Attachment Amendment Letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20040728-01125 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     NETWORK                  SYSTEMS

                                      December 3,2004


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 lzthStreet, sw                                                           RECEIVED
Washington, DC 20554
                                                                                DEC     -6          2004
Attn: Frank Peace, Jr.
                                                                          FederalCarnmunicatiom Commisskn
      Satellite Engineering Branch                                                Office of Secretary
      Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
      International Bureau

               Re:    Hughes Network Systems, Inc.
                      Amendment to Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority
                      FCC File Nos. SES-STA-20040630-0 1026, SES-STA-20040728-0 1121,
                      SES-STA-20040728-0 1122, SES-STA-20040728-0 1123, SES-STA-
                      20040728-0 1124. SES-STA-20040728-0 1125, SES-STA-20040728-
                      01 126

Dear Mr. Peace:

               Hughes Network Systems, Inc. (“HNS”) hereby amends its pending request for an
extension of the Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) pursuant to which HNS is transmitting in
the 14.5-14.51 GHz band using the VSATs licensed under six call signs. The purpose of this
amendment is to update the call signs that are the subject of this request.

                On September 27, 2004, HNS filed notification of discontinued use and surrender
of license for the following call signs, which were included in the STA request:

               E890628, E890629, E950473

This amendment therefore deletes these call signs from the STA request. The VSAT terminals
authorized under those call signs have been consolidated into the other VSAT networks that
remain the subject of this STA.

              This amendment does not change any of the technical information of the original
STA request. The technical parameters and the antenna sizes that were originally authorized
under this STA will remain the same. This amendment is merely an administrative update of               a$oraie        Off,ces

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call signs under which the antennas in question are authorized. Thus, the revised list of call signs
for which HNS requests an extension of the STAs is as follows:

               E940460, E990170, E000166

              In the event there are any questions concerning this matter, please contact John
Janka of Latham & Watkins at (202) 637-2200.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,
                                                  Hughes Network Systems, Inc.


cc:     Columbia Operations Center
        Fred Thomas
        Edward Davison
        Shahnaz Ghavami
        Kathryn Hosford


Document Created: 2004-12-15 13:11:52
Document Modified: 2004-12-15 13:11:52

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