of Sat Arc     ES Azimuth        Ant Elevation        ES Azimuth angle West         Ant Elevation angle      toward Horizon
                                     Antenna ID              Satellite Orbit Type                (MHz)             East/West Limit    Angle East Limit   angle East Limit                 Limit                    West Limit              (dBW/4kHz)
              .96 KU AVSAT                                   Geostationary               12200.000          60.0/143.0                         0.0                10                       0.0                         10                     0.0
                                                             Geostationary               14500.000          60.0/143.0                         0.0                10                       0.0                         10                    -6.1

                      Summary of EIRP and EIRP Density per Carrier
                                Critical parameter                  Carrier 2
              Maximum Permissible Feed Power/4 KHz                                 -15
              Calculated Feed Power Density (dBW/4 kHz)                          -17.3
              Maximum Permissible EIRP Density toward                             26.2
              the Horizon (dBW/4kHz)
              Maximum Permissible EIRP/Carrier -                                 41.0

      Calculated Maximum EIRP/Carrier - Link                   38.7
      Analysis (AMC1 & AMC4)

      Individual Carrier Calculations - Carrier #2
E50   Carrier 2 - Calculations                                                                 Instructions for making calculations to the left
E47   Digital Carrier Emission designator            120KG7D
      Modulation and Service                         QPSK
      FEC                                            3/4
      Data Rate                                                 128 kbps
      Bandwidth                                                 120 kHz
      Carrier Data Rate Conversion (dBW)                       50.8               (10 x Log(120000))
      4 KHz conversion (dBW)                                   36.0               (10 x Log(4000))
      Divide 4 KHz into 120 kHz (subtract Logs)                14.8               Subtracting Logs is same as dividing analog (120000/4000) then converting to logs
      Enter Max Permissible EIRP/4 KHz                         26.2    dBW/4kHz   Found by adding antenna gain to maximum feed drive level of -15 dBW.4 kHz
      Maximum Allowed EIRP per Carrier 2                       41.0    dBW        Add quotient on 120/4 in logs (29.8) to Max Permitted Density (26.2)
E48   Carrier EIRP Required by Link Budget                     38.7    dBW        Verify the Total EIRP for this carrier is less than Maximum Allowed
      Maximum Required EIRP/4 kHz                              23.9    dBW/4kHz   Subtract the quotient above (14.8) from the total EIRP (38.7)

      Maximum Permitted Feed Power Calculation
      Maximum feed input power - carrier 2                      -0.2 dBW          Subtract Antenna Gain (41.2) from Max EIRP (41)
      Convert to Input power per 4 kHz                         -15.0 dBW/4kHz     Subtract Quotient above (14.8 from Feed input EIRP (-0.2)
      Confirm input power is within specifications       OK                       If equal to or less than -15 dBW/4 kHz "OK"
      Feed input power in Watts                                0.95    Watts      Conversion of -0.2 dBW to Watts (antilog -0.2/10)
      Losses between Transmitter and Feed                      0.25    dB
      Maximum allowable Transmitter power                       0.0    dBW        Equals feed input power plus losses
      Maximum allowable Transmitter power                       1.0    Watts      Conversion of 0.0 dBW to Watts (antilog 0.0/10)

      Link Budget Feed Power Calculation
      Maximum feed input power - carrier 2                      -2.5 dBW          Subtract antenna gain (41.2) from Required EIRP (38.7)
      Convert to Input power per 4 kHz                         -17.3 dBW/4kHz     Subtract quotient equivalent of 120/4 (14.8) from Maximum feed input power (-2.5)
      Confirm input power is within specifications       OK                       If equal to or less than -15 dBW/4 kHz "OK"
      Feed input power in Watts                                  0.6   Watts      Convert Feed input EIRP to Watts (antilog -2.5/10)
      Losses between Transmitter and Feed                       0.25   dB
      Maximum Transmitter power (dBW)                          -2.25   dBW        Equals feed input power plus losses
      Maximum Transmitter power (Watts)                         0.60   Watts      Conversion of -2.25 dBW to Watts (antilog -2.25/10)

Off Axis Gain Envelope Mazimum allowed under FCC 25.209 paragraph 2.
Defined by Equation 32 - 25 log T dBi
1° </= Theta </+ 48°
 -10 dBi 48° < Theta </= 180°

  Calculation of the maximum off-axis EIRP density for the .96M Mobile VSAT   FCC Declaratory Order 3588 Off-
                             antenna systems                                        Axis EIRP Limits
Value of Theta   32-25*logT     .96M Gain       Max EIRP      Off axis     15-25 logT (Max .96M Off-Axis
  (degrees)         (dBi)          (dBi)         Density      Density          Value in    EIRP Evaluation
                                               (dBW/4kHz)   (dBW/4kHz)       dBW/4kHz)
             1           32.0           41.2             24           14.8       15.0           OK
             2           24.5           41.2             24            7.3        7.5           OK
             3           20.1           41.2             24            2.9        3.1           OK
             4           16.9           41.2             24           -0.3       -0.1           OK
             5           14.5           41.2             24           -2.7       -2.5           OK
             6           12.5           41.2             24           -4.7       -4.5           OK
             7           10.9           41.2             24           -6.3       -6.1           OK
             8            9.4           41.2             24           -7.8       -6.1           OK
           9.2            7.9           41.2             24           -9.3       -6.1           OK
            10            7.0           41.2             24          -10.2
            11            6.0           41.2             24          -11.2
            12            5.0           41.2             24          -12.2
            13            4.2           41.2             24          -13.0
            14            3.3           41.2             24          -13.9
            15            2.6           41.2             24          -14.6
            16            1.9           41.2             24          -15.3
            17            1.2           41.2             24          -16.0
            18            0.6           41.2             24          -16.6
            19            0.0           41.2             24          -17.2
            20           -0.5           41.2             24          -17.7
            25           -2.9           41.2             24          -20.1
            30           -4.9           41.2             24          -22.1
            35           -6.6           41.2             24          -23.8
            40           -8.1           41.2             24          -25.3
            45           -9.3           41.2             24          -26.5

Document Created: 2005-09-07 09:14:52
Document Modified: 2005-09-07 09:14:52

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