Attachment Supplemental


LETTER submitted by SunGard NetWork Solutions Inc.



This document pretains to SES-STA-20050804-01055 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


     DrcksrEiN               Swariro Morix & Osiixsky                                     LLP
                              2101 Smer NW + Watingrn, DC 20037—1526
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                                    ts DirerDat and) sas 22e
                                    BAbailAddrasPrpottdime c
                                         August 10, 2005

By Hand
Marlene H. Dortch                                                  Aub 1 0    2005
Secretary                                                                       Eomm
Federal Communications Commission                             i Ciiige
Suite 110
236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
Attn: Audio Division, Media Bureau

               Re:     STA Request by SunGard NetWork Solutions Inc.
                       Earth Station License E950170

Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Enclosed please find an original and two copies of the revised Attachment 2 to the
STA request which SunGard NetWork Solutions Inc. filed with the Commission on
August 4, 2005.
            A third copy is enclosed to be date—stamped and retured to me.
           If the staff has any questions concerning this revised attachment, I can be contacted at
the above telephone number or email address



                          1177 Arome of t Amerias+ New Tor, NY 100362714
                                 Tt2) 35—1400 = us 212) 997—0080

                                                          SunGard NetWork Solutions Inc.
                                                                     950170 STA Request
                                                                   Amended Attachment 2

       This Special Temporary: Authorization (the "STA") is being requested. in
corjunction with a pending transfer of control application for a earthi station, Hieense
(E950170) utlized by SunGard NetWork Solutions Inc. (‘SunGard"). File No. SEST/C—
200508030037, The transfer application, in tur, is incidental to a merger transaction
which will result in a transfer of control of SunGard‘s parent, SunGard Data Systems,
Inc. a publicy—traded company.
      The merger transaction is scheduled to close on August 11, 2005. However,
because of the complicated nature ofthe transaction and evoiving decisions on the new
ownership of SunGard Data Systems, Inc, the transfer application could not be filed
until August 3, 2005.
      SunGard uses its earth stations and its VSAT system licenses to test disaster
response measures for computers and other communications systems utilized by its
customers and to implement those measures in the event the customer experiences a
network disaster or other catastrophic failure. The requested STA is needed to enable
SunGard (with new owners of its parent, SunGard Data Systems, Inc.) to continue to
provide its customers with those criical disaster recovery services while the transfer
application is pending. If this STA is not granted, innocent third. parties will lose access
to those critical services.
       The STA is being requested for only 30 days.
       SunGard acknowledges that grant of the STA will not prejudice any action the
Commission may take on         underlying application secking Commission consent to
transfer of control. SunGard further acknowledges that this STA can be revoked by the
Commission on its own motion without a hearing.
       In view of the foregoing, a grant of this STA request would serve the public

                                          SUNGARD NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC.

                                               %/fi Spencer Sl
                                                Title: SVP, PE;::balSe     s


Document Created: 2005-09-01 15:29:18
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 15:29:18

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