Attachment STA grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20040524-00716 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                         E960622       SES—STA—20040524—007 16      182004001050
                                                         Iridium Carrier Services LLC

                                                                                                                       Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Iridium Carrier STA Request to Add Amplifier Equipment
 1. Applicant

           Name:        Iridium Carrier Services LLC      Phone Number:                          301—571—6200
           DBA Name:                                      Fax Number:                            301—571—6250
           Street:      6701 Democracy Blvd.              E—Mail:                      
                        Suite 500
           City:        Bethesda                          State:                                 MD
           Country:     USA                               Zipcode:                               20817        —
           Attention:   Ms Patricia A Mahoney

                                            The action is without prejudice to any enforcement
                                            action with respect to operation offull—duplex MSS
                                            repeaters prior to the date ofthis grant.

                                                             mm s S5E5—SCh 200 40 S2ad OOH!(p

                                                             Call Sign ET 022 GrantDate _| { 48 {Obf
                                                             (or other identifier)
                                                                          .          TermDates        ;
                                                             romdldoy_                    Te2l8lo5.
                                      International Bureau Appmved:___ixf‘_f_;_ez——.‘;_____...

2. Contact

             Name:         Jennifer D. Hindin                  Phone Number:                       202—719—7000
             Company:      Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP           Fax Number:                         202—719—7207
             Street:       1776 K Street, N.W.                 E—Mail:                  

             City:         Washington                          State:                               DC
             Country:      USA                                 Zipcode:                            20006      —
             Contact                                           Relationship:                        Legal Counsel

3. Reference File Number
   4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
© IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
0 Governmental Entity       4 Noncommercial educational licensee
& Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification   CGB — Mobile Satellite Earth Stations
5. Type Request

% Use Prior to Grant                               z3 Change Station Location                     0 Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date
7. City                                                                   8. Latitude
                                                                          (dd    0   0   0.0

9. State                                                                   10. Longitude
                                                                           (       0   0   9.0
11. Please supply any need aftachments.
Attachment 1: Attachment 1                        Attachment 2:                                      Attachment 3:

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     See Attachment 1.

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is               Yes        (o] No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application&gquot; for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                  15. Title of Person Signing
   Patricia A. Mahoney                                                         Vice President — Regulatory & Spectrum Affairs

                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                      (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1}), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection ofinformation is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects ofthis collection via the Internetif you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection ofinformation sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

                                                                     Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                                Response to Question 12
                                                                                                    Page 1 of 4

                                             ATTACHMENT 1

                                      — Description of STA Request

         Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission

("FCC" or "Commission"),‘ Iridium Carrier Services LLC ("Iridium") requests a special

temporary authorization ("STA"), for a period of 60 days, to add new amplifier equipment to

the mobile satellite service ("MSS") handsets authorized under its existing blanket mobile

earth terminal ("MET") license (Call Sign E960132; File No. 423—DSE—P/L—96)" The

proposed equipment will be manufactured by Eagle Broadband, Inc. (formerly, Eagle

Wireless International, Inc.), and will serve as an extension ofthe Iridium MSS handset by

amplifying signals to and from the handset in a linear, bi—directional manner.

         Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest by permitting use of

equipment that will enhance the existing satellite services for Iridium subscribe;s who rely

upon those services for a variety of routine and mission—critical applications, including

government/military operations and homeland security efforts. Specifically, by amplifying

existing satellite signals, the proposed equipment will enable multiple MSS handsets to

transmit and receive satellite communications quickly and reliably. It operates within the

same technical parameters applicable to MSS handsets and has been certified under Part 2 of

the FCC‘s rules to comply with the technical requirements of Part 25 of the FCC‘s rules,

47 C.FR. § 25.120.
* Section 25.120(b)(3) of the FCC‘s rules authorizes the Commission to grant an STA for 60 days "if the STA
request has not been placed on public notice, and the applicant plans to file a request for regular authority for
the service." Iridium intends to file shortly an application for modification ofits blanket MET license to obtain
regular authority to add new amplifier equipmentto its licensed MSS handsets.

                                                                         Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                                    Response to Question 12
                                                                                                 Page 2 of4

 including the out—of—band emission limits." Therefore, the proposed equipment will not

create any greater risk ofinterference than any MSS handset authorized under Iridium‘s

blanket MET license.

          The proposed equipmentis designed to serve as a lightweight, high—capacity, high—

reliability, full—duplex MSS repeater. Each unit consists of two repeaters, two exterior

antennas, and two interior antennas. The equipment may be installed within buildings,

aircraft, and other structures that otherwise could effectively block MSS signal reception.

Each of the four antennas is round in shape, is merely 2.75 in. (or 0.07 m.) in diameter and

0.6 in. (or 0.015 m.) in height, and weighs only 14 ounces. The two repeaters are housed in a

lightweight aluminum casing and can be installed to operate in various temporary or

permanent environments. Thus, the proposed equipment is suitable for installation in

buildings or other fixed structures; military, commercial, or private aircraft, ships, and

vehicles; and mobile or permanent government, military, or commercial facilities. Federal

Aviation Administration notification is not required under Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules

because the exterior antennas will not extend more than 6.1 meters above an existing


         Consistent with Iridium‘s blanket MET license, the proposed equipment operates

only on those frequencies within the 1.6 GHz band that are assigned to the Iridium MSS

* See Certification Issued Under the Authority of the FCC to Eagle Wireless InternationalInc., FCC ID
LOKJHJLBTOSA00O21 (granted on Oct. 25, 2003) ("Certification"). A detailed description ofthe proposed
equipment, along with a demonstration of compliance with the Part 25 rules, is set forth in the underlying
application for the Certification. See Application of Eagle Wireless International Inc. for Certification, FCC ID
LOKJHJLBTO5A00021 (granted on Oct. 25, 2003), available at
https://gullfoss2. fec.gow/prod/ocet/cf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm.
* See 47 C.F.R. § 17.14(b).

de—379550                                     |          2

                                                           Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                      Response to Question 12
                                                                                   Page 3 of 4

system. It cannot modify, process, or otherwise control the MSS signal in any way, but

rather merely amplifies that signal. It cannot perform any frequency reuse function that

would provide for additional communications channels or otherwise increase the capacity of

the Iridium satellite system. Moreover, it does not consist of or communicate with any base

stations or switches.

        Two—way MSS transmissions are handled by two separate repeaters housed in a single

casing with full isolation. One repeater is utilized for uplink transmissions, and the other is

utilized for downlink transmissions. Each repeater is attached to a dedicated receiving

antenna and a separate, dedicated transmitting antenna that will re—transmit the MSS signal.

       The proposed equipment employs narrowband filtering that limits all Iridium satellite

transmissions to the frequency band assigned to Iridium. Both repeaters are equipped with

six pole band pass filters centered on the frequency band assigned to Iridium. This ensures

that MSS uplink and downlink signals cannot interfere with each other.

       Extraordinary circumstances warrant the Commission‘s grant of this STA request,

which will satisfy an immediate need and demand for the proposed equipment without

increasing the potential for harmful interference to other authorized services. Specifically,

Eagle Broadband, the equipment manufacturer, has advised Iridium that several military

customers have expressed an urgent need for new products such as the proposed equipment

that would enhance MSS communications to support U.S. military operations in Iraq. Eagle

Broadband further advised Iridium that a number of public safety agencies have requested

MSS equipment that would satisfy the pressing needs of first responders and homeland

security efforts. A delay in the grant ofthis STA request thus would seriously prejudice the

do—379550                                       3

                                                         Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                     Response to Question 12
                                                                                  Page 4 of 4

public interest by depriving Iridium customers ofinnovative equipment that would enhance

their communications capabilities during critical military operations and public safety

missions. Accordingly, Iridium urges the Commission to grant this STA request


de—379550                                     4

From: Hindin, Jennifer []
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:23 PM
To: Eleanor Lott
Subject: FW: Iridium STA Requests
Dear Eleanor,
Thank you for your phone call today. Attached are the correct exhibits for association with the
two pending Iridium STA requests. Please feel free to call with any additional questions. —Jennifer
Jennifer D. Hindin
Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
1776 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
phone: 202.719.4975
fax: 202.719.7049
email to: [

                                                                      Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                                 Response to Question 12
                                                                                              Page 1 of 4

                                             ATTACHMENT 1

                                       Description of STA Request

         Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission

("FCC" or “Commission”),l Iridium Satellite LLC ("Iridium") requests a special temporary

authorization ("STA"), for a period of 60 days, to add new amplifier equipment to the mobile

satellite service ("MSS") handsets authorized under its existing blanket mobile earth terminal

("MET") license (Call Sign E960132; File No. 423—DSE—P/L—96)." The proposed equipment

will be manufactured by Eagle Broadband, Inc. ("Eagle Broadband") (formerly, Eagle

Wireless International, Inc.), and will serve as an extension of the Iridium MSS handset by

amplifying signals to and from the handset in a linear, bi—directional manner.

         Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest by permitting use of

equipment that will enhance the existing satellite services for Iridium subscribers who rely

upon those services for a variety of routine and mission—critical applications, including

government/military operations and homeland security efforts. Specifically, by amplifying

existing satellite signals, the proposed equipment will enable multiple MSS handsets to

transmit and receive satellite communications quickly and reliably. It operates within the

same technical parameters applicable to MSS handsets and has been certified under Part 2 of

the FCC‘s rules to comply with the technical requirements of Part 25 of the FCC‘s rules,

!47 CFR.: §25.120.
2 Section 25.120(b)(3) of the FCC‘s rules authorizes the Commission to grant an STA for 60 days "if the STA
request has not been placed on public notice, and the applicant plans to file a request for regular authority for
the service." Iridium intends to file shortly an application for modification ofits blanket MET license to obtain
regular authority to add new amplifier equipment to its licensed MSS handsets.

                                                                          Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                                     Response to Question 12
                                                                                                  Page 2 of 4

including the out—of—band emission limits." Therefore, the proposed equipment will not

create any greater risk of interference than any MSS handset authorized under Iridium‘s

blanket MET license.                                                  k

         The proposed equipment is designed to serve as a lightweight, high—capacity, high—

reliability, full—duplex MSS repeater. Each unit consists of two repeaters, two exterior

antennas, and two interior antennas. The equipment may be installed within buildings,

aircraft, and other structures that otherwise could effectively block MSS signal reception.

Each of the four antennas is round in shape, is merely 2.75 in. (or 0.07 m.) in diameter and

0.6 in. (or 0.015 m.) in height, and weighs only 14 ounces. The two repeaters are housed in a

lightweight aluminum casing and can be installed to operate in various temporary or

permanent environments. Thus, the proposed‘ equipment is suitable for installation in

buildings or other fixed structures; military, commercial, or private aircraft, ships, and

vehicles; and mobile or permanent government, military, or commercial facilities. Federal

Aviation Administration notification is not required under Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules

because the exterior antennas will not extend more than 6.1 meters a.bove an existing

structure.*                                                       k
         Consistent with Iridium‘s blanket MET license, the proposed equipment operates

only on those frequencies within the 1.6 GHz band that are assigned to the Iridium MSS

system. It cannot modify, process, or otherwise control the MSS signalin any way, but

* See Certification Issued Under the Authority of the FCC to Eagle Wireless International Inc., FCC ID
LOKJHJLBTOSA00O21 (granted on Oct. 25, 2003) ("Certification‘"). A detailed description ofthe proposed
equipment, along with a demonstration of compliance with the Part 25 rules, is set forth in the underlying
application for the Certification. See Application of Eagle Wireless International Inc. for Certification, FCC ID
LOKJHJLBTO5A00O21 (granted on Oct. 25, 2003), available at

de—379591                                               q

                                                           Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                       Response to Question 12
                                                                                     Page 3 of 4

 rather merely amplifies that signal. It cannot perform any frequency reuse function that

would provide for additional communications channels or otherwise increase the capacity of

the Iridium satellite system. Moreover, it does not consist of or communicate with any base

stations or switches.

         Two—way MSS transmissions are handled by two separate repeaters housed in a single

casing with full isolation. One repeater is utilized for uplink transmissions, and the other is

utilized for downlink transmissions. Each repeater is attached to a dedicated receiving

antenna and a separate, dedicated transmitting antenna that will re—transmit the MSS signal.

         The proposed equipment employs narrowband filtering that limits all Iridium satellite

transmissions to the frequency band assigned to Iridium. Both repeaters are equipped with

six pole band pass filters centered on the frequency band assigned to Iridium. This ensures

that MSS uplink and downlink signals cannot interfere with each other.

         Extraordinary circumstances warrant the Commission‘s grant of this STA request,

which will satisfy an immediate need and demand for the proposed equipment without

increasing the potential for harmful interference to other authorized services. Specifically,

Eagle Broadband, the equipment manufacturer, has advised Iridium that several military

customers have expressed an urgent need for new products such as the proposed equipment

that would enhance MSS communications to support U.S. military operations in Iraq. Eagle

Broadband further advised Iridium that a number of public safety agencies have requested

MSS equipment that would satisfy the pressing needs of first responders and homeland

security efforts. A delay in the grant of this STA request thus would seriously prejudice the

* See 47 C.F.R. § 17.14(b).

de—379591                                       3

                                                         Mobile Earth Terminal STA Request
                                                                     Response to Question 12
                                                                                  Page 4 of 4

public interest by depriving Iridium customers of innovative equipment that would enhance

their communications capabilities during critical military operations and public safety

missions. Accordingly, Iridium urges the Commission to grant this STA request


do—379591                                     4

Document Created: 2007-10-30 15:01:25
Document Modified: 2007-10-30 15:01:25

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