Attachment Letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20050119-00084 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                            (703) 812-0478

                                        January 14, 2005

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20554
Attention: Systems Analysis Branch

                      Re:     ATTACHMENT 1
                              Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority
                              File No. SES-STA-20040929-01471
                              Hawaii Pacific Teleport, L.P.
Dear Sir/Madam:

       On behalf of Hawaii Pacific Teleport, L.P. (“Hawaii Pacific”), we hereby request an
extension of Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) to operate the 11.0 meter C-band antenna
located at Kapolei, Hawaii (E010016), so that it may continue to communicate with the Telstar
18/Apstar V satellite, described in Hawaii Pacific’s underlying modification application filed
September 24, 2004 (SES-MOD-20040924-01425). The current STA expires on January 23,
2005. An extension is requested for an additional 90 days or until grant of the underlying
modification application, whichever occurs first.

         Hawaii Pacific requests an extension of STA so that it may continue to provide service to
the WTO member countries within Telstar 18's satellite footprint, including Australia,
Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyz Republic, Malaysia,
Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic
of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The C-band payload on Telstar 18 operates under
authority from the Kingdom of Tonga (ITU designation TONGASAT C/KU-3). Although Tonga
is not yet a WTO member country, Tonga has requested accession to the WTO and a WTO
working party is working on the request. Tonga currently enjoys “Observer” status at the WTO
and maintains an “open skies” policy.

        Grant of this STA extension request is necessary and will serve the public interest for
several reasons. First, Hawaii Pacific currently serves a number of customers using Agila 2 at
146º E.L., which - as the Commission is aware - experiences harmful interference from the

Federal Communications Commission
January 14, 2005
Page Two

Russian Gorizont 33 satellite at 145º E.L. Grant of this STA extension request would allow
Hawaii Pacific to eliminate the impaired Agila-2 service by migrating affected customers to the
Telstar 18 satellite.

        Second, because Telstar 18's footprint covers a number of underserved WTO member
countries, grant of the STA extension request will allow Hawaii Pacific to continue providing
communications services to customers in these areas. Provision of services via Telstar 18 in
these countries will contribute to improving the health, education, and economic opportunity in
these areas.

         Finally, Hawaii Pacific’s continued use of Telstar 18 will not adversely impact the
operations of other satellites. Telstar 18 has been fully coordinated with neighboring in-orbit
satellites and will not cause harmful interference to adjacent satellites.

      For the reasons discussed above, Hawaii Pacific respectfully requests an extension of its
STA to operate the 11.0 meter C-band antenna located at Kapolei, Hawaii (E010016), so that it
may continue to communicate with the Telstar 18/Apstar V satellite.

       Should any questions concerning this filing arise, kindly communicate directly with the
undersigned attorney.
                                   Very truly yours,
                                   FLETCHER, HEALD & HILDRETH, P.L.C.

                                      /s/ Alison J. Miller
                                      Alison J. Miller
                                      Counsel for Hawaii Pacific Teleport, L.P.

cc:    Mr. Frank Peace, FCC (By Fax)
       Ms. Jeanette Spriggs, FCC (By Fax)
       EIC-Columbia, Maryland

Document Created: 2005-01-25 08:56:39
Document Modified: 2005-01-25 08:56:39

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