Attachment STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20040728-01076 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                       445 TWELFTH STREET, SW
                        WASHINGTON, DC 20554


                                     August 4, 2004

Thomas Van Wazer
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
Counsel for WPIX, Inc.
1501 K Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20005

       Re:     Application for Special Temporary Authority (STA),
               dated July 28, 2004. Call Sign: E040317; File No. SES-STA-20040728-

Dear Mr. Van Wazer:

This is in response to the application filed by WPIX, Inc. on July 28, 2004, seeking
Special Temporary Authority (STA), in the Fixed Satellite Service, to operate
Temporary-Fixed (Transportable) earth station facilities in (a) Boston, Massachusetts, for
coverage of the Democratic National Convention; and in (b) New York City, New York,
for coverage of the Republican National Convention. WPIX, Inc. also filed with the
FCC, on July 21, 2004, an application for a new permanent authorization of a
Temporary-Fixed (Transportable) earth station, designated as File Number SES-LIC-
2004072301042. This application is pending.

Our review of the STA indicates that the major parameters that will be used to support
the Temporary-Fixed earth station in New York consists of: (1) transmitter: frequency
bands 14.0 – 14.5 GHz (uplink) and 11.7 – 12.2 GHz (downlink) and transmitter gain
43.5 dBi; (2) antenna: 1.2-meter diameter and power at antenna flange 108.87 watts; and
(3) ALSAT point-of-communication.

We have reviewed WPIX, Inc.’s request and find that the proposal to cover the
Republican National Convention in New York City would serve the public interest and
convenience. Thus, we hereby grant WPIX Inc.’s request for Special Temporary
Authority to operate in New York City for purposes of covering the Republican National
Convention. We leave aside WPIX Inc.’s request to cover the erstwhile Democratic
National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. This decision is made in light of the
obvious fact that the Democratic National Convention has passed and therefore our
ability to act on such matter is moot. We note that WPIX Inc.’s apparent coverage of the

Democratic National Convention was conducted without having obtained the requisite
prior authority from the FCC, an apparent violation of FCC Rules and Regulations. As
such, this apparent violation will be referred to the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau for action.

Again, the STA granted herein is for coverage of the Republican National Convention in
New York City only. Such authority is granted for a sixty-day period, beginning August
4, 2004 and ending October 5, 2004. This STA is granted without prejudice to any
enforcement action the FCC may deem appropriate for the apparent violation(s) of its
Rules, and without prejudice to whatever action the FCC may take with respect to WPIX,
Inc.’s underlying pending application for permanent authorization.

In the event you should have questions about this matter, please call the undersigned, at
(202) 418-0730.


                                             Frank Peace, Jr.
                                             Senior Engineer


Document Created: 2004-08-04 14:13:53
Document Modified: 2004-08-04 14:13:53

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