Attachment Extension STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20050901-01201 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          easouss sesstnassonoreror          mnoosoni
                                          EchoStarSataite Operatng Comoraton          |

                                                                                                              Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify t on the main menu:
 Extension Application for SES—STA—20050812—01097 (050045)
 1. Applicant

           Name:       EchoStar Satelite Operating     Phone Number:                 s03—723—1000
           DBA Name:                                   Fax Number:                   3ns—r23—1600
           Street:     9601 South Meri     Boulevard   E—Mai

           Ciy:        Englewood                       State:                         co
           Countrys    USA                             Zipeode:                      son2
           Attention: David K Moskowitz

                                                                             File            4—2c0             1—0120/

                                                                             CallSign 20045‘ GmaiDwe 7(4 (057
                                                                                                 Term Dotes
                                                                             rom1 (13/c               T« (ol13 )05

                                    Before the
                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS conmaIsston
                              Washington, DC 20054

                                                       exms         sesstammummioniot         emussoats
In the Matter of                                       EchoStar Satalite Operaing Comorati on

EchoStar Satellite Operating
Application To Extend Special
Temporary Authority o Operate Three                 FCC Call Sign: E050045
Ka—band Antennas in Conjunction
with AMC—1S at the 108 W.L.®
Orbital Location and EchoStar 9
at the 121° W.L. Orbial Location

                              APPLICATION To ExtEND
                          sPECIAL TeMrorARy autHoRTY
               Purstantto Sections 307 and 309 ofthe Communications Act, as amended, 47
ULS.C. §§ 307 and 309 and Section25.120 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. § 25.120,
EchoStar Satelite Operating Corporation ("EchoSta") hercby requests a 30 day extension of he
Special Temporary Authority (*STA") to operatethree Ka—band transmitireceive9.0 meter
antennas located in Gilbert, Arizona with the AMC—1S satellite at the 105® WL. orbital location
and the EchoStar 9 satelte atthe 121° W.L. orbital location that was granted in File Number
SES—TA—20080812—01097. Grant of this Extension Application willallow the continged
opertion ofEO5004S while EchoStar‘s application forpermanent authority fothisstation is

        ‘ See File Nos.SES—LIC:—20050610—00724 and SES—AMD—20050815.01102. These
applications were placed on public notice on August 24, 2005.

               As described in more detal in the ttached Extension Application and exhibts,
the three Ka—band anternas located in Gilbert are each 9.0 meter Vertex surfice molded
composite anternas that are compliant wth FCC regulations for operation. They will operate in
the 186 and 18.8 GHtz (downlink)and 28 4—28.6 GHz (uplink) frequency bands utliing left and
righthand cireular polarization in both thtransinit and receive modes.
               Grant ohis Extension Application willassst EchoSta in conducting regular
operations with AMC—15 at 105° WL. and EchoStar 9 at 121° WL., including the receipt of
dizect1o—home video sns and broadband communications from multile GSO satelites
Integratingits Ka—band FSS licenses with its existing flet of DBS satelltes will make it possible
for EchoStar to dliver additionalvideo and other services to consumers® If EchoStarloses ts
exisingabilityto communicate with Ka—band sitelites, it will delay EchoStar‘s effortto
integratethe capncity on its Ka—band FSS sateliteswith ts existing DBS sateltes o the
detriment of consumers. As aresult, grant ofhis Extension Application is in the public interest

1.     GRaNT or Ts ExreNsion arpuiCaion wiLt NoT Cause aNny
           "The Commission has a long:standing policy of grantingSpccial Temporiry
Authority wheresuch authorization will not cause harmfil nterfrence and will serve the public
interest convenience and necesity. See e Jn the MatteofNewcomb CommunicationsInc., 8
FCC Red. 3631, 3633 (1999);/n the Mater ofColumbia Communications Corp., 11 ECC Red.

        * EchoStar curently operatesa Ka—band payload on the EchoStar9 satelite,a hybrid Ka—
/Khand spacecraft,atthe 121° W.L..orbitallocation, one DBS satelite —— EchoStar 7 —— atthe
19° W.L. orbital location, two DBS satelites —— EchoStar 6 and EchoStar 8 — t the 1109 W.L
orbital location and has an application pendingto provide Ku—band service o the United Sttes
from a Canadian—liensed steliteatthe 118.7" W.L. orbtal loction. See File No. SES—LES—
20040831—01253 (Rled Aue.31, 2004).

8639, 8640 (1996);/n he Mater ofAmerican Telephone & Telegraph Co., Order, 8 FCC Red.
8742 (1993). The requested opertions meet both othesetess.
               Firs, no harmfil interference will b caused by the opertion ofths earth station
with AMC—15 at 105° W.L. and EchoStar 9 at 121° W.L. EchoStar‘s earth station isfully
compliant with the Commission‘s Rules egardingantenna performance. Further the system has
been frequency coortinated.
               Second, swift grant ofEchoStar‘s Extension Application will serve th public
interest. This earth station willallow EchoSta to provide a combination of video and broadband
services and allow communications with muhiple satefites and muiple frequenciesin the
peostationary arc. As noted earier, th grantof this Application willallow EchoStar to conduct
regular opertions from multile orbtal locations. By integatingits Ka—band FSS licenses with
its exisingfet ofDBS satlites, EchoStar wllbe able to provideadditional video and other
services to consumers. Losing itsexisting STA authorityfor E050045 wll slow the
development of ts integrated productofferings.

11.    sECrION30 waiveRr
              In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of1934,47 U.S.C. §
304, EchoStar hereby waives any claim to the use ofany particular frequency or of the
electromagnetic spectrum because ofthe previous use othe same, whether by lcense or

i.     concuuston
              For the foregoing reasons, EchoStarrespectfill requests an extension of ts
existing Special Temporary Authorityto operate thethree Ka—band trnsmitreceive eath

stations in conjunction with AMC—1S at 105° W.L. and EchoStar 9 at 121° Wfor an additional
30 days.

                                         Respectfilly submited,

Pantelis Michalopoutos                   David K. Moskowite
Philip L. Malet                          Exeeutive VicePresident and General Counsel
Brendan Kasper                           EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                    9601 South Meridian Boulevard
1330 Comectiont Avenue, NW.              Englewood, CO 80112
Washington, DC 20036—1795                (302) 723—1000
(202) 429—3000
Counselfor EchoSer Satellte Operating Corporation
Dated: September 1, 2005

ces    FCC Columbia Operations Center

Document Created: 2005-09-09 11:11:54
Document Modified: 2005-09-09 11:11:54

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