Attachment Petition to Deny

Petition to Deny


Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SES-STA-20041019-01564 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                      1 0 0 1 C S T R E E T N. . W .
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                                                                                                       Jack Richards
                                                                                                       ( 2 0 2 ) 434-121 0
            November 22,2004                                                                           r i c h a r d s @ k h I a w . c 0111

            Via Hand Delivery

            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                               RECEIVED
            Federal Communications Commission                                      NOV 2 2 2004
            Office of the Secretary
                                                                             Federal CommunicationsMmisaion
            445 12th Street, SW                                                       Office of secrecery
            Washington, DC 20554

                       Re:         In The Matter Of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. Request For Special Temporary
                                   Authority To Operate Its Ka-band Earth Station (FCC Call Sign E030038)
                                   With The AMC-15 satellite At The 117 W.L. And 113 W.L. Orbital
                                   Locations, SES-STA-20041019-01564

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    Since the above-referenced proceeding requests Special Temporary Authority (STA) for
           EchoStar Satellite LLC (“Echostar”) to communicate from Earth Stations with the AIVC 15
           satellite at the 117” WL and 113” WL orbital positions, enclosed for incorporation into the
           record of this proceeding are an original and four copies of a Petition to Deny filed by our client,
           the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC), in response to a request for STA
           by SES AMERICOM, Inc. to operate the AMC 15 satellite at those locations (File No. SAT-
           STA-2004 10 12-00198).

                   Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to
           contact the undersigned.

                                                      Sincerely ,

                                                         k Richards


WASHINGTON,           D.C.                                B K IJ s s E L S                                         SAN FRANCISCO
This document was delivered electronically.

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
        I, HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 22"d day of November, 2004, a true and correct copy of
the foregoing correspondence of the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative in the matter
of the Application of EchoStar Satellite, LLC, for Special Temporary Authority to Operate its Ka-
band Earth Station (FCC Call Sign E030038) With the AMC-15 Satellite at the 117" W.L. and 113"
W.L. Orbital Locations, SES-STA-20041019-01564, was submitted via hand delivery to the
Federal Communications Commission, and served via electronic mail and First Class Mail upon the

    Served via Electronic Mail:                     Served via Electronic Mail:
    Donald Abelson                                  Anna M. Gomez
    Chief, International Bureau                     Deputy Bureau Chief, International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554                          Washington, D.C. 20554
    Tom Tycz                                       Cassandra Thomas
    Chief                                          Deputy Chief
    Satellite Division, International Bureau       Satellite Division, International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor            445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor
    Washington, D.C. 20554                         Washington, D.C. 20554

    Jennifer Gilsenan                              JoAnn Lucanik
    Deputy Division Chief                          Associate Division Chief
    Strategic Analysis and Negotiations            Satellite Division, International Bureau
    Division                                       Federal Communications Commission
    International Bureau                           445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
    Federal Communications Commission              Room 6-C4 16
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor            Washington, D.C. 20554

   Fern Jarmulnek                                  Served via Hand Delivery:
   Deputy Chief                                    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Satellite Division, International Bureau        Federal Communications Commission
   Federal Communications Commission               Office of the Secretary
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor             c/o Natek, Inc., Inc.
   Washington, D.C. 20554                          236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
                                                   Suite 1 10
                                                   Washington, DC 20002
   Rosalee Chiara
   Satellite and Radiocommunications
   Division, International Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor
   Washington, D.C. 20554

              Served via Electronic Mail and First
              Class Mail:
              Pantelis Michalopoulos
              Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
              1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
              Washington, DC 20036
              Counsel for EchoStar Satellite, LLC


WASHINGTON,           D.C.                           BRUSSELS   SANFRANCISCO
This document was delivered electronically.

                                                     Before the
                                           Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                               NOV 2 2 2004
Application of                                                  )                       Federal communicationsCommimm
                                                                )                                 Office of Secr-
 SES AMERICOM,                                                  1        File No. SAT-STA-20041012-00198
 For Special Temporary Authority to Operate                     1
 the AMC-15 Satellite at 113" W.L. and 117" W.L. )

                               PETITION TO DENY
                                    BY THE
                               NATIONAL RURAL

           In response to a request by EchoStar Satellite LLC ("Echostar"), SES Americom,

Inc. ("SES") seeks special temporary authority ("STA") for short-term operations of

AMC-15 at the 117" W.L and 113" W.L. orbital locations while the satellite travels to its

final, licensed destination at 105" W.L. The satellite will remain at 117" W.L and 113"

W.L. for 60 days at each location, before final positioning at 105" W.L.' Since the STA

is nothing more than a vehicle for EchoStar to warehouse the 117" W.L and 113" W.L.

slots, the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) opposes it.*

    FCC File No. SAT-STA-20041012-00198, p. 2 (SES Application).
  NRTC is a not-for-profit cooperative comprised of 736 rural electric cooperatives, 147 rural telephone
cooperatives and 203 independent rural telephone companies located throughout 48 States. Since its
founding in 1986, NRTC's mission has been to provide advanced technologies and telecommunications
services to rural America. Last year, NRTC joined Liberty Satellite, LLC and Intelsat USA Sales
Corporation in investing $1 56 million (NRTC itself invested $29 nullion) in WildBlue Communications,
Inc. (WildBlue). WildBlue is expected to begin offering the first viable Ka-band satellite service in 2005,
using technology designed to lower the cost of providing consumers throughout the country with high-
speed Internet access via satellite. NRTC's plans also include offering high speed Internet service bundled
with video on a single satellite dish.


           EchoStar is the second largest holder of Ka-band spectrum in the U.S.3 Only

 recently did EchoStar become the licensee at 113” W.L., having obtained that

 authorization after Visionstar, a company controlled by Echostar, lost it for failure to

meet the Commission’s construction              requirement^.^ EchoStar does not hold the license
 for 117” W.L. but has applied to relocate its license from 123” W.L. to 117” W.L..5 The

International Telecommunications Union’s (“,Tu”)“bring into use’’ (“BW’’) dates for

both orbital locations (1 17” W.L and 113” W.L.) are fast approaching, yet EchoStar has

made no discernable effort to satisfy them.6

          Through the STA, EchoStar apparently seeks to meet the ITU/BKJ requirements

and buy an extra two years during which it may or may not initiate regular operations at

  A search of the Commission’s International Bureau Filing System (“IBFS”) website indicates that
EchoStar is the second largest holder of Ka-band spectrum resources behind Rainbow DBS Company,
LLC. EchoStar currently holds authorizations for the 123” WL, 121” WL, 113” WL and 97” WL orbital
locations. See Advanced IBFS Search, < httu:tlsvartifoss2.fcc.govlc~i-
bin/ws.exelprod/ib/forms/reportstswrO3Ob.hts?set=> (visited November 18, 2004).
  Memorandum Opinion and Order, Visionstar Incorporated, Application for Modification of Authority to
Construct Launch and Operate a Ka-band Satellite System in the Fixed Satellite Service, 19 FCC Rcd.
 14820 (Int’l Bur. 2004) ( Visionstar Order). In canceling Visionstar’s license, the Commission left
unresolved Visionstar’s character qualifications, specifically Visionstar’s failure to notify the Commission
of material changes to its license until the eve of its construction completion deadline. The Commission
determined that Visionstar’s stated excuse for needing an extension did not “comport with the reality of the
situation.” VisionStar Order, 119. Although finding that Visionstar’s action “violate[d] the underlying
purpose” of the authorization’s condition, the Commission concluded that “[dleclaring Visionstar’s
authorization null and void for failure to meet its construction completion milestone removes the necessity
of taking any further action for Visionstar’s failure to comply with the notification provisions on which its
transfer of control was conditioned.” Visionstar Order, 119. See also, FCC File No. SAT-LOA-
20040803-00 154 (EchoStar Application).
    FCC File No. SAT-MOD-2004 1008-00 196.
  SESApplication, p. 2. As defined the ITU’s rules, “[tlhe date ofbringing into use denotes the date at
which the frequency assignment is brought into regular operation to provide the published
radiocommunication service with the technical parameters within the technical characteristics notified to
the Bureau.” ITU Radio Regs., App. 4, Annex 2A, at A.2. The BIU dates for the 113” W.L. and 117” W.L.
locations are May and July 2005, respectively. The priority that the United States currently enjoys for Ka-
band operations at these locations will expire if not brought into use by these dates. See, e.g., Visionstar, 19
FCC Rcd. at 14823 (discussing 113” W.L. BIU date); Pegasus Development Coip., 16 FCC Rcd. 14378,
14385 n.51 (Int’l Bur. 2001) (discussing 117’ W.L. BIU date); GE American Communications, Inc., 16
FCC Rcd. 11038, 11042-43 (Int’l Bur. 2001).


    either or both of these slots.7 As a result of this orbital sleight of hand, SES’s AMC 15

 satellite would serve as a temporary placeholder presumably for the sole purpose of

 meeting ITU requirements and enabling EchoStar to preserve the spectrum while

blocking other interested applicants.

            SES raises only two public policy arguments in support of its STA: that grant

would permit the use of AMC-15 “in response to customer requirements,” and that it

 would promote the “efficient use of orbital resources.”8 With respect to the former,

NRTC could find no Commission precedent whereby “customer requirements” standing

alone satisfied the Commission’s public interest mandate. Instead of serving the public

interest, SES is simply doing its best to meet Echostar’s private need to comply with

international regulatory requirements.

            Rather than promoting the efficient use of orbital resources, the STA would

accomplish the exact opposite. EchoStar is using SES’s AMC 15 satellite as a vehicle to

warehouse this spectrum. There is no evidence to indicate that EchoStar has undertaken

any serious construction efforts of its own at either 117” W.L or 113” W.L..9 It

apparently seeks to use the SES satellite solely as a regulatory placeholder, to preserve

  Once an orbital location has been brought into use, that use may be suspended for up to two years -- but if
the slot remains vacant after that period, ITU date priority is lost. ITU Radio Regs. S 1 1.49; ITU Radio
Reg. Bd. Rules of Procedure S11.49(1.1). This provision ordinary comes into play in the event of an in-
orbit satellite failure. By operating temporarily at the two slots licensed to Echostar, however, SES will
buy another two years for EchoStar to consider its options without losing international priority. Yet there is
no reason -- based on Echostar’s lack of progress to date -- to conclude that EchoStar will actually
construct and launch two Ka-band satellites into these orbital locations within the two-year time frame.
    SES Application, p. 1.
  During the Visionstar proceeding, NRTC determined that EchoStar had spent a paltry $4.6 million on its
Visionstar license for 113” W.L. through December 3 1, 2001. See Petition to Deny by the NRTC, In The
Matter of Visionstar Incorporated Application For Modifcation of Authority to Construct, Lntincli And
Operate a Ka-band Salellite System in The Fixed Satellite Service, SAT-MOD-20020430-00075. Despite
numerous opportunities, EchoStar offered no rebuttal to suggest that its efforts went beyond what was
previously identified by NRTC.


 both slots for future use. Hoarding spectrum for the benefit of a single licensee hardly

 promotes the efficient use of scarce orbital resources.

            The situation regarding the 113" W.L. license is particularly ironic: Visionstar (a

 company controlled by Echostar) lost the license for that slot because it failed to comply

 with the Commission's construction requirements." The same day that Visionstar lost

 the license, EchoStar filed a new application to get it back." Now, EchoStar plans to

 skirt the construction requirements again by having SES's satellite visit 113" W.L. for 60

 days on its way to another slot. EchoStar still has not provided any indication that it has

 made any significant progress in actually constructing, launching and operating a satellite

 at this location.

           Echostar's "license" for 117" W.L is in no better shape. In fact, EchoStar does

not even hold a license foi that location. Rather, it seeks to relocate its license from 123"

W.L. to 117" W.L..'* Like 113" W.L., however, EchoStar apparently has made no

progress in constructing, launching and operating a satellite at 123" W.L. -- or 117" W.L.

-- and plans to satisfy its ITU BIU requirements at 117" W.L through yet another SES


            It is possible that different circumstances would warrant a different result. For

example, when a licensee has made substantial progress in constructing a satellite for use

at a particular orbital location only to be stymied by events beyond its control, the

Commission should consider allowing temporary placement of another satellite at that

lo   Visionstar Order, 71.
' I FCC File No. SAT-LOA-20040803-00154; Public Notice, SAT-00250 Report No., DA No. 04-3268
(released October 15, 2004).
l2   FCC File No. SAT-MOD-20041008-00196.


 location when necessary to satisfy the ITU/BW             requirement^.'^ That situation, however,
 is a far cry from the facts presented here. EchoStar only recently acquired these Ka-band

authorizations and has done virtually nothing to satisfy any construction requirements,

 except arrange for SES to fly its satellite by these slots on the way to its ultimate


         It is one thing for the Commission to grant temporary authorization to meet BIU

requirements when an operator in good faith has made significant investments in its

system over a prolonged period of time, only to be blocked by events beyond its control.

It is quite another for the Commission to be used as a tool by a licensee seeking to

circumvent ITU requirements through an obvious subterfuge. l4

         The Commission should not allow its STA processes to be manipulated as a

means of spectrum speculation. SES’s STA is nothing more an attempt by SES to

facilitate Echostar’s efforts to warehouse orbital locations. It should be DENIED.

   WildBlue presented such a case in its recent application for temporary authority to use the Ka-band
payload on the Intelsat Americas 8 (“IA-8”) satellite at the 109 W.L. location. FCC File No. SAT-STA-
20040915-00179. That application -- which was not opposed -- was subsequently withdrawn. See Public
Notice, DA 04-3579 (rel. Nov. 12, 2004). WildBlue has invested over $350 million and years of effort into
development of its Ka-band satellite system at 109.2”W.L. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond its
control -- i.e., the bankruptcy of its satellite contractor -- WildBlue may not be able to launch its own
nearly-completed WildBlue-1 satellite before its June 2005 BIU date. In that case, there was every reason
to believe that WildBlue would be in a position to begin regular operations at its licensed orbital location
within months after its BIU date (and certainly far in advance of two years) even though its nearly-
completed satellite had been tied up in the bankruptcy of its contractor. In other words, WildBlue’s
proposal -- unlike SES/EchoStar’s -- involved the short-term preservation of a slot for a long-term licensee
with a nearly completed satellite and a dAay beyond its control.
  EchoStar has a long history of questionable conduct before the Commission: the Commission described
Echostar’s argument to delay carriage of public interest programming as “disingenuous,” Petition for
Waiver ofDBS Public Interest Implementation, 15 FCC Rcd 1814, 1817 (1999); the Cable Bureau
admonished EchoStar for its failure to timely disclose that information it was treating as confidential had
been publicly disclosed, thus failing in its “duty of candor” to the agency, EchoStar Satellite Corp. v.
Young Broadcasting, 16 FCC Rcd 15070 (Cable Bur. 2001); and the International Bureau justified
imposing on EchoStar the maximum allowable fine for operating satellites from unauthorized orbital
positions based on “the degree of misconduct, lack of voluntary disclosure and continuing violation.”
EchoStar Satellite Corp., 13 FCC Rcd 16510 (Int’l Bur. 1998). As mentioned, the Commission also
determined that Visionstar’s excuse for needing an extension of the construction requirements did not
“comport with the reality of the situation.” Visiodtar Order, 719. Supra, n.4.


                             Respectfully Submitted,

                             NATIONAL RURAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                             2121 Cooperative Way, Suite 500
                             Herndon, VA 20171

                                             Its Attorneys:

Stephen M. Ryan
NRTC, General Counsel
Manatt, Phelps &L Phillips, LLP
One Metro Center                             1001 G Street, NW
700 12th Street, NW, Suite 1100              Washington, D.C. 20001
Washington, DC 20005-4075                    (202) 434-4210
(202) 585-6550

Dated: November 22,2004

Attachment: Declaration of B. R. Phillips, 111


                                Before the
                          Woshington, D.C. 20554

Application of                                      1
           INC.                                     )      File No. SAT-STA-20041012-00198
For Special Tempornty Authority 10 Operate     1
the AMC-15 Satellite at 113'W.L. and 117' W.L. )

                      DECLARATION OF B. R.PHILLIPS, IIJ
I, B.R Phillips, In. declare uuder penalry of perjury undn tbe laws of the United States
of America that:
1.    I am President and Chief Execuhve Officer of the National Rural
TelecommunicationsCooperative (NRTC).

2.    1 am familiar with the application of SES AMERICOM, INC., for Special
Temporary Authority M) Operate the Ah4C-15Satellite at 113' W.L. and 117' W.L..

3.      1 have p o n d knowledge ofthe assertions of fact contained in the foregoing
Petition to Deny of the National Rural Telecommunications Coopearive, and they are
me and correci M the best of my knowledgc. information and belief.

                                            President d d Chief Executive Officer
                                            NATIONAL RURAL
                                            2 12 1 Cooperative Way, Suite 500
                                            Hemdon, VA 20171


                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
        I, HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 22"d day of November, 2004, a true and
correct copy of the foregoing Petition to Deny by the National Rural Telecommunications
Cooperative in the matter of the Application of SES AMERICOM, Inc., for Special
Temporary Authority to Operate the AMC- 15 Satellite at 1 13" W.L. and 1 17" W.L., File
No. SAT-STA-20041012-00198, was submitted via hand delivery to the Federal
Communications Commission, and served via electronic mail and First Class Mail upon
the following:

    Served via Electronic Mail:                     Served via Electronic Mail:
    Donald Abelson                                  Anna M. Gomez
    Chief, International Bureau                     Deputy Bureau Chief, International
    Federal Communications Commission               Bureau
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Federal Communications Commission
    Washington, D.C. 20554                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

    Tom Tycz                                       Cassandra Thomas
    Chief                                          Deputy Chief
    Satellite Division, International Bureau       Satellite Division, International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor            445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor
    Washington, D.C. 20554                         Washington, D.C. 20554

    Jennifer Gilsenan                              JoAnn Lucanik
    Deputy Division Chief                          Associate Division Chief
    Strategic Analysis and Negotiations            Satellite Division, International Bureau
    Division                                       Federal Communications Commission
    International Bureau                           445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
    Federal Communications Commission              Room 6-C4 16
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor            Washington, D.C. 20554

   Fern Jarmulnek                                  Served via Hand Delivery:
   Deputy Chief                                    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Satellite Division, International Bureau        Federal Communications Commission
   Federal Communications Commission               Office of the Secretary
   445 Twelfth Street, S W., 6th Floor             c/o Natek, Inc., Inc.
   Washington, D.C. 20554                          236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
                                                   Suite 110
                                                   Washington, DC 20002
   Rosalee Chiara
   Satellite and Radiocommunications
   Division, International Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor
   Washington, D.C. 20554

Served via Electronic Mail and First
Class Mail:
Nancy J. Eskenazi
Vice President and Associate General
Four Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540

Peter A. Rohrbach
Karis A. Hastings
555 Thirteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004- 1109
Counsel for SES AMERICOM, Inc.

                                       Kevin G. Rupy


Document Created: 2004-12-01 08:06:00
Document Modified: 2004-12-01 08:06:00

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