ARVGAKGC_Arctic Vill

EXHIBIT submitted by GCI Communication Corp.

Arctic Village ES_952A 1A Survey Letter


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20170911-00999 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         MCCLINTOCK                      LA      ND        A   SSOCIATES                  INC.
  .                  _.                                  16942      N. Eagle       River       Loop      Road
                     T7                                     Eagle     River,      Alaska          99577

                                                                                                         August       31, 2015
GCI Communication               Corporation
2550 Denali Street,             Suite 1000
Anchorage,       Alaska        99503-2751

Re:     FAA 1A Certification               for GCI Arctic        Village       Utility     Site       (3.6m     Dish)

           On August        22, 2015,   I conducted               a high precision                 GPS survey   of the
facilities    located       in Arctic Village.    The             position of the                 structure  is shown

                Latitude:                    68°07'40.93”           North      (NAD83)
                Longitude:                 145°32'16.14”            West (NAD83)

                Elevation         of antenna        base    at ground:                2066        feet
                (Elevation            is NAVD88        MSL, derived           using      Geoid        Model      2012A)

                Height        to top      of highest     antenna:

      I hereby    certify             that this    survey    meets and exceeds                      the standards        for
an FAA 1A certification                of within    20:l: feet horizontally and                    3:1: feet vertically.

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                                                                                                                IH.              *

           Michael        E. Miller                               Date
                                                                                                         -' MICHAELE. MILLER,-
                                                                                                  I7’§‘-» '                          I

           Registered         Land Surveyor                                                        M/~'--._gL'_7,:»”3«g
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           LS 7222

Phone (907) 694-4499       - AK Toll Free (800) 478-4499    - Fax (907) 694-8965           - WWW.MAPPINGALASKA.COM

Document Created: 2017-10-18 12:16:41
Document Modified: 2017-10-18 12:16:41

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