Attachment Withdrawal

This document pretains to SES-STA-20030324-00368 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           Conurmnicoton,. Inc.

                                               August 8, 2003

Mr. William F . Caton
Deputy Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S .W.
Washington, D .C. 20554

Re:    1.      Withdrawal of ESATEL STA Application SES-STA-20030324-00368
       2.      Withdrawal of ESATEL STA Application fled 818103-no file number
       3.      Amendment of ESATEL License Application SES-LIC-20020920-01635

Dear Mr . Caton :

         Pursuant to discussions with various officials of the Systems Analysis Branch of the
Satellite Division within the International Bureau, Esatel Communications, Inc . ("ESATEL"),
hereby :

(1) withdraws ESATEL STA application SES-STA-20030324-00368, filed on March 24, 2003,

       which application seeks the extension of ESATEL STA SES-STA-20020920-
       01646) in order to permit ESATEL's continued use of a 5 .6 meter dish to
       communicate with the Eutelsat Atlantic Bird 2 satellite at 8 degrees W .L . in the
       extended Ku-band uplink frequencies ;

(2) withdraws ESATEL STA application filed on August 8, 2003, for which no file number has
yet been generated,

       which application seeks special temporary authority from the FCC to permit ESATEL's
       use of a 5 .6 meter dish to communicate with the Eutelsat Atlantic Bird 2 satellite at 8
       degrees W .L . in the conventional Ku-band uplink frequencies ; and

(3) requests amendment of ESATEL license application SES-LIC-20020920-01635, filed on
September 20, 2004, which license was dismissed by delegated authority on June 11, 2003, but
for which a Petition for Reconsideration was filed on July 31, 2003, and which Petition was
granted on August 1, 2003 . Specifically, ESATEL requests that the now pending license

 4900 Seminary Road • Suite 1120 • Alexandria, VA 22311-1811 • (703) 998-1703 - FAX : (703) 998-8480

Mr. William F. Caton
August 8, 2003
Pagc 2 of 2

application be amended such that the application requests the use of Esatel's 5 .6 meter dish to
communicate with the Eutelsat Atlantic Bird 2 satellite at 8 degrees W .L . on in the
conventional Ku-band uplink frequencies (14 .0-14 .5 GHz) and the international Ku-band
downlink frequencies (10 .95-11 .2 GHz and 11,45 to 11 .7 GHz) . ESATEL no longer seeks
authority to communicate with the satellite using extended Ku-band frequencies in the 13.75-
14 .0 GHz band . ESATEL acknowledges that, consistent with the requirements of NG104 of the
Table of Frequency Allocations, its transmissions in the 10 .95-11 .2 GHz and 11.45-11 .7 GHz
bands must be limited to international communications .

        Please call Esatel's attorney, Keil J . Ritterpusch, of Pierson & Burnett, LLP, at (703)
683-3044 if you should have any questions related to the requests in this letter or otherwise e-
mail me . Also, please fax back to me at (703) 683-3044 a confirmation of your receipt of this

                                                     Cordially yours,

CC:    Sylvia Lam, IB/SD/Systems Analysis Branch
       Hsing Liu, IB/SD/Systems Analysis Branch
       William Howden, IB/SD/Systems Analysis Branch

Document Created: 2019-04-15 09:33:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 09:33:05

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