Attachment Extension STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20050901-01200 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         ensoue      sesstnamsoororme
                                         EchoStar Sataite Operating Corporaton ieasosocanse

                                                                                                             Approved by OMB
                                                                                              1                     3060—0578

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description ofthis application to identify t on the main menu:
 Extension Application for SES—STA—20050812—01095 (€050008)
 1: Applicant
           Name:        EchoStar Sateite Operating       Phone Number:                        an—723—1000
           DBA Name:                                     Fax Number:                          ans—723—1600
           Streets   9601 South Meridian Boulevard       g—mai

           City:        Englewood                        State:                                co
           Countrys      USA                             Zipeode:                             sonre      —
           Attention:   David K Moskowitz

                                                                          Pm L/ 13057 hn:y-/a[/flog
                                                              utw apones o
                                                                         . t iByusityg>.

                                     Before the
                      repERAL CommuNtcaTions commtsston
                               Washington, DC 20054
                                                         Eusoes      sessrnassoneiorm          isosooasre
                                                         EchoStar Satlte Operating Commorat on
In the Matter of
EchoStar Satellite Operating
Application To Extend Special
Temporary Authorityto Operate Thrce                   FCC Call Sign: 080008
Ka—band Antennasin Conjunction
with AMC—1S at t108 W.L.®
Ofbitl Location and EchoStar 9
at the 121° W.L. Orbital Location, and
AMC—16 at the 97° Orbital Location

                               ArPLICATION To ExEND
                           sPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY
               PursuanttoSections 307 and 309 ofthe Communications Act, as amended, 47

US.C. §§ 307 and 309 and Section25.120 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.ER. § 25.120,
EEchoStar Satelite Operating Corporation (‘EchoStr‘) hereby request a 30 day extension of the
Special Temporary Authority("STA®) to operatethree Kaband transmitireceive 9.0 meter
antennas located in Cheyenne, Wyoming with the AMC—15 satelte at the 105° W.L.orbtal
location,the AMC—16 satelte at th97° WLL. orbital location, and the EchoStar 9 satllte atthe
121° W.L. orbital loction that was granted in File Number SES—STA—20050812—01095. Grant

ofthis Extension Application willallow the continued opertion ofE050008 while EchoStar‘s
application for permanent authorityfor this station is pending."

        ! SeeFile Nos. SES—LIC—20050610.00723 and SES—AMD—20050815—01 101. These
applications were placed on public notice on August 24,2005

               As described in more detal in theattached Application and exhibits, ththree Ka—
band antennaslocated in Cheyenneare ach 9.0 meter Vertex surfice molded composite
antennas thatare compliant with FCC regulationsfor opertion. They will operate in the 19.7—
20.2 Gitz (downlink) and 29.5—30.0 GHz (uplnk)frequency bands tlizinglt and right hand
circular polarization in both the transmit and receive modes:
               Grant ofthis Extension Application will assist EchoStar i conducting regular
operations with AMC—15 at 105° W.L., AMC—16 at 97° WL, and EchoStar 9 at 121° WL,
including the receipt odirectohome video signals and broadband communications rom
muliple GSO satelites. Integrating its Ka—band FSS lcenses with ts existing feet of DBS
satellites will make t possibl for EchoStar to deliver additional video and other servicesto

consumers" IfEchoStarloses is existingabilty to communicate with Ka—band satelltes,it wll
delay EchoStar‘s effrts t integrate the capacity on its Ka—band FSS satllites wth ts existing
DBS satelitestothe deriment ofconsumers. As a resul, grantofthis Extension Application is
in the public iterest


               "The Commission has lonestanding policy of granting Special Temporary
Authority where such authorization wl not cause harmil iterference and will serve tpublic
interest, convenience and necessity. See eg, /n the Marter ofNewcomb Communications, Inc 8
ECC Red. 3631, 3633 (1993);/n te Mater of Columbia Communications Corp., 11 ECC Red

       * EchoStar crrently operatesa Ka—band payload on the EchoStar 9 satelite,a hybrid Ka—
/Ru—band spaceeraf,at the 121° W.L. orbital location, one DBS satelite—— EchoStar7 ——at the
119° WL orbital location two DBS satlltes—— EchoStar 6 and EchoStar 8 —— at the 110° W.L
orbial location and has an application pending to provide Ku—band service o the United Sttes
from a Canadian—lcensed steliteatthe 118.7" W.L. orbtal location. See File No. SES—LES—
20040831—01253 (Rled Aue. 31, 2004)

8639, 8640 (1996); In he Mater ofAmerican Telephone & Telegraph Co., Order, 8 FCC Red.
8742 (1993). The requested opertions meet both ofthese tess.
               Fir, no harmfilinterference will b caused by the opertion ofthis eath station
with AMC—15 at 105 W.L, AMC—16 at 97° W.L., nd EchoStar 9 at 121° W.L. EchoSlar‘s
earthstation is fully compliant with the Commission‘s Rules regarding antenna performance.
Further th system has been frequency coortinated.
              Second, swift grant of EchoStar‘s Extension Application will serve the public
interest This earthsttion willallow EchoSta to provide a combination of video and broadband
services and allow communications with multiple satellites and multiplfrequencies n the
gsosttionary arc. As noted earier, the grant ofthis Appliation will allow EchoStar to conduct
regular operations from multile orbital locations. By integrtingits Ka—band FSS licenses with
its existng feetof DBS satlites, EchoStar will be able to provideadditional video and other
services to consumers. Losing its existing STA authorityfor E050008 wl slow the

development of ts itegrated product offerings.

              In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C.§
304, EchoStar hereby waives any claim to the use ofany particular frequeney or ofthe
electromagnetic spectrum because ofthe previous use ofthe same, whether b license or

im.    concuuston
              For the foregoing reasons, EchoStar respectfully requests an extension ofts
existng Special Temporary Authority to operte th three Ka—band transmitieceive eath

stations in conjunction with AMC—1S at 105° W.L., AMC—16 at 97° W.L., and EchoStar 9 at121°
W.L for an additional 30 days.

                                          Respectfully submited,

Pantelis Michalopoulos                   David K. Moskowite
Philip L Malet                           Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Brendan Kasper                           EchoStar Satellte Operating Corporation
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                    9601 South Meridian Boulevard
1330 Connectiont Avenve, N.W.            Englewood, CO 80112
Washington, DC 20036—1795                (303) 723—1000
(202) 429—3000
Counselfor EehoStar Satellte Operating Corporation
Dated: September 1, 2008

ces   FCC Columbia Operations Center

Document Created: 2005-09-09 11:01:05
Document Modified: 2005-09-09 11:01:05

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