Attachment freq. coord. report

This document pretains to SES-STA-20030305-00268 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                                                                                   Ashburn, VA 20147

       —                                                                          703.726.5500
COMSEARCTCH®                                                                    Fax 703.726.5600

     March 17, 2003

     Mr. Phillip Harlow
     4900 Seminary Road #1120
     Alexandria, Virginia 22311

             C—Band Transmit/Receive Earth Station
             Silver Spring, Maryland
             Comsearch Job ID #: 030313JECA

                  *xk%*****T/®PEDITED FREQUENCY COORDINATION**********

     Dear Mr. Harlow:

     Enclosed please find a copy of the prior coordination notice (PCN) for the above listed earth station.
     This notice was forwarded to all common carriers within the coordination distance contours of the
     earth station.

     Please review the parameters of the proposed earth station and contact Comsearch immediately if you
     find any discrepancies with this information.

     The final Frequency Coordination Report will be forwarded within two weeks after completion of the
     prior coordination process when all interference cases have been resolved.

     In addition, if this station is not filed with the FCC within six months from the coordination date, you
     must notify us so that we can forward a six month renewal notice to the microwave community.

     Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. If you need additional information, please call
     me at (703) 726—5660.


     Jeffrey E. Cowles
     Senior Frequency Coordinator
     Microwave and Satellite Services



       19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                Ashburn, VA 20147     f
                (703) 726—5500

          Fax (703) 726—5600        COMSEARCH®

      March 13,                2003

      *k kok kok e e e k hk e e k k h k K k

      *** CLIENT COPY ***
      *** PLEASE MAIL ***
      *** TO CUSTOMER ***

          RE:     ESATEL Communications, Inc.
                  C—Band Transmit/Receive Earth Station
                  Silver Spring, Maryland
                  Comsearch Job ID #:                 030313JECA

                    ********x**           EXPEDILTED FREQUENCY COORDINATION    **********

          Dear Frequency Coordinator:

      :             This notice is being provided in               accordance with   Section.
     . 25.203 "(c) of the FCC Rules and Requlations.  We are forwarding
       the attached expedited coordination data on behalf of our client
       ESATEL Communications, Inc,. . 4900 Seminary Road,  Suite [1120,
       Alexandria, Virginia 22311, for a proposed 4.6 meter C—band earth
       station to be added to their Silver Spring, Maryland facility..

               This coordination notice is being circulated to the owners
          (or  their coordination   agents) of all existing   or proposed
          terrestrial facilities operating in the shared    frequency band
          within   the  coordination area/contours of the   proposed earth
          station (s) .

               We respectfully request that you examine this data for its‘
          interference potential with your systems(s).  Please note that
          the RF transmit power density for this earth station is lower
          than other licensed C—band earth stations at this facility. In
          the event that your analysis identifies potential interference
          cases that have not been resolved, please contact COMSEARCH by
          March 21, 2003. To help expedite the coordination, our client
          will accept any potential 4 GHz cases that may be identified.

                    If         there    are      any questions concerning this coordination,
          please call me at                   (703)   726—5660.

                 or Frequency Coordinator
          Microwave and Satellite Services

                                       SATELLITE EARTH STATION
                                   FREQUENCY COORDINATION DATA

Company                             ESATEL COMMUNICATIONS,      INC.

Earth Station Name,        State                               SILVER SPRING,        MD

Latitude     {(DMS)   (NADS83)                                 39      0 5.4 N
Longitude (DMS)       (NADS83)                                 77      3 26.9 W

Ground Elevation AMSL         (Ft/m)                            241.0 /           73 .46
Antenna Centerline AGL (Ft/m)                                     9.0 /            2 .74

Receive Antenna Type:                                          ANDREW CORPORATION
                                                               ESA4 .6
             4 .0 GHz Gain (dBi)        / Diameter (m)            44 .4 /    4 .6
               3 GB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                        0.46 /    0 .91
Transmit Antenna Type:                                         ANDREW CORPORATION
                                                               ESA4 .6
             6.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter            {(m)        48 .2 /    4 .6
               3 GB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                        0.31 /    0 .60
Operating Mode                                                 TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE

Modulation                                                             DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)                  43K9GTW — SM76G7W /          3700.0000 —    4200.0000
Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)                 43K9GT7W — S5M76G7W /        5925.0000 —    6425.0000

Max. Available RF Power          (dBW) /4 kHz)                   —18 .30
                                 (aBw) /MHz)                       5.70
Max. EIRP                        (dBw) /4 kHz)                      29 .90
                                 (a@BwW) /MHz)                      53 .90
Max permissible Interference Power
             4 .0   GHz,   20% (GBW/1 MHz)                       —157   .0
             4 .0   GHz,   0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)                   —147   .0
             6.0    GHz,   20% (dBW/4 kHz)                       —154   .0
             6.0    GHz,   0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)                   —131   .0
Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
             Degrees Longitude                                      5.0 W / 149.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                             101.5 /   258 .4
Corresponding Elevation Angles                                        5.2 /     5 .3

Radio Climate                                                           A
Rain Zone                                                               2
Max Great Circle Coordination Distance               (Mi/Km)
             4 .0 GHz                                               371.2 /       597 .5
             6 .0 GHz                                               137.7 /       221 .6

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius              (Mi/Km)
             4 .0 GHz                                               383 .4 /      617 .0
             6.0 GHz                                                 62.1 /       100 .0

                         Table of Earth Station Coordination Values
Earth Station Name               SILVER SPRING MD
Owner                            ESATEL COMMUNICATIONS,            INC.
Latitude     (DMS)     (NAD83)    39     0  5.4 N
Longitude    (DMS)     (NAD83)    77     3 26.9 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)                  241.0 /        73.46 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)                  9.0 /         2.74 AGL
Antenna Model                          ANDREW CORPORATION ESA4 .6
Objectives: Receive               —157.0    (d@BwW /1 MHz)
            Transmit              —154.0    (dBW /4 kHz)          TX Power     —18.3    (G@BwW/4 kHz)

Azimuth     Horizon        Antenna                     4 .0 GHz                         6.0 GHz
 (Deg)      Elevation       Disc.          Antenna      Coordination         Antenna    Coordination
             Angle          Angle           Gain          Distance            Gain        Distance
              (Deg)          (Deg)           (aBi)           (Km)              (dBi)         (Km)
      0       0 .00        101 .47         —10 .00         291 .7            —10 .00        121   .4
      5       1 .56         96 .51         —10 .00         208 .6            —10 .00        100   .0
     10       1 .62         91 .52         —10 .00         206 .8            —10 .00        100   .0
     15       1 .93         86 .53         —10 .00         201 .1            —10 .00        100   .0
     20       1 .52         81 .54         —10 .00         209 .7            —10 .00        100   .0
     25       1 .58         76 .55         —10 .00         207 .9            —10 .00        100   .0
     30       1 .99         71.55          =10 .00         199 .4            —10 .00        100   .0
     35       2 .41         66 .55         —10 .00         189 .8            —=10 .00       100   .0
     40       2 .73         61.55          —10 .00         182 .8            —10 .00        100   .0
     45       2 .76         56 .55         —10 .00         181 .9            —10 .00        100   .0
     50       2 .66         51.57          —10 .00         184.3             —=10 .00       100   .0
     55       2 .70         46 .57          —9 .70         184 .8              —9 .70       100   .0
     60       2 . 73        41 .58          —8 .47         190 .2             —8 .47        100   .0
     65       3 . 04        36 .58          —7 .08         190 .3             —7 .08        100   .0
     70       3 . 09        31 .58          —5 .49         197 .1              —5 .49       100   .0
     75       3 . 09        26 .60          —3 . 62        206 .4             —3 . 62       100   .0
     80       2 .91         21. 64          —1 .38         219 .8             —1 .38        100   .0
     85       2 .34         16 .76            1 .39        252.3                1 .39       100   .0
     90       2 .17         11 .90            5.11         285 .2               5.11        100   .0
     95       2 .15          7 .19          10 .58         332 .9             10 .58        104   .6
    100       2 .06          3 .48          18 .46         597 .4             18 .46        221   .5
    105       1 .88          4 .80          14 .97         443 .7             14 .97        148   .5
    110       1 .83          8 .59            8 .65        327 .9               8 .65       105   .8
    115       2 . 02        12 .17            4 .87        287 .8               4 .87       100   .0
    120       2 . 08        15 .75            2 .07        264 .5               2 .07       100   .0
    125       2 .22         19.19           — 0 . 08       245 .2             —0 .08        100   .0
    130       2 .55         22 .37          —1 .74         226 .2             —1 .74        100   .0
    135       2 .91         25 .38          —3 .11         210 .3             —3 .11        100   .0
    140       3 .11         28 .32          —4 .30         202 .7             —4 .30        100   .0
    145       3 .25         31 .07          —5 .31         194 .6             —5 .31        100   .0
    150       3 .30         33 .64          —6 .17         189 .2             —6 .17        100   .0
    155       3 .25         36 .00          —6 .91         186 .7             —6 .91        100   .0
    160       3 . 08        38 .10          —7 .52         187 .1             —7 .52        100   .0
    165       2 .87         39 .88          —8 .02         189 .4             —8 .02        100   .0
    170       2 .68         41 .22          —8 .38         191 .8             —8 .38        100   .0
    175       2 .40         42 .21          —8 .63         196 .7             —8 .63        100   .0
    180       2. 01         42 .83          —8 .79         204 .5             —8 .79        100   .0

                      Table of Earth Station Coordination Values

Earth Station Name              SILVER SPRING MD
Owner                           ESATEL COMMUNICATIONS,          INC.
Latitude  (DMS) (NADS83) 39             0 5.4 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 77              3 26.9 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)                 241.0 /         73 .46 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)                 9 .0 /         2.74 AGL
Antenna Model                         ANDREW CORPORATION ESA4 .6
Objectives: Receive              —157.0    (@BW /1 MHz)
               Transmit          —154.0    (dBW /4 kHz)        TX Power       —18 .3      (GBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon           Antenna                      4 .0 GHz                           6.0 GHz
 (Deg)  Elevation          Disc.          Antenna       Coordination      Antenna          Coordination
          Angle            Angle           Gain            Distance        Gain              Distance
          (Deg)            (Deg)           (dBi)             (Km)          (aBi)               (Km)

    185    1   .53         43   .07        —8   .86        215 .0          —8      .86        100 .0
    190    0   .97         42   .87        —8   .80        233 .3          —8      .80        100 .0
    195    0   .66         41   .94        —8   .57        254 .2          —8      .57        100 .0
    200    0   .54         40   .37        —8   .15        264 .2          —8      .15        100 .4
    205    0   .61         38   .24        —7   .56        263 .3          —7      .56        100 .0
    210    0   .64         35   .81        —6   .85        265 .9          —6      .85        100 .0
    215    0   .66         33   .11        —6   .00        270 .4          —6      .00        100 .8
    220    0   .56         30   .24        —5   .01        283 .3          —5      .01        107 .5
    225    0   .48         27   .16        —3   .85        298 .8          —3      . 85       115 .4
    230    0   .47         23   .85        —2   .44        309 .7          —2      .44        119 .6
    235    0   .40         20   .46        —0   .77        331.9           —=— 0   .77        129 .7
    240    0   .48         16   .84         1   .34        338 .1              1   .34        129.3
    245    0   .48         13   .19         3   . 99       359 .5              3   .99        135 .6
    250    0   .60          9   .40         7   .67        381 .8              7   .67        141 .2
    255    0   .53          5   .83        12   .85        470 .7          12      .85        170 .2
    260    0   .61          4   .94        14   .66        594 .6          14      .66        220 .8
    265    0   .67          8   .04         9   .37        390 .3              9   .37        143 .0
    270    0   .53         12   .52         4   .56        360 .0              4   .56        134 .6
    275    0   .47         17   .26         1   .07        338 .1              1   .07        129 .8
    280    0   .49         22   .10        —1   .61        314 .6          —1      .61        120 .6
    285    0   . 52        26   .99        —3   .78        295 .3          —3      .78        113 .0
    290    0   .33         31   .94        —5   .61        304 .5          —5      .61        122 .3
    295    0   .33         36   .88        —7   .17        294 .4          —7      .17        118 .6
    300    0   .55         41   .82        —8   .53        261 .4          —8      .53        100 .0
    305    0   .43         46   .79        —9   .75        264 .6          —9      .75        103 .3
    310    0   .47         51   .76       —10   .00        258 .8         —10      .00        100 .0
    315    0   . 38        56   .74       —10   .00        269 .0         —10      .00        106 .6
    320    0   .39         61   .71       —10   .00        267 .7         —10      .00        105 .8
    325    0   .41         66   .69       —10   .00        266.3          —10      .00        104 .8
    330    0   .49         71   .66       —10   .00        256 .8         —10      .00        100 .0
    335    0   .56         76   .64       —10   .00        251 .7         —10      .00        100 .0
    340    0   .71         81   .62       —10   .00        242 .1         —10      .00        100 .0
    345    0   .98         86   .61       —10   .00        226 .3         —10      .00        100 .0
    350    1   .37         91   .59       —10   .00        213 .9         —10      . 00       100 .0
    355    0   .99         96   .58       —10   .00        226 .0         —10      .00        100 .0

Document Created: 2003-03-21 10:03:04
Document Modified: 2003-03-21 10:03:04

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