Attachment Grant

This document pretains to SES-STA-20040407-00519 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



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                                                                                                                                           inspiring ccnnectionr

                                                                                                                                          legal Department

                                                                                            E000296               SESSTA-20010407-00519              IBZOM000748
                   Ms'. Marlene Dortch                                                      lntelsat LLC
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                               RE: Request for Special Temporary Authority
                                   Clarksburg, Maryland Earth Station (€000296)

                   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                         lntelsat LLC herein requests a grant of Special Temporary Authority from
                  June 2 1, 2004 through August 2 1, 2004 to provide tracking, telemetry and
                  command (ll&C) LEOP (launch and early orbit phase) services by the above-
                  referenced earth station in support of the Telstar-18 satellite which is currently
                  scheduled for launch on or about June 22, 2004. In support of its request, lntelsat
                  LLC submits the following information:

                           lntelsat LLC uses this earth station to support various satellite launches.
                  lntelsat LLC herein requests a grant of Special Temporary Authority to permit it to
                  provide lT&C LEOP services in support of the Telstar-18 launch via the above-
                  referenced earth station. There will be no provision of communications services,
                  only l l & C LEOP will be provided.

                          The l l & C LEOP services to be provided by lntelsat LLC will be entirely
                  consistent with its radio station license and fully compatible with the earth station's
                  electromagnetic environment. These TT&C LEOP services will not cause harmful
                  interference into any lawfully operating earth station. In the extremely unlikely
                  event that such interference should occur, lntelsat LLC will take all reasonable steps
                  to eliminate the interference.

                           The frequency power usage will be coordinated with all existing satellites in
                  orbit, which use the same frequency bands, and are in the satellite's path. All other
                  satellite operators in that path will be provided with an emergency phone number
                  where the licensee can be reached in the event that harmful interference occurs.

     h t e l a Global Sernce Corpo:ation
     3 0 0 Internationdl Drive NW, ',k!a;hngton   DC 20006-3006 LJSA wwwhtelsatcom T + 1 202-944-0800      i +1   202-944-7519


With reference to Article 18 of the ITU Radio Regulations, the United States is not the
"government of the country to which" the Telstar 1S/ApstarV/Tongasat space station is
subject. Operations of earth station call sign E000296 are expressly conditioned upon
that space station (or those space stations) having been licensed by the government of the
country to which the station is subject.

With reference to Article 18 of the ITU Radio Regulations, the United States is not the
"government of the country to which" the Telstar 1S/ApstarV/Tongasat space station is
subject. Operations of earth station call sign KA275 are expressly conditioned upon that
space station (or those space stations) having been licensed by the government of the
country to which the station is subject.

      A grant of Special Temporary Authority will enable lntelsat LLC to provide
TT&C LEOP services that are critical to placing and maintaining the spacecraft in its
proper orbit and will thereby promote the public interest.

      lntelsat LLC herein certifies that it is not subject to a denial of federal benefits
pursuant to the Anti-drug Abuse Act.

                                     Respectfully submitted,
                                       lntelsat LLC

                                 0y /dRobertA. Mansbach
                                    Robert A. Mansbach
                                      Its Attorney

cc: F. Peace

FCC - Application for Earth Station STA                                      E000296        SESSTA-2001040740~19   -   1Bf004000748
                                                                             lntelsat LLC

                                               FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
                                             [Click here for INSTRUCTIONS.]

                                           APPLICANT INFORMATION

Enter a description of this application to identifl it on the main menu:
Intelsat LLC Requests STA from 0612 1-04 through 0812 1/04 for Earth Station E000296 in Clarksburg,
  1. Applicant
  Name:        Intelsat LLC                    Number: 202-944-7891
  DBA                                          Fax
  Name:                                        Number:
  Street:      3400 International Drive, N. W. E-Mail:
  City:        Washington                           State:    DC
  Country: USA                                      Zipcode: 20008 -3006
  Attention: Robert A   Mansbach
  2. Contact
  Name:        Robert A Mansbach                    Number:        202-944-789 1
  Company: Intelsat LLC                    Fax Number: 202-944-7860
  Street:  3400 International Drive, N. W. E-Mail:
  City:    Washington                               State:         DC
1 Country: USA
  Title:       Assistant General Counsel            Relationship: Legal Counsel

 3. Reference File Number
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
  @   If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.

 If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1 1 14).
     Governmental Entity   c   Noncommercial educational licensee
     Other(p1ease explain):
 4b. Fee Classification CGX
 5 . Type Request
                                                             hts                                             4/8/2004

FCC - Application for Earth Station STA                                                                    Page 2 of 2

     Use Prior to Grant   r: Change Station Location   @   Other
  6. Requested Use Prior Date                                            I
                                                                             8. Latitude
  7. CityClarksburg
                                                                             (ddmm ss.s h) 39 13 3.3 N
                                                                             10. Longitude
  9. State MD
                                                                             (ddmm ss.s h) 77 16 13.9 W
  1 1. Please supply any need attachments.

  12. Description.
  [ntelsat LLC requests STA from June 21,2004 through August 2 1,2004 to provide TT&C LEOP
  services by earth station E000296 in support of the Telstar- 18 satellite launch on or about June 22,
  13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the
  application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to
  Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Act of 1988,2 1 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for @ Yes        NO
  possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR 1.2002@)for the meaning of
  ';naryto the application"for these purposes.
  14. Name of Person Signing                                                 15. Title of Person Signing
  Patrick Cerra                                                              Vice President

The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the required d ata, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you have
any comments on this burden estim ate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it
causes you, please write to the Federal Comm unications Commission, AMD-PERM, Paperwork
Reduction Project (3060-0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also a ccept your comments regarding
the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you se nd them to PLEASE DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS.

Remember - You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal
governmen t, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a
currently valid OMB cont rol number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has
been assigned an OMB control nu mber of 3060-0678.

1995, PUBLIC LAW 104-13, OCTOBER 1,19 9 5 4 4 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.                                         418I2004

                          Special Temporary Authority Application
             Summary of Conventional C-band Earth Station Technical Information
                                   For Coordination with NTIA

Date send to OET:                    4/8/2004

Applicant:                           Intelsat LLC

File No.:                            SES-STA-20040407-00519
Call Sign:                           E000296

Purpose of STA:                      to provide TT&C LEOP (Launch and Early Orbit phase) in
                                     support of the upcoming launch of the Telstar-18 satellite

STA term:                            60 days fi-om June 21,2004
                                     ending August 2 1,2004

Site Location:                       COMSAT Clarksburg Facility
                                     22300 COMSAT Drive
                                     Clarksburg, MD 20871 (Montgomery County)

Latitude:                              39 O 13' 3.3" N.
Longitude:                            077 O 16' 13.9"W.

Transmit fi-equency:                 5925-6425 MHz
Receive frequency:                   3700-4200 MHz
Polarization:                        Circular

Antenna Size:                        19 m
      Gain:                          Tx: 53.5 dBi 6.0 GHz
                                     Rx: 50.1 dBi 4.0 GHz
Maximum antenna height:              20.1 m (above ground level)
                                     161 m (above mean sea level)

Frequency Band         Emissions     Maximum E.I.R.P.     Maximum E.I.R.P. Density
3700-4200 MHz          800KFXD
5925-6425 MHz          800KFD             80.0                  57.0
Satellite:                           Telstar- 18

Satellite (W. Long.):                Various (LEOP requirement)
Elevation Angle (EN):                5.0 degrees (minimum)
Azimuth (E/W):                       0.0/360 degrees

*** EMC analysis and Certification letter submitted 2/19/02

Document Created: 2004-07-01 10:30:41
Document Modified: 2004-07-01 10:30:41

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